Chereads / Son of Sun: immoral punishment of the immortals / Chapter 6 - back to the real World: Hunter part I

Chapter 6 - back to the real World: Hunter part I

Hunter wakes up tired and he remembers that today is Wednesday. he takes a shower while he sings. after that with a towel around of his private parts he eats some breakfast. he feels like something is off but he prefers to not say anything. there are two things with which he has to deal with right now.

first he has to help that boy that has been bullied in school. it isn't an act of self-righteousness, but it is more like he can see his old self on that kid. he wants to help the kid in the way that nobody ever helped him in his days of darkness.

the only light was a friend who behaves and thinks like a prick, but is really a nice guy deep down. this takes him to the second point, he has to save his friend in order to pay his debt to him for all that he did for him even if he isn't aware of how helpful he was.

Hunter goes to work with a fake smile as always, no one might notice, but even when he seems like a really happy man in his workplace. the truth is that he is constantly drawn in sorrow and pain, from all scars from his past. Hunter knows the School Principal has a crush on him, so he approaches her for help with Stewart.

the principal is an old lady, who harasses every young male teacher in the school. she can get away with it, because she isn't just the Principal, but she has connections with powerful politicians. even when a few of the teachers had report her actions to the authorities, no one has ever dare to put a single finger on her.

Hunter asks to the Principal for help in and out of the school, because he is worry about Stewart. the Principal accepts. with one condition, that is if he becomes her toy-boy for the time been. Hunter accepts with a bitter smile, hoping that he is doing the right thing.

he only cares for one thing and one thing only. that is the safety of the boy. Hunter goes back to work. while he is teaching the kids, he notice that Stewart is acting strange. then Hunter looks at the window.

he sees that the ferryman is at the other side, holding his book. looking directly at him in the eyes. the Ferryman is holding an hourglass that he turns around. he makes a smirk, indicating that the hourglass is for him to know how long he has left before dying.

the whole day was a hell, he had to accept and pretend that nothing has happen. that change when he saw the substitute for his friend. he started crying out of nowhere thinking about Beau. how important he is for him, he couldn't accept that in the real world, his best friend was no longer.

the world had already forgotten everything about him. yes, he might be a prick sometimes, but he was a good guy who never hurt anybody. jet he had to die in such a brutal way.

now that Hunter is thinking about it, he can't stop crying. it hurts him so much that the rest of the teachers are surprise and scared, because they had always seen him smiling full of happiness, but they had never seen him cry, not even once until now.

Hunter cleans his tears. he asks to the other teachers for forgiveness, while he tries to stop his little scene. one of the teachers hugs him. she tells him that everything is alright while he starts crying again. some of the teachers knew about his friendship with the janitor. also about how much he cared for that man.

later that day, before school was over. Hunter approaches Stewart. he asks him to talk with him in private. Stewart accepts thinking that Hunter is going to asked him about the other day, when he tried to commit suicide in school property. Stewart follows him thinking about the right thing to say, or if he should just stop coming to school. they enter in a classroom.

"I know why you tried to kill yourself and I want you to know that you are not alone. I would do anything in my power to help you so please don't ever try to take your life and remember that there are people out there who cared about you."

said Hunter with sincerity.

"why do you cared so much I am just a nobody."

yields Stewart whom refuses to believe in his words.

"because I know how you fee, I felt the same way once when I was your age or younger. because I want to help someone in need of help to feel better with my own self and to believe that I had a purpose in life. because I can't endure the pain that I see in your face and I want you to smile like any normal kid of your age should."

said Hunter with honesty.

"thanks, you had no idea for how long I awaited for someone to make me feel that I am not alone and that I am worth it."

said Stewart crying quietly.

"go home Stewart and please stay safe."

said Hunter before leaving.

Hunter goes to a cafe after work. he buys a latte while he uses his computer to search any information about "Son of Sun." the Greek Mythology.

he keeps researching while he feels like someone is watching him. Hunter asks for another cup of latte. he keeps his research, until he notice that it is almost midnight. he leaves. he looks at himself in a small mirror that he is carrying.

"hey carrot head what are you doing?"

said someone whom is behind him.

Hunter turns around. he looks at the Ferryman whom is reading a magazine. he is holding the hourglass. the Ferryman walks closer to him. he whispers in his ear.

"I can't stop, not now. I want to help my friend and that boy and I won't stop until that hourglass hits to zero. I would keep trying after all it doesn't matter what I do at the end of the day my death is coming one way or another and there is nothing I can do to stop it so I prefer to give some meaning to my life while I still can."

said Hunter trembling of fear.

"like I said before your soul is perfect for my collection. sorry young man but I can't be of any help and you are just putting yourself in danger."

said the Ferryman with a firm voice.

"your words and your behavior don't match. I had seen that you pretend to be nothing more than a lowly pawn jet you aim to be something so much superior.... forgive me if my words hurt you and I thank you once more for the little help that you had give me."

said Hunter with honesty while he walks away.

Hunter puts his left hand in his chest. he walks quietly to his house. he looks at the sky while he thinks that maybe, he is an hypocrite. or maybe he is too proud to see his position. jet he doesn't wishes to change anything.

everything that he has done so far has a meaning or at least it has a meaning for him. he wants to believe, that in the end of the day everything would be resolved. he would had in the real world one last beer with his friend before his time comes.

he might be dreaming too much or maybe he has lost his mind. but he won't give up, it doesn't matter how hard things would get. he won't give up jet, he has a friend and a boy to rescue. he would put his heart and soul in the task of saving both.

after a long walk, he is finally in front of his house. before he gets inside, he notice that there is a young lady in front of his house. on the light of the moon he recognized her brown long hair and her flirty eyes.

she is the teacher, who hug him in the school. her name is Martha, she is a kind and sincere young teacher. she started teaching math four years ago. since she started working in that school. there has never been a single student who doesn't like her.

Hunter approaches Martha, to ask her what she is doing in front of his house. when he saw the blush on her face, her clear brown eyes. he knew that she was in there, because she was worry for him.

he felt sad thinking that such a nice woman desires to had some sort of relationship, probably a friendly one with a dead man. Hunter knows that he is running out of time. a friendship or any other type of relationship. would affect the other part, once he is gone.

and he doesn't want to do that to anyone, he knows how painful that can be. he wishes to stay away of anyone whom can be hurt by his possible death.

"sorry I came to see how you were doing after what happen today at school I was worry and I know is not my business whatever happens with your personal life but I just want you to know that if you ever wish to talk with anyone, I can be that anyone."

said Martha with a sincere smile.

"thanks, I am glad to know that there are good people out there in the world like you miss Martha and there is one thing that is not related to why I cry but is important to me.... could you help me to look out for a student of mine whom seem lost? his name is Stewart and I think you could be of great help."

said Hunter trying to hide the bitterness of his intentions.

"of course any kid in need of solace and guidance can count with me, but not only kids there are grown ups whom also need of someone to listen or to help."

said Martha thinking about Hunter in a romantic way.

Martha leaves. Hunter is left at the mercy of his own choices. thinking that he shouldn't use that woman's kindness, but also there is no one else in who he can count. to keep the boy safe once he is gone.

Hunter enters on his home tired. feeling lonely, he thinks about the game that he has to finish. if he plays now, then he would be tired and probably late for his work. after thinking for a while he decided to not play that night. he can't neglect his job or else, everything would be in vain if that boy is left alone.

Hunter battles against his thoughts. unable to know what could happen if he doesn't play with the others. or what if the others are in danger because he wasn't in there to help. he tries to sleep. he can't.

it seems like his conscience doesn't allow him to rest at peace. he feels desperation and anger, but he has already made a choice. there is nothing that he can do for his team, than to pray for their safety.

facts about the game Immoral Punishment of the Immortals: if a player that is on a team/party isn't able to connect to the game, then his position on the game would depend of the other players of the team/party.

if they lose in a level. he would restart in the same level as them, but if they pass to the next level, he would also pass to the next level. even if he wasn't playing at the time. of course if they repeat a level. he would also lose points. even if he wasn't playing. if they pass to the next level, he won't get much points.