It seems that cameras capture precious and terrible moments, but what about me? It's not very often people take photos of me. I fit into neither if those categories, I am simply there. A camera's shadow is what I am. When people are taking their photos with the flash on, I disappear for a brief moment. Either the photographer knows I will be back or they are too focused on getting the best of their surroundings. At this point I have seen many things good and bad. Sometimes I see sunsets over the brilliant ocean, or I see the cans that litter the beach. My 'puppeteer' is quite boring, I don't see how anyone could spend hours using it. Sure it has a lot of fancy features that I don't have, but I'm a classic. I've been with it the whole time and what, I get three photos then their done with me? No matter my frustrations It can't be helped, who wants to take photos of the same shadow every time?