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Chapter 1 - EPISODE 1: A BAD START?

Writer: Christos Karachalios.

Assistant: Dimitris Psomiadis.


(Our story refers to Old Japan somewhere in 1630 after Christ. So all the houses have the old Japanese architecture, the kimono remains as a garment and the samurai=demon hunters that we will see their differences below in the script are not extinct. The old-fashioned weapon they use is katana and beyond. It all starts in a different place, in a Japanese village where demi people live. They are people with Fox ears and no tail. Demi people do various jobs. Others cultivate, others bring wood, and others adorn the village for the Great Feast of fire which is celebrated every year. Everyone is preparing for the big festival, so after it is dark they light the candles that have hung on ropes all over the village. We see images like: some eat and others dance the fire dance, laughter and music are heard everywhere while some children run playing chase. Then we see a group of girls who have gathered around a woman with beautiful long black hair and at the end of them have red color, and with orange-red color eyes. The women look at the child holding her in her arms while beside her she holds the hand of giro Kojima's second and eldest son. The child she holds in her arms has black-purple hair and purple eyes. Unlike giro (11) eleven-year-old boy with short orange-yellow hair color, he too has fox ears and brown-orange eyes color. One woman says she's excited)


Country girl #1

Ah! What a beautiful child you have!

(Another woman says and she in turn full of curiosity)

Country Girl # 2

Yeah, yeah, can I see him too?

Country girl # 3

He is beautiful, I wish you to live for many years. May he get what he craves and everything go smoothly in his life.

(Mother smiles)


Mm, thank you very much for your kind words.

(Another woman asks with curiosity)

Country girl # 4

And tell us, tell us! What's the kid's name, you decided with your husband?

(The mother looks at the child she holds in her arms and says with a smile on her lips)


His name will be, will be yūto.

(All the women around the mother look at the baby with a smile and admire it. Then another woman tells giro by touching his head with her hand)

Country girl # 5

Must you be very happy? She had a younger brother.

(Giro smiles saying)


Yes, yes, I am very happy! We'll play together and I'll protect him all the time, if I can't teach him everything I know.

(Giro takes a stand and continues talking)


I will also show him how to fight evil demons to protect himself from them. I'll be the best teacher he's ever had, I'll always protect him, I'll always be with him, that's a promise.

(As he says all this he also blows in the air with his fists, the mother looks at him and strokes his head saying)


Mmm, I'm so proud of you, giro.

(Giro hugs mother saying)


Mom, I love you so much.

(Mother smiles, while another woman tells Mother)

Country girl #1

Please, I can look at your son one more time, he's so handsome you can't get enough of looking at him.

(Immediately all the women who are there agree, the mother tries to escape but does not succeed, until the first firework is heard popping in the sky. All the people look at the fireworks while they have a smile on their lips. Then the mother tells the women on the occasion of this event)


Forgive me, but not right now. We must go and watch the fire dance as I promised giro. But do not despair, perhaps another time, hehe. We shall not be lost, I hope.

(All women are disappointed. After a while says a peasant woman)

Country Girl # 2

What a pity, another time then. Take care, dear.

(The mother leaves with a smile on her lips saying)


Rest assured, thank you very much.

(Behind the mother the women start shouting and saying goodbye to her)

Country girl # 3

Dress the little angel in warm clothes so she doesn't get cold, okay!

Country girl # 4

Be careful not to get lost in the woods if he goes to play!

(After a while the mother along with giro arrive in the center of the village, giro looks right-left to find his father, but Matea. At the same time some men have climbed on a wooden platform to look at the moment they dance the dance of fire. All the men wear a black hood and a black overcoat with which you can not see the color of their hair, nor their face. All the men are alike, this black coat is long down and rests up to their feet, the men stand beside each other and wait. Giro approaches and asks in wonder at the mother)



Mother, Mother, where's dad? I don't see him, I don't see him, Where can he be hiding?

(The mother says with a smile on her lips)


Don't worry giro you'll recognize him when they start dancing the fire dance.

(Giro looks at Mother)


And how will I recognize him? Since everyone is the same to each other, they all wear this black cloak that makes them unrecognizable.


You will know him by the characteristic color of his fire, wait and see where the dance begins.

(Giro waits, anxious for the dance to begin. Then the torches go out, for a while it is dark. At that moment the men light their fires by opening the palms of their hands and from there the fires come out, each man having a different color of fire. Giro's eyes have grown larger while simultaneously quivering. So he says with a smile on his lips as he is excited and at the same time impressed)


Ahhahahaha incredible hahahahahahaha.

(A beautiful melody sounds as the men dance, it is the background music from the anime. The men begin to dance at the same time all together. The dance consists of beautiful and sharp movements, beautiful kolotubes and small jumps. As the men dance, giro faces his father. It's a man with a yellow fire, the mother smiles and joins her hands saying with her eyes closed)


Thank you for this beautiful day, Thank you.

(Giro turns to his mother and asks in a hushed voice)


Mother, Why do we have the feast of fire every year?

(The mother turns her head towards giro, and with a smile on her lips answers)


This day is special giro. Every year we dedicate one day to our power which is fire. Because without it we could not survive the demons, we are also grateful to the teacher who devoted years of training to perfect it and we are more grateful to that wise teacher who did not keep it hidden for himself but taught it to us, shared it with us for a better tomorrow as he once dreamed. For a better future.


And why are they Dancing this dance, mom?


This dance indicates the strength and balance that we have with the technique of fire. It suggests perfecting ourselves and that we are ready to face every danger, every challenge that is out there.

(Giro says excited)


Wow! Amazing, all this shows one dance? Amazing, I wish I could dance like that one day in the future. But not alone, I want to perfect myself with yūto, together we will face all challenges and come out victorious. Together, together as brothers.

(Mother catches giro's head and tells him with sweet smile closing her eyes)


I wish to live to be proud of you, giro, you and yūto.

(Giro smiles and shakes his head affirmatively. Meanwhile, after a few little steps the men take, the real dance begins. At the same time they make incredible stumps, sharp movements and as time goes on the steps and movements are made at a faster pace. So from their feet the fires come out, and the last part of their cloaks is filled with the color of their fires. The black part of the cloaks burned, and displayed the color of their fires. The dance becomes impressive because the mantle at their last point burns and leaves behind a little ash from the color of their fires. In the end they make an incredible stunt and land in an impressive way on your ground a feather. At that moment the ashes from men's cloaks ascend to heaven, and the various colors of the Ashes coming out of the cloaks fill the sky. People stay pinned down to look at the sky. After a while the people applaud the men who danced, and the father takes off his hood. Giro runs to him saying)


Dad, Dad!

(The father turns to giro and smiles, giro approaches him and embraces him. After giro leaves his father says with a smile)


Congratulations, dad. You were great out there, the dance was beautiful, I want to learn how to dance like you.

(The father then says with a smile on his lips as he caresses giro's head)


Mmm, I see you loved dancing. Thanks, giro, but you're too young to learn the fire dance, but on a day like this, I promise you, we'll dance together.

(The father approaches the mother and looks at the child she has in her arms, then says with a smile)


How is our little yūto?

(Mother says with a smile looking at yūto)


He's asleep, unfortunately he didn't see you dance.


It's okay, he's got years to see me.

(At that moment giro's belly gurgles. Father and mother turn and look at giro)


Hahahaha, looks like someone's hungry, so let's get some food.

(The giro shakes his head and they begin to move all together towards the tables where people sit and eat, while at the same time a man old in age gets up to dance the dance of the White Dragon "The Dance of the White Dragon is a dance of demons, but the elder is half demon and half demi man, controls the technique of fire but also the technique of demons" )


The moon! Look at the moon!

(All startled look up at the sky)


So this great hour of our genocide has arrived. Good grief.

(Then strange sounds are heard coming through the forest. Demons which are anthropomorphic creatures with horns appear from the forest. Men, women and children run to hide, but it's too late. People running and some with their fires trying to defend themselves, while other people are on the ground drowned in his blood and above them demons eating them)



(The old man pulls out of his case a large white katana and starts decapitating demons while behind his katana appears a white dragon. Then in a moment when the mother is unprotected the old man approaches with speed and changes the way he holds the grip of his katana as he cries.



(The blade from the old man's katana turns into an identical blade from the nagamaki sword and easily decapitates all the demons that are around her. Each form of this movement is also a different way in which you hold the handle from the katana, resulting in the blade changing from it. That is, to turn into a thinner or longer or heavier Blade. It also changes its morphology and can be transformed into a blade from wakizashi or nagamaki or nodachi or ninjato or shiraya sword. The father sees him and tells him with a smile on his lips)


I'm glad you're here with us, Father.

(The old man then says with a cold look)


Don't Call Me father! I've told you a million times that it makes me mad. I still wonder about you, what did my daughter find in you and love you?!


I don't think this is the right time to solve our family issues, we'll talk to hell, old man.

(The old man turns his head towards the mother and tells her with a cold look)


Daughter, save our children. I will fight to save you, and so will this worthless fellow.


I do not want to abandon you, I will not leave!

(The father with the yellow fire in his hands strikes with his fist a demon and the demon falls to the ground dead with a big hole in the belly. The father turns his head towards the mother and tells her with anxiety in his gaze)


Get the kids out of here. it's dangerous! Listen to your father!

(With a frightened look the mother cries as she holds giro's hand and holds yūto in her arms)


And you, what are you going to do?!

(father half smiles)


I will protect the old man who is with one foot in the grave.

(The old man half smiles. Then says the mother to the old man)



(The old man smiles for the first time as he tells his daughter)


Run, run, my daughter, hehe. Run and don't look behind you.

(The screen blackens and yūto's words are heard)


These are the last words I heard from my father and grandfather, and then ... then nothing.

(The mother runs through the woods holding the two children frightened, sweat running from her face until demons reach her and chase her. Giro makes a sharp movement of his hand and is released from his mother's grip, the mother turns her gaze, angrily shouting)




(Gori stands still at that point. Then he cries as he looks at his mother with a smile on his lips as a tear rolls down his cheek)


Go, mom! Get lost! I will protect you, you and yuto as promised. I will protect you with my very soul, so run!

(The mother continues to run while giro stays behind and thinks as demons approach him)


I will not let you touch my brother, creatures of darkness. I will protect my brother even if I have to sacrifice myself. Why, why. BECAUSE IT'S A PROMISE! I am giro Kojima the brother of yūto Kojima and I will not let you hurt him, first you must pass over my body!

(He opens his palm and from there comes out an orange fire, with howls rushes to the Demons without fear of anything)


AAAAAAAAAA!(war cry)

(Behind the woman is seen the orange fire of the giro, yūto begins to cry, and the mother in tears and sweat smiles, saying)


Shh shh, be quiet yūto, please. It's okay, it's okay, mom's here. Everything, everything will be fine as long as mom is with you, don't you agree?

(The woman does not stop a minute to rest, until she reaches a precipice. Surrounded by these strange creatures she whispers to the little child with a smile on her lips as she can not hold back the tears that come out of her eyes)


I'm sure she'll think I'm a bad mother after what I do, but... but it's for your own good. Understand me please, please yūto. Your father, your grandfather, your brother and your mother sacrificed themselves to live a better tomorrow. Do not forget us yūto, do not forget us and one day I know, when the sun rises we will all be free even dead. You were born to build your future, live for a better tomorrow. Take care, yūto.

(So with one motion he throws yūto into the river and while the current takes him away the mother looks at these anthropomorphic monsters. She opens her palm and from there comes a fire colored red-purple, then the mother with tears in her eyes says in a low voice)


Fire tails.

(The fire is extinguished by her hands, and two tails appear consisting of the red-purple fire of the mother. The mother uses the demon tails technique since she is a demon as well as the fire technique since she was taught in the village. Demons are anthropomorphic creatures with red eyes while on their bodies veins are visible to the naked eye. The Demons scare a little, so the mother with voices rushes at the Demons)



(The mother with a step that makes a dent in the ground is thrown with incredible speed in front of the demons and with her tails begins to behead the Demons. As he makes incredible comebacks and attacks he kills as many demons as he can. Until a Demon runs its claws through her body. The mother spits blood from her mouth and looks at the claws of the demon, then looks at the demon and in anger beheads him with a kick, but another demon stabs her from behind, but the mother continues until several demons penetrate her and the mother falls dead to the ground. Then various flashbacks and images appear in the mother's mind. Images such as: the day of yūto's birth, giro's birth, giro holding yūto in his arms. Mother smiles while Demons start eating her alive)

Script writer

So begins a story, a story with many realistic meanings. Is this the story of demon hunters or the meaning of becoming a demon hunter?

(The current brings yūto to a village with normal people. We see the image of a woman with a little girl walking by the river, until the little girl sees a basket in the river and runs towards it pulling her mother's hand)



Mom, Mom, look, look, a basket in the river.

(Mother is startled)


Mmm, indeed.

(So the little girl with the purple eyes and with her long blonde hair says with a smile)


Let's go see what's in it, let's go, let's go, let's go. Come on!

(Pulling at the mother. After they take the basket out of the river they open it, the woman was surprised when she sees that in the basket is a demi man, while aiko looks at the mother saying with Wonder)


A baby, right Mom? Why does he have weird ears?

(The baby with closed eyes smiles and stretches out his hand, the little girl grasps the baby's finger and smiles sweetly saying)


How handsome he is, he's so sweet.

(Mother responds to aiko)


He's really sweet.

(The mother pegged looks at the baby while the little girl asks)


What is demi man Mom? Is something bad?


Demi man is a kind of man with the only difference that he has fox ears as he can control the power of fire.

(Aiko with open mouth from admiration adds)


I understand, that's why the blacksmith in our village has strange ears, too. So he's a demi man, right?

(In the mind of aiko and mother comes the image of the blacksmith: he is a chubby man with human ears, just a little weirder. The mother takes a strange grimace and says)


You could call it that, hehe.

(But aiko again looks at the baby and says with a serious look)


Who could have thrown it into the river and why? What could have happened to him to do such a bad thing to such a sweet baby?

(Mother looks where the stream of the river comes from, then answers aiko)


I ... I don't know, aiko. But Everything is done for a purpose, I wish.

(Aiko joins her hands and with a sweet look begs the mother)


Can we hold him? Can we, can we, can we? I'll take care of him.I'll treat him like a real brother. I'll play with him, I'll feed him and I'll always be there for him. Please!

(Mother thinks about it while aiko keeps begging her)


Come on, Come On, Come on, please, look how sweet he is, isn't he?

(The mother does not speak for a while, she thinks until she asks aiko with a smile on her lips)


What do you want?


Mmm, yes, I do. I've always wanted a brother to look after and love as he does me. I don't mind if he's from a different village and not from ours, I want to teach him everything I know and grow up together. Grow up together as a real family.

(The mother smiles more and caresses aiko's head.)


All right, then, you've convinced me, miss, I wish you'd be a good mother to him, hehe.


Really! So we're gonna keep it?!

(Aiko is filled with joy on her face, a tear comes out of her eye, but she's gone)


And what shall we call him?

(The woman wonders with her hands under her chin)


I don't know, but I have a strange feeling that we should call him yūto, don't you, aiko?


All by chance.

(Aiko immediately agrees and gladly says)


Yes yes, yūto, I really like that name.


Well yūto welcome to our family.

(The years passed and yūto grew up, he became a 9 year old boy. She runs and plays with aiko who is a 12 year old girl. He seems as happy as if he's living a normal life without knowing his real parents. The mother sits and watches him. Yūto has become a child with long purple hair and with Fox-like triangular ears, he has no tail. Where aiko plays with him, the mother sits and looks at them, but something worries her, she thinks)



Poor child, if you knew, and if I knew who you really are. Where do you come from? If I had the knowledge, if I had a mark, a specimen, I might help you more. I wonder what secrets he's hiding and you won't let us know?

(Mother tears but smiles and wipes her tear saying)


I may not know who you are or what you are, but we'll find out together. Although I feel like something bad is going to happen, this feeling is eliminated first by a calm and serene feeling and then by something bad and dark. But in the end only black prevails, only darkness, only bad feeling prevails…



Sometime ... Nah, better put it aside, let's not tyrannize over my head with nonsense anymore, I have to enjoy now. I, yūto and aiko, this is life to rejoice in its moments now.

(The two children approach the mother telling her)


Mom, Mom, can we go for a walk on the river?


Yūto wants to see the river, can we go?

(The mother with a smile caresses the heads of the two children)


Of course you can. But keep an eye on each other and get home early before dark.

(Aiko and yūto turn their backs and leaving meet the mother)


Mmm, thanks mom!

(The mother continues to look at them with a smile on her lips until they disappear from her field of vision. Then she rises from her seat and a gentle breeze winds her hair, she says with a smile on her lips)


Time will tell if all the things I feel will come true, even if they come out I'm not so afraid. Because this kid, like I said before, is hiding something, heheee. Yūto, what a mysterious child you are.

(At the same time yūto holds aiko's hand, and they walk towards the river, until they reach their destination. Aiko starts to follow the flow of the river while yūto stands behind her and looks at the beautiful orange fish that are in it. The two children walk parallel to the flow of the river, until they meet a group of children just below walking and they opposite the flow of the river. Yūto is frightened and stops abruptly. Aiko stops and asks him with a smile)



Yūto, why did you stop? Is something wrong?

(When the children beheld yūto for the first time they approach him. A child laughs saying)

Child #1

Guys look hahaaaaa, what is this?!

(The children all look towards yūto and yet another child says mocking him)

Child # 2

Why do you have big ears like a Fox? It's bad, lol.

(Until all the children gather around him. Yūto anxious answers)


What do you want? Leave me alone.

(Then the chief of the children tells yūto with an ironical look)


Ha, why? What are you gonna do to us, little rodent? You're nothing, you're a weak creature. You think you can hit me? Ha, you're a piece of trash.

(Yūto raises his fists trembling with fear. The chief of the children sees that yūto is defending himself, so with an ironical look on the face he raises his hand to strike him. Yūto with his hands in a position of self-defense closed his eyes. Aiko who is next to yūto raises her hand and grasps the hand of the chief preventing him from hitting him. Yūto opens his eyes and sees Aiko holding the child's hand, Aiko in a serious tone says)


Leave him alone, he didn't do anything to you to hit him. He didn't even touch you, you brat.

(The child gets angry, pulls his hand freeing it and pushes aiko causing aiko to fall to the ground. Yūto stands up and shouts)


Leave her alone, she's my sister! I won't let you hurt her! If you have a problem with her, you have a problem with me!

(The children hold yūto by the shoulder while the leader of the children laughs)


Hahahahahaha, he says it's his sister, hahahahaha. She's not your sister, she doesn't have those weird evil ears you have. She's human, but you're not. YOU'RE A DEMON! A MONSTER!

(Aiko goes to get up from the ground from where she is but the head of the children catches her by the hair and tells her)


He's not your brother, he's a monster. can't you see him for yourself? Why are you helping him?!

(Yūto without anxiety and with bowed head looks at the ground, opens the palm of his hand. Through the palm comes a purple fire. Aiko with surprise on her face says in a low voice while the children around yūto are startled and take a few steps back)



(Yūto advances towards aiko and the children who hinder him step aside for her to pass. So yūto catches aiko's hand and lifts her off the ground, then tells her)


Are you okay?

(Aiko shakes her head affirmatively)


Let's get out of here.

(They move away from that place. The children stay with their mouths open and watch aiko and yūto move away. Going towards the House aiko asks yūto)


You are different from us.

(Yūto says with regret in his tone)


Sorry aiko, sorry.

(Aiko alongside as she walks looks at the ground until she makes the decision and sharply grasps the hand of yūto who still has the fire in his Palm. Aiko smiles)


What a beautiful color your fire is, I like it.

(And she laughs sweetly. Then she says again as she has that sweet look)


Maybe for others you're weird, different. They may call you a monster or a demon, but it doesn't matter! You know why, you know?! Because you have a power that they would very much like, but the color of that power you possess is so serene! It suggests a calmness and a certainty! Do not listen to the others yūto, listen to your heart and keep walking forward! Life is difficult, it has obstacles and precipices. But I know from the bottom of my heart you're not gonna give up, are you?!

(Yūto calms down, and his fire begins and slowly extinguishes from his hand. Then aiko says again with a look of sadness)


All, all this was taught me by my father who has been dead for years. I hope he's all right where he is.


Sorry about losing your father, aiko.

(Aiko smiles)


It's okay, I'm not saying it to make you feel sorry for me, but because he taught me what the point is in living in this world. And I want you to find out now. When you have a dream, a goal, there will be countless obstacles in front of you, but you have to keep going, okay?! KEEP FIGHTING, KEEP FIGHTING! FIGHT YŪTO, NOTHING IS LOST, NOTHING! FIGHT HARD, FIGHT FAST! THE IMPORTANT THING IS TO FIGHT AND NEVER GIVE UP IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE! YOUR FUTURE! FIGHT SO THE REST OF US WILL BELIEVE IN YOU! JUST FIGHT!

(Yūto takes a tear out of his eye and says with a smile)


It's so beautiful, so beautiful what you say, aiko. For this, for this I will fight! I WILL FIGHT! I'LL MAKE IT IN THE END, AIKO! SISTER, I WILL FIGHT EVERY MOMENT OF MY LIFE!

(Aiko smiles sweetly with her eyes closed and agreeing with yūto says)


There you go, yūto, go on. KEEP WALKING AND DON'T LOOK BEHIND YOU!

(Yūto hugs aiko as she starts crying. Aiko then closes her eyes and smiles at me. Then he pulls his hand saying:)


Come on, Come on, let's go home now we will late, Mom will worry about us.

(Aiko starts running, holding his hand, while yūto runs after her, holding her hand and smiling. After yūto and aiko have reached home and have eaten the evening meal they go to sleep. At that moment as yūto along with aiko sleep in the same Futon (布団) down on the washitsu (和室) ground, aiko with curiosity turns and faces yūto asking)



Can I see your fire again?

(Yūto with a shy look on his face says)


I don't know if I can-

(Aiko interrupts him and with clasped hands beseeches yūto)


Please, please just one more time, just one more time.

(Yūto takes a long breath)


I'll, I'll try my best.

(Aiko smiles and waits. So yūto opens his palm but the fire does not appear, so he tries again but does not appear again. Then he says with his eyes closed)


I'm sorry aiko, I can't-

(And before he has time to finish the sentence in his mind appears a picture of his mother running through the forest while the screams that giro was making are heard very clearly, then the Orange fires that giro was making as he fought the Demons while the mother continues to run through the forest as she remembers his last name that is Kojima. With these thoughts the fire appears in yūto's hand, yūto is left startled because he remembered something of his past. Then Aiko's words are heard, and yūto loses this image)


How beautiful she is, you know yūto mom says that each color symbolizes parts of our character while each color expresses different emotions.

(Yūto looks surprised at aiko and admiringly, then asks her)


The purple? What does the purple symbolize, can you tell me?

(Aiko smiles)



The purple? Purple is the color of the elect, humility and self-sacrifice. It is both a color of sadness and melancholy. So this means that in your life yūto you will be the Chosen One, the one who will sacrifice for others, but also that you will be humble.

(Yūto admires aiko who knows all this and says with curiosity)


Do you know what the other colors symbolize? I'd love to know about the other colors.

(Aiko smiles again)

AIKO {thinks}

Mmm to think, to think. Green, green symbolizes hope for life, rebirth and resurrection. Still considered the color of harmony, it is the color of nature and balance. Mom says that green heals the wounds of the past and again brings balance and peace to your body and your soul.

(Yūto looks at aiko surprised and again asks)


And the Blue. Red, orange, tell me, tell me.

(Aiko smiles and replies)


Blue. blue symbolizes calmness and sweetness, the pure thought of rational behavior while also this is the color of meditation. It is a color of wisdom and inner peace.

Red on the other hand symbolizes love, anger and momentum. Finally, Orange Is The Color of joy, happiness, optimism, perseverance and friendship. It is a color that expresses optimism and maturity while upgrading the lower to the higher.


And the yellow one? can you tell me what it stands for?


The yellow I remember is the color of creation, joy and glory.

YŪTO {Smiles)

I'm glad I learned so many great things today, hechee. {Yawning} I am very tired better go to sleep now.

(And lies down. Aiko thinks for a while about yūto's color, then strokes his head and thinks again)


Sorry yūto. You may have lost your family, but your future is destined. One day you will become an eclectic child who will bring happiness and optimism everywhere. You will be for the world the sun in darkness, may I live that day to be proud of you.


Good night, little brother.

(The next day yūto gets up and heads towards the dining-room. The mother at that moment cooks the morning meal, then turns and with a smile tells yūto)



Good Morning yūto, did you sleep pleasantly at night?

(Yūto smiles and agrees with his mother's words. So as they all eat the morning meal together the mother says)


Yūto, I need your help.

(Yūto leaves the glass with the tea on the table and answers)


Yes, mother, what is it?

(Aiko sits next to yūto and waits for the mother's answer)


You must go to the village, to the market, and bring me some things I need to cook. Can you do that?

(Aiko gets up from the table saying)


Mother, I'll go with him. I will not leave him alone, the village is large and may be lost.

(The mother smiles and closes her eyes for a moment. Then he answers)


Yeah, you go, but don't be late, okay?

(Yuto and aiko come out of the House shouting farewell to the mother)


Yes, ma'am! We'RE leaving! See you later, mother!

(Then the mother cries as she greets them too)


Take care of each other!

(While the children are removed from the house the mother ponders)


It's a good opportunity to get to know the village.

(The mother walks into the house and drags the door behind her. Aiko and yūto have reached the village and are proceeding along its roads. Then yūto exclaims)



Wow! look how many people!

(Aiko smiles)


Yeah, it's pretty crowded these days. All the people come from the very distant villages to make their purchases.

(Then Aiko completes by saying)


So, what's on the yūto list?

(Yūto takes out a paper writing down the things the mother needs. So he answers)


The first thing the list writes is fruit.

(Aiko smiles saying)


Good, I know where we're gonna get it. Follow me yūto, this way.

(When they reached this point aiko tells the seller {a hairless but moustached man})


Hello, sir.

(The seller replies in turn)


Hello aiko how are you? I haven't seen you in a long time. how's your mother?

(Then he looks next to aiko and says with a smile)


Who is it that accompanies you today?

(Aiko takes a step aside to see yūto hiding behind her, and responds with a smile)


It's my younger brother, yuto Yamada.

(Yūto shyly says)


Nice to meet you, sir.


Nice to meet you, yūto. So what would you like?

(And stroking his mustache. As aiko talks with the seller yūto sees a child the same age as aiko (12) and with brown hair and brown eyes stealing a loaf from a counter a little further away. Then the child walks into a narrow alley. Yūto with curiosity he approaches the narrow alley and looks in, so he sees the child eating the bread. Yūto walks into the alley and shouts at the child)



(Aiko has just finished her purchases and is holding the fruit in a bag, then looks to the right and sees yūto standing in the narrow alley. Meanwhile the child from fear starts to run. On this occasion yūto enters the narrow alley in pursuit of the child. At the same time aiko sees yūto running into the narrow alley and starts and she follows him shouting)



(As yūto chases the child he cries)



(The child at the same time runs through the market throwing things behind him to hinder yūto, but in vain. In a moment a cart appears in front of the child, so surprisingly avoids it. So does yūto, slipping and passing under the cart saying hurriedly as he runs)




If I get my hands on you brats!

(Later the child as he runs comes out to a dead end, so yūto reaches him. Yūto says taking deep breaths to rest)


At last to thee, to thee, to- {quick breaths}


I've reached you at last. I'm about to die. I can't ... I can't breathe.

(But the child clenches his teeth and in a surprising way climbs on the tiles of Japanese houses. Then the child looks at yūto and again starts running. Yūto looking at the child climbing onto the roofs of old Japanese houses says)



Wow, amazing!

(At that moment he gets on and climbs on the tiles of the houses by tapping. After he has risen he sees the child sitting and resting. The child turns his head and facing yūto, rises abruptly)



You're not the only one who can do this, hehe.

(Yūto approaches him slowly saying in a calm voice)


I won't hurt you, I promise.

(The child does not run; instead he attacks yūto and makes an attack. Yūto avoids, repels the attacks of the child with skill. After a few minutes of fighting the child strikes the yūto kick and yūto falls down. The child after hearing yūto shout as he falls turns the other way and descends from the tiles again to the ground. He sits down on the ground and takes the bread out of his pocket again to eat it. While he goes to bite the bread with his eyes closed to enjoy it yūto falls on him and with a tent ties him. At that very moment aiko appears screaming in anxiety before facing yūto)



YŪTO, you are, you are g-

(But when she sees him she calms down and is surprised continuing to say)


Are you okay?

(Child screaming and shouting says)


Leave me, Leave me, I didn't steal the bread, I didn't do anything wrong. What you saw is a mirage!


I'm gonna kill you, kid. You don't know who you're dealing with!

(Yūto sits opposite itachi saying his)


Hello, My Name is yūto.


I don't care who or what on earth you are a little creature with Fox ears. Let me go, Damn it!


I'm only gonna let you go if you tell me why you stole?

(At that moment Aiko also sits on the ground beside yūto saying to itachi)


Forgive my brother for his conduct. What's your name?

(Itachi immediately calms down, looks at aiko and is left with his mouth open as he has fallen in love with her. Yūto shakes his hand in front of itachi's eyes, and itachi with a quick shake of his head says)


Sorry, I slept for a while, you know I'm very tired.

(And yawning in mockery, aiko at the same time has blushed and with a hidden smile laughs. Itachi takes a long breath saying)


If I answer the question you asked, Will you let me go?




Damn, good grief. Great, let's start with the basics. My name is itachi, Itachi tashiro.

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