Anders POV
The House of Empress is a fashion home as we all know one of the biggest fashion homes in the entire America and its owned under Rose. We arrived and were all
warmly welcomed as Orchid, Phoenix and Fallon were already present. As soon as they greeted each other they headed to Falcons office. They all got there including me as Falcon took a seat and cleared his throat
"We are..."
"Wait dad"
interrupted Fallon
"What is it?"
Asked Rose
"What is Ander doing here?"
He asked as I raised an eyebrow
"Ander is part of the family"
Said Falcon
"When did an orphan child who we cleaned up become"
"That's enough Phoenix"
Said Rose in a stern voice as all their antics never really got to me anymore
"As I was saying, We are gathered here as a family and about to begin a new reign in this family business, I and
your mother do not need unnecessary arguments as I will be introducing you to the Board of Directors so be at your best behavior"
He said to them
"While we are here we will try as much as we can to be like the sweetest siblings to each other even if its more difficult than it sounds"
Said Orchid
"And who made you our spokes man"
Said Phoenix
"Or spokes woman"
Mockingly said Fallon
"Says the disappointment of the family"
Bella referred to Phoenix in defense of her sister
"You forgot to add the idiot of the family to that equation"
Added Orchid
"This is exactly what I am talking about "
Said Falcon sternly as they were all quiet and they proceeded to the board room. They all went in and all the other members were seated as they all took a seat as Falcon stood in front of them all eyes on them as he began.
"Today is really a happy day for me as my family will be joining me in the family business starting today"
as a round of applause eluded and he continued
"Here with me is my first child Phoenix, and also Orchid, Fallon and Belladonna. Orchid will handle the children fashion , Phoenix will manage the men's fashion, Bella
and Anderson will handle all about the females fashion, and Fallon will handle the edition board, he will be the
overseer of all the designs and I know they will perform marvelously well"
After his speech the meeting was dismissed and Ladonna walked up to her father immediately
"Daddy, me and Anders?"
She asked rudely
"I would watch that tone young Lady, and yes, you two need to try and get along one way or another "
He said
"But this is not fair"
She said
"Life is not fair"
He replied as he walked out and her mother places her hand on her shoulder
"I wouldn't provoke your father if I were you"
She said as she walked out and they all left to their respective posts
"So where are we to go?"
She asked
"This way"
I pointed as we both walked out as she began complaining like a child
"Look, Bella I hate being paired with you more than you do but we have no choice so deal with it and stop whining like a child"
I said to her as I walked out of her
"That was very rude you know"
She retorted
"Now you know how it feel to be rude to"
I said as well took the elevator to the 6th floor in total silence. We got off as the workers looked so lazy and sluggish. We went in and the entire department was a
mess, paper work everywhere and the outfits on the
maniquien where from last seasons sales. Bella could not believe her eyes as she kept on starring at the odd scenery in front of her with her mouth opened as I supported her mouth shut.
"I can't do this"
She said nearly in a whisper
"You can and you will"
I replied
"I can't like I literally can't, who has been handling this department ever since?"
She asked like she just saw a death scene
"It was Mrs Gloria but she quit a while back"
I explained
"How did she manage to pull this off, like they look miserable"
She said as I grinned
"That's your job now"
I told her as she walked out on me heading straight to her fathers office and I followed behind . Bella is a spoiled child, she has never done any real work in her life, her favorite job was spending money she didn't work for and I knew she would be terrified of the real world. She stormed in without knocking as her father just got off the phone and her mother was also present.
"Daddy, why me?"
She asked almost in a tear
"Why you what? "
He asked back like he didn't know what she meant
"The department you sent me to, ECHO line is a mess, the entire department is a mess"
She spelled out
"Ah, that, yes I know that"
He said in a smile
"Then why did you send me there?"
She asked like a spoiled brat that she was
"That's your punishment"
He said
"Punishment? what did I do?"
She asked raising an eyebrow as her mother stepped into the conversation
"You think we didn't know Bella? you were arrested because they caught you with drugs in your trunk"
Her mother furiously said as she began to stutter
"Mommy....daddy....its not like that"
She tried to explain
"You called Ander to bail you out and keep it a secret but you think I wouldn't know? I am Falcon Trussardi I know everything"
He said very sternly
"But daddy, it was my boyfriends bag not mine, you can't punish me like this"
She tried in her defense
"Your boyfriend, your girlfriend, I don't care. I can punish you however I see fit. Now I want you to go back there and make the best of ECHO, I am giving you just two weeks to fix that place up, I want to see new designs, and I want you to have enough designs to start a new collection for the ECHO's monthly fashion show, do I make myself clear?"
He asked as she gave a reluctant nod and left the office as I followed behind and we went back to the department. Its like anytime she sees the office she has a mini heart attack.
"I am just your partner, you're the boss so don't expect me to do all your work for you"
I let her know.
"Not now Anderson"
She said as she gave a sigh and went in. I saw the fear in her eyes as she stepped in and all eyes were on her .
"Good morning everyone"
The office was totally silent and nonchalant
"I am your new boss and I want us to get this place organized"
She said as there was still no reply from their angle as she just walked up to her seat and sat down Placing her head on the desk.
"I can't do this"
She said. I wanted to help but if I did I would be in big trouble with Falcon so I stayed away. I received a text that Mr Xavier El bridge the first son of Antonio El bridge and Esperanza El bridge was outside with his bunch of bodyguards and Secretary. As soon as I got the message I left ECHO, on my way out Bella stopped me
"Where are you going?"
She asked raising her head from the table
"There's an emergency I need to go"
I explained
"No you work for me and I need your help, are you just gonna leave me here?"
She asked for the first time
"Actually Ladonna, I work for your father and right now he needs my help, I'll be back I promise"
I assured as I left and on my way out I met Orchid who was heading towards my direction
"Have you heard the news?"
She asked
"I always hear everything"
I said with a smirk
"We have to hurry"
She said as we were sent by her father to welcome Xavier. We got outside and Xavier came out from the car , in a black suit, with his extremely dark permed hair and side beards, looking luxurious and handsome. He walked up to Orchid as he turns to me
"A woman is the representative?"
He asked in a mocking laugh but at the same time a Flirtateous look
"A woman? Mr El bridge, I am not just any woman, I can turn your world upside down with the snap of my fingers , you talk too much I suppose we need to get down to business"
She said sternly as she was already provoked
"Yes ma'am"
He said as she left the way to the board room and he followed. We got there and Falcon was already present. As soon as they saw eye to eye we took a seat and Rose was also there. Xavier brought out his hand for a hand shake and Falcon took it
"Have a seat"
He said as Xavier sat down.
"Mr Trussardi, I have been sent by my father to speak to you about the Bicrofts"
He said as Falcon looked at him surprised as Rose gave the same feel.
"Bicroft? Who are they?"
Asked Orchid to me
"I absolutely have no idea, this is my first time hearing of them"
I said
"Bicroft, What do they want?"
Asked Rose
"They are now the new competition in the fashion business and otherwise, they are stepping up their A game and we both know that we have one enemy in common"
Confidently said Xavier
"The Bicrofts are our old enemy, but now your father wants a merge because a powerful enemy has arisen"
Said Falcon mockingly
"You should also be afraid Mr Trussardi"
"Tell your father that if he wants to discuss business he can come himself, I would be delighted to have him over...but he should be sure to come over with a lot of bodyguards in case we have a....disagreement"
Said Falcon as he stood up and left, as Rose, Orchid and I followed. We headed into Falcons office as he loosended his tie from his neck in anger
"Falcon calm down"
Said Rose patting him on the back.
"Who is Bicroft and why does he sound so familiar?"
Asked Orchid as Pheonix, Fallon and Ladonna walk in
"Dad you had an El bridge walk in and you didn't inform me?"
Asked Pheonix
"And what would you have done?"
Asked Orchid
"I could have been his representative"
He confidently said
"You couldn't even run a retail outlet and now you want to be a representative"
Said Orchid in a hysterical laugh
"Anyway back to mom, Who is Bicroft?"
She asked again as Falcon turned to them
"He is your father"
He said as Fallon gave a whistle with his mouth, Orchid and Bella looked at each other and back to their parents
"Wait, What?"
asked Bella
"Yes, he is your father, honey, we noticed that you girls didn't remember him after the night we met your Father, he took you girl to the hospital that night as you girls passed out from the cold rain and when you woke up, you couldn't remember him, all you knew was Falcon
was your stepfather we thought it was best because the bad memories we had with him were too much so since then he has been on our tails, asking us to come back to him even after he remarried. He has been an enemy to
this family for years, some times it doesn't just end with words real blood bath is usually drawn. We despise him more than we despise the El bridges, he is now in the fashion industry because he wants to taunt us, take us out of business"
Explained Rose
"This is our family business and we are going to fight for it and take the Bicrofts out of business either by hook or by crook"
Falcon said with utmost determination
Three powerful Families now in the picture, will the Trusardis take the request from Antonio El bridge or will they fight their battle alone find out in the next chapter💜💜