"What's up?" Tom asked Harry once they were out of earshot and now seated at the patio.
"Barry called a short while ago. I'm exhausted and can't think right now, so I need you to help me out."
"Okay. Lay it out. What did Barry say?"
"He said a couple of things. After having her name on the news, Sara is trying to bring all her plans forward and get rid of Crystal quickly. She called our 'doctor' asking that they meet on Monday for the transplant. She even sent a huge sum of money to show how serious she is," Harry said and Tom smiled.
"This was what you wanted," Tom said and Harry nodded.
"Yeah. But right now I can't figure out what she's thinking…"
"What she is thinking about what? You just clearly said she wants to proceed with her plans quickly. That's what she is thinking," Tom said and Harry shook his head.