"Hehe look at this Sheng'er, this undeveloped city, I was here twenty years ago as an administrative official and the condition is still the same as now, not much has changed"
Along the way into the city, people were walking around with shabby clothes and faces. They are probably residents who work in the crop fields like most people there. Even though they don't produce much at least the fields can provide a little food. Although, there are still many people who are seen sitting on the side of the road lamenting their fate.
YueWang closed his carriage window, he took a deep breath.
"These fools. They knew that there was no use but still survived here. What is in their heads, is there no desire to move out and build their life somewhere but here?"
YueWang shook his head, and he lifted the teacup that was on the table beside him. The carriage swayed a bit due to the uneven road, but the shape of the table that had sides made the teacup not easy to fall.