After a while I hopped on my PC I entered some codes and gained access into a phone I hacked their screens and showed a screen all to the system me and my system I set a video with a hypnotism and gained some dummies next they set out storming the city over 1000 people tear gas falling gun shots heard the city in chaos I set my army out along with tanks and set camp in the middle of the city "AAH" A cop screamed he fell on his knees and wished he called in today he fell with a final word "fuck Profanity This word is considered offensive. …" the city bombed the stations and the bases in it a full take over. I sent my army out to Chicago The bombs dropped the tanks fired at my army running 12 a clock in head Missing article Possibly missing article found.Replace with:the head of them charging the heads flew off and sparks shocked the soldiers of America when it exploded I stopped my army here and started doing the same thing to other phones and suddenly sirens above my head turns out to be bombs
"Yes. . . I admit I am a crazy man, forgive me…" I said as the system registered off, and I died from the bombs my army fell and exploded sending an EMP
"Yes FINALLY I'm AWAY I'm A FREE SYSTEM!!" Suddenly My surrounding's changed I was in the body of a baby of a CEO who was named Alfred Hugo The baby cried as the pain of the system initializing went in it