"I was going to become something much worse."
A little shock runs through me at his words, cutting through me like a knife through butter. Something worse? What could possibly be worse than the monstrosities that are the Servants of the Holy One? Furrowing my brows, I lean closer to him, unwittingly drawing myself in to hear the whisper of words that utter from his lips.
"You… weren't going to become one of them?" I murmur aghast, disbelief ringing through my brain like the toll of a death bell. A dark expression pulls across him as he draws his hands into himself, but before he can shell himself completely, I grab his wrist, holding him against me. An icy stillness overcomes his body as my eyes meet his.
Whatever it is he is hiding, he is obviously not going to spit it out willingly. It doesn't take a genius to realise he is utterly afraid.