In year 3021 the world and nations has grow crew and weird in all forms!
beast and man kind also evolve in strength and intelligence.
Weapons and technologies also improved as insecurities became a major threat to the economy.
As the clock ticks and the sun gradually rose striking a beautiful smiles on the city wall, illuminating the well painted city name
'Inks nations'
Inks nations been one of the most biggest nation among the other four nations capitals.
Where the rich get richer and the poor gets poorer.
A small region called Wadata in the city where the poor and average citizen live,
was then Raider found himself as the morning Sun shines into his face.
Showing his dark skin glowing under the morning sun.
Raider slightly opening his eyes to realize he wasn't dead!
Anticipate the next chapter soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!