Chereads / freetime / Chapter 57 - Chapter 26, Wolf Party Gifts

Chapter 57 - Chapter 26, Wolf Party Gifts

Tanya Russ

Grand Hall aboard the Hrafnkel

Taking a deep sip of my drink I sat back on what would be best described as a throne, a large wooden seat made of a tree from Fenris that had been carved with wolves and a few ravens.

It was officially 48 hours since the end of the fighting on the planet below and we had confirmed every Ork had been killed, every spawning location had been burned, and the planet was clear.

As I sat in this chair, enjoying the view of the Great Hall Space Marines, Imperial army, and the League forces were hard at work building a functioning military base out of the ruins that were the Ork's main hold. I'd given a general order to build up a structure that could not only support supply redistribution for further pushing into the campaign but also to take care of any more slaves we freed from the coming fights with the Ork planets.

As much as I would like to just be able to send them out of the Wheel of Fire as quickly as possible the fact of the matter was that this would be wasted resources. Ship time would be better used to reinforce an installation inside the sector that would also serve as a drop-off point for ships here. It would allow our people to at least enjoy some freedom in the sector and then maybe we could have a freighter pick them up and take them off to friendly worlds outside the sector.

It was also possible that something else would develop, I would wait and see. But having a planet that could become a new capital for Imperial governance within the sector would be useful.

At the moment though I was enjoying what could be best described as the biggest party I think I'd ever thrown. Granted I only had this life to measure against as I had not thrown many parties in my first life and my second life's memories were still cloudy about such subjects. But either way the entire Hall was covered with tables and chairs, not only Space Marines but also Squats and my Valkyries were having a loud and lively party. Wolves were play-fighting over dropped food while birds were roosting in the top area and occasionally dived down to chomp something that had been left alone for too long.

And the alcohol flowed as barrels upon barrels were being brought in. The fighting was over after all, at least for today. We would probably be going on the assault again next week, or the week after that, but it would give them plenty of time to recover from this so I was more than willing to let everyone have the greatest party they could. Because, well, you never know… Some of these men might not make it through the next fight, the losses in the conflict below had been rather startling. The Ork surprise attack had managed to create ten percent casualties amongst my Space Marines, which was not good.

Numbers weren't better for the Squats or anyone else but it was best to focus on what was my issue:ten percent casualties in a single conflict was not something that I could afford to see repeated. Especially considering there were probably more than ten other worlds than I had to defeat. My Legion could not survive those losses on each planet, I would need to work harder to make sure that my men were as trained as I needed them to be. Otherwise we could see that 50% ratio that the Mechanidum had come up with as a possible loss rate; which was not what I wanted at all.

Yes, I understood that losses happened, but what precious Space Marines I had were human resources that could not easily be replaced, no matter how many new recruits were brought in from Fenris. Veteran soldiers were worth their weight in gold and these men were closer to veterans than anyone else at this point.

I suspected that we would see a lot of blood in the coming days as the new recruits, when they did arrive from Fenris, would probably take the bulk of the losses, having none of the experience that my current forces had. Not to mention that most of these men had already served in wars, either for the emperor when they had been under the name of the Route or when they served under me in the conquest of Fenris. Every generation that would be coming now would not have served in such conflicts, they would have grown up on a Death World but a Death World that knew the peace that I had instated.

Oh well, that was something I would have to worry about as time went on. I would have to make sure to keep my troops in top shape as much as possible as the years went on. After all this was not going the first or last conflict we would be involved in, I was sure of that. Hell, we needed to conquer an entire galaxy and even if there were twenty legions of us out there I doubted that would be done within a thousand years, let alone a hundred.

Either way though, everyone seemed to be having fun. They were drinking, eating, and even fighting a little bit. Though, thankfully, the fighting seemed more playful than actual 'I am going to kill you for insulting my mother' kind of fighting. And, at the head of this chaos, sat a few individuals. Myself on the throne that I had acquired, thanks to my Wolves of Fenris having a bit of an artistic flair. To my left was Malcador, who was enjoying his food rather quietly as he observed the chaos. To his left was General Vavem of the Leagues, who was observing with a bit of amused smile, and to my right was my, well, right hand, former Legion Master Rathvin. As well as Titutus of the Iron Warriors, though most of his legion had not come up. There were a few scattered here and there, enjoying their time by the look of it.

I had invited the captain of the vessel to join us but they had denied themselves, claiming that their place was on the bridge of the ship. I didn't push too far on the matter, if he felt that he was always needed there that was up to him. I think we were pretty much out of any danger at the moment but I could be wrong, for all I knew there was an attack being prepared to try and retake the world at this very moment.

Something I hoped was not happening as that would be a sure sign that this war would go on for much longer than the determined ten years of conflict that the Mechanidum had estimated the fighting would take.

"You may not have the biggest tanks I've ever seen but, damn it, you know how to throw the biggest parties." Came the voice of the Squat leader as he downed another large glass of ale.

I accepted mine, before responding, "It's one thing us Fenrisians are good at. Well, besides fighting monsters. We know how to drink, our planet is a snowy hellscape for eighteen months out of a 24-month long year. You got to work on a few party skills to celebrate surviving that."

"Really? Your planet is frozen for a year and a half? What are the other six months like?" The Squat sounded genuinely interested so I gave him a prompt and clear answer.

"The ocean starts boiling and the water burns. If you're too close to the coast at that time you could end up with second degree burns all across your body from the steam rising up in some areas."

"A Death World, now I get it!" The Squat said, nodding his head sagely before continuing. "Well! I say that your Death World made you an alright people because that fight down there was a hell of a thing. I'm sure we would have taken a lot more losses if your legion had not been leading that attack."

I shook my head and said, "my legion did what was necessary. If anything it was your warriors' efforts that saw us win the day. It was their general tactics for prolonged sieges, we simply implemented them across the battlefield."

"For sure! Thanks for sharing your siege tactics, Iron Warrior dude."

Malcador chuckled at that and I had to stop one myself.

The Iron Warrior, seeming to not see the hilarity in the situation, simply leaned forward and nodded. He raised his glass and said, "No problem. Good to get a little credit for what we do," before downing his glass.

Turning back to me the Squat continued, "Hey, what is the plan for this sector anyways? I heard rumors that there isn't really much of one from some of the boys who talk to your Space Marines."

I shrugged, before admitting, "Not my place to determine what happens to the sector, I simply have to deal with the threats to humanity within it. Why do you ask?"

Vavem nodded at my answer, before saying, "Well… I may have let a few of my boys wander around a bit. They took a look at the geological features of the planet, drilled for a few core samples and such, the usual. They say this planet would not be so bad for a mining world and I suspect that many of the planets in this sector are going to be the same way or probably in similar conditions. I think that, with a little bit of work, we could easily set up several mining worlds in this space. Enough to support a few of the League worlds production lines. Of course, this would be with the consent of the Imperium of Mankind Would they be willing to let us have such projects?"

I nodded my, head understanding where he was coming from, before saying, "Well, that's not within my purview but I could put in a few words with the Administratum? See what they are willing to support."

I looked at Malcador to see if he had any visible opinions going across his face but he simply was nodding along in thought. Finally, he said, "Well, as first Lord of Terra, I would say my opinion is that I do not have very much to add to this but I would agree that setting up a few mining worlds in this sector would probably be for the benefit of the Imperium. There is already a local population that probably will never find their way home once we've destroyed the Orks, so giving them a way to make wealth and improve their situation is economical in the long run."

"Haha! I knew this whole campaign would be great for my people, not only did we get to kick the asses of some of our ancient enemies, but we'll possibly grow our economy as well. Now that's a campaign worth fighting for."

I nodded along with his statement before adding, "The whole point of this campaign is to improve humanity's lot in the galaxy, I see no reason why there shouldn't be development on planets we've taken from creatures that wish us harm. It would be better to keep an eye on the planets and it will be simpler if there's a local population. There's always a chance we'll miss some of the Orks and if we can have a local population in this sector to scratch around and run into them we can probably send troops to quickly clean them up before we end up with another infestation."

"If there's a truth more true than that then, I don't know what it is! You cannot assume you've defeated the Orks just because you've destroyed their armies, there's always one or two who got lost, or buried alive, or just simply survived. That's one of the reasons that we fought so hard against the Orks when they invaded the Leagues all those years ago. Even though we defeated them they just seemed to pop out at places we thought had been cleared of them. Lessons learned…"

"Well then we better make sure to clean this system out thoroughly," I muttered. "I don't want to have to come back here in ten years to put down another Ork rebellion."

"ere's to that!" Called the Iron Warrior. Having drunk another glass, by the look of it, he seemed a bit more chill.

Nodding my agreement, I continued, "If I could I would leave a small detachment here of a hundred Marines when we leave, just to keep an eye on things and for the possible training that this region could represent. Our planet is primarily mountains and ice, we don't have access to deserts and jungles and anything else we may happen to stumble across on these worlds. If that was acceptable I would do that, leave a small garrison to train up our troops while we also look after the survivors of this slave ring, prevent any Ork rebellions, and allow you to safely work on mining things."

I glanced at Malcador again to see what he was thinking on the matter. I could attempt to try and poke at him mentally though I didn't want to piss him off, better just to see what he was willing to share.

"Hmm… The Administratum won't like the idea of your troops being scattered all over the place but I was one of the few that said we should keep garrison on a few planets. I wouldn't mind speaking up in favor of this plan. If we can get the Wheel of Fire sector producing assets for the war I'm sure the Administratum would also be willing to overlook some of their supplies being moved around. Production is what's important to them, after all.

I let out a content sigh and leaned back in my chair, that was as good as I was probably going to get for now.

The possibility of successful wolves garrisons and mining outposts was as good as I was probably going to get. Hopefully the practice would spread to the other legions, my goal being to tie them down so that they felt some sort of allegiance to the people. This did create a risk of some troops feeling left behind when they were left to help clean up and sort out the mess after the legion moved on. That feeling though could be lessened if I did proper deployments of the legion for rest and garrison duty. It should keep them moving and would keep the Administratum from thinking I was trying to build an empire in the Imperium. Bureaucrats did tend to get suspicious of those they oversaw.

Besides, I was thinking long-term compared to the Administratum that seemed to be thinking only about the current wars. I was thinking about what would happen after we were done, when this galactic conquest was over. Most likely the legions would have to be either dismissed or scaled down. It was better to get to work getting familiar with small formation operations now as that was probably what we would end up doing, hunting down Orks and any other creatures that were a problem for the Imperium. Well the issue would come after the conflict and I was probably going to take full advantage of all the work I had done to take some vacation days.

After all the whole goal was to let people sort the situation out for themselves once they were secure. That meant I would not be needed unless there was a massive war in progress. I would finally have a backline position… twinges of pain came, that was a goal I had in the last life wasn't it? Hopefully things would go better now.

Shaking the pain away I looked down the hall, enjoying the side of the revelry as I saw a group of Marines in full armor walking towards the table down the central aisle. They didn't have their weapons so I didn't feel any threat, though I noticed that the one in the lead was of the Iron Priesthood. I could tell despite the armor because he had a couple mechadendrites hanging off his power pack.

Behind him were two other Marines, neophytes I think was the correct term? They had yet to finish their training, though I'd heard that a lot of the veterans Wolves of Fenris back home were coming up with new and intriguing names for legion equipment based around our homeworld.

On one hand I should probably not be in favor of this, as it would make the Administratum's job a little bit more complicated. They would ship us a type of equipment whose name we would either have to change on our paperwork or we would have to send them basically a codebook with the explanation of what each item was.

When I got around to it I would have to look deeper into that situation. I probably would go with the option to only change the name once it was delivered though. Sending a codebook with the same equipment but different names seemed like a recipe to piss off the Mechanicum. And annoying the Mechanicum, as entertaining as it sounded, was not something I was in favor of.

Getting up from my seat I said, "give me a moment, I have to see what these gentlemen want." Malcador nodded as he enjoyed his cup of ale and the others simply went about their business, nodding to me as I passed them.

Walking down the central area I enjoyed the atmosphere of the party as I came up to the Marines, who looked like they were having a good time just carrying the boxes. Stopping in front of them I said "Good afternoon. Or is it evening at this point? The party has been going rather long. Either way, welcome aboard. What brings these boxes here?"

The Tech Marine at the front pulled off his helmet before taking a knee before me, saying "Primarch Russ! Several years ago you gave me a piece of iron to forge into a weapon for you, I come bearing that weapon."

I had to squint a bit down before I recognized the Marine and said "Ah, Fergus Forgrim! Been a long time, I thought that piece of iron was unforgeable."

He shook his head and said, "With the help of the Mechanicum I was able to create a style of forging that could only be used on this piece of metal. it took many months in a volcano but I forged two weapons for you." Standing back up he turned around and grabbed the bigger of the boxes, holding it up for me. it was a rather nice thing, obviously carved from wood from Fenris. It was covered in scenes that I recognized as battles from my campaigns to conquer the planet. It was also long half my height and then some. Carefully I reached out and opened the box, revealing a weapon I had never seen before but that rather impressed me.

"This is Mjalnar, a blade forged from the Frost Iron you acquired." I raised an eyebrow at the reference to Thor's hammer but that was a minor issue. After all, so much of Fenris's culture was based on the norseI did not find it surprising that names like that would pop up. Strange that it would be used for a sword instead of a hammer though… but, well, I guess most of the meaning behind those names had long since been lost.

Reaching into the box I pulled out the blade and was quite entranced by it. The metal seemed to shine slightly blue and looked to be forming condensation on it as I picked it up. The reason that was happening became apparent quickly as the temperature of the blade was low, unusually so.

Fergus Forgrim obviously heard of my preferences for single-bladed weapons and had created a long blade that would easily cut through most things. I think it wouldn't be called a saber as there was a bit of a blade on the back of it but it was definitely meant for slashing more than chopping, contrary to the blades most of my Marines preferred.

Running my fingers along the back I confirmed that the metal was even colder off the handle, it almost felt like it was burning the skin on the end of my fingers. Raising an eyebrow I looked at him and said, "I must say that it seems to be a magnificent work, Fergus Forgrim. What's with this frost effect?"

Fergus Forgrim ran his hand through his short beard in apparent contemplation, before saying, "Working the metal shows the true spirit of this Frost Iron. Out of the two weapons I was able to create from the material you acquired both of them have shown a capacity to make things colder as they cut them. Why this happens I'm not sure, I think the metal simply just absorbs heat at a rate that is outside usual norms".

Well, that was as good an answer as I was going to get I figured. Holding up the blade to the sky to get another look at it I saw that the scenes on it looked more like wolves and battles in general, things I had been related to over the last 40 years. I marveled a bit at the size and balance, even though it was probably half as long as me it felt rather comfortable and didn't even feel that heavy. Though then again Primarch genes were bullshit, so it may just be benefits of my biology showing through. Smiling, I carefully put the weapon back in the box, noting that there was a sheath within that appeared to include a magnetic lock that could be easily attached to my armor.

"Miraculous weapon, Fergus Forgrim! I will use this to great effect, I think, in bringing the Emperor's might to the galaxy."

"Thank you, my Primarch." He said as the other box was brought forward. Carefully I opened this box too to see what was inside of it and was surprised to see what appeared at first to be a normal chain sword. It was a bit longer than usual though not as long as the sword I had just wielded. It was definitely a one-handed affair, unlike most chainswords I had been using which could be wielded two-handedly. A closer inspection revealed that there was something different as the chain was definitely made from the same material as the frost blade I'd already seen. The blades weren't cool enough to the touch for frostbite, which was probably somehow related to the amount of material used in it. It still definitely glowed a bit of light blue, enough to be seen in the hall's light. It also had a sheath of sort underneath it that I picked up and examined.

Having a passing thought, I chuckled as I realized I had a long katana-like sword and then a short chainsword to go with it. It was almost like I was some sort of future samurai or something.

Giving the blade a few swings I felt the weight on it, chainswords often had a little bit more weight in order to help them bite into their target. I nodded my agreement that this blade was well crafted before putting it back in the box.

"Very good weapons, you've outdone my expectations."

"Thank you, my Primarch." he answered matter of factly, giving a nod in reply before continuing, "I've heard that you've had problems with the blades the Imperium have been providing breaking so I have tested these blades as heavily as possible. I don't think this one Krakenmaw will break under the abuse you can give them, they will stay strong."

I laughed at that and clapped him on the shoulder, saying "Don't make promises like that, Fergus Forgrim. Things are always unexpected out there, I hope you're right though. Ordering a new blade everytime one breaks is annoying."

Fergus Forgrim nodded his head in agreement before saying, "Of course, my Primarch! Although do not fear too greatly if it does break, I am prepared for that eventuality."

"Oh? How's that?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I was able to acquire almost every piece of Frost Iron ever found on the continent, thanks to donations from the government. I'm going to be constructing weapons of this nature for commanders of the Wolves of Fenris as soon as I get back to the planet."

I nodded my head at that, it seemed reasonable and this would help better arm my soldiers. I was all for it.

"Well, don't hunt the Krakens to extinction to get their Frost Iron. A big benefit now won't be good if we don't have a continuous source of the material." I was mainly joking, I was pretty sure it was impossible to hunt those creatures to extinction. With so much water on Fenris they could quite easily avoid humanity for generations and rebuild their entire population if we somehow did manage to actually hunt them.

Most cracking metal or Frost Iron either washed up on the shore with corpses during Summer or was acquired during fights like the one I had been through. Those encounters did not usually end in a victory for humans so such prizes were rare.

Laughing at my joke, Fergus Forgrim nodded his agreement before saying "Will do, my Primarch. I hope those blades serve you well in the coming years. I've also prepared information on how to best take care of it. You know, oiling and such. They're underneath these sheaths."

I signaled my understanding before declaring, "Well then, now that that is handled! Come join the party, we're celebrating a victory on the planet below and have plenty of drink.

"I would love to join you, my Primarch," He said as several of the Valkyrie came over to bring goblets of alcohol and hand them out to the group of three. Taking a bigger one that one of my personal Valkyries brought up, I shouted, "To a good fight! To these wonderful weapons! And to the continuation of this campaign in the Wheel of Fire!"

There was a massive cheer that went through the gathered Marines as I started to down the cup of alcohol. I smiled as I finished the cup and handed it to the valkyrie.

This wasn't exactly how I envisioned I'd spend my life all those years ago but I had to say this was a good life. Loyal underlings, seeing visions of the galaxy I'd never imagined in my previous lives and more stress-free parties than I think any of my lives had ever had.

It almost made me forget that, in order to get this life, I had to be involved in fighting monsters or participate in various other waste of human resources. Considering I was helping undo the downfall of a human civilization that once ruled the galaxy and that we were making it safe for a peaceful civilization to rise… It was well worth it. I had to say that, when this whole Wheel of Fire situation was over, I couldn't wait to meet some of the other primarchs see to find out what they thought on the whole civilization thing. I doubted many of them would have memories from their previous lives but it would be interesting to try and guess what lives they had known before then.

Planet Xyat

Kori Bretakollrsson

It had been several months since the Battle of New Vietnam and in that time the legion had now been broken into four different components.

One component was staying with the Iron Warriors as they slowly pushed in from the main entrance to the Wheel of Fire while another component was guarding the entrance that we had used to break into the back lines of the sector.

And then there was the legion under Tanya, who was pushing deeper into Ork space. They were currently besieging another planet and doing something.

I couldn't exactly say what they were doing because I was part of the last component, the force under former legion-master Rathvin, who was pushing towards the space held by the Iron Warriors. We were currently besieging the planet of Xyat, an ice mountain world. If anything it actually made me feel quite at home, hunting Orks in the snow was a good pastime for not only myself but also for the wolves we had acquired.

The Orks, for the most part, lived in fortified compounds spread out amongst the snowy mountain ranges of this world. These compounds sat on top of large cave systems which was both where the Orks were produced and the main objective area of our fighting.

From what I understood the plan was to simply take over a base and then just fill the cave system with flammable gas after sealing the entrance. Once that was completed we would set up a timer for about twenty minutes and get the hell away in aerial vehicles so we could watch the explosions from a safe distance.

It was kind of an insane plan but it had worked on at least two other compounds so we were pushing towards the third one with some speed.

The Orks had attempted to stop us by building up trench lines and simply rolling boulders down on top of us when we got too close but that hadn't worked for long, mainly because we were familiar with this type of terrain and fighting.

Whenever they built a solid line we usually just went around, as the same mountains that they hoped would funnel us into their killing fields also allowed us to go up different sides. We often went straight up a few cliffs and came up on top of them.

The mountains were a killing-field for the Orks and we were killing quite a number of them. Of course I'm sure they thought we would be the ones being killed but, well, life doesn't always go the way you think.

For our part, we simply worried about what losses we took as we pushed deeper into their territory.

Captain Boesson had been promoted as more Marines had been shiped in. We had taken some losses though and had some Marines shuffled about. We now officially had a logistics officer also under our company structure, and a Tanya at that, so that meant we didn't have near as many problems with the paperwork as we had before.

Logistics officer Buckle was a good man, dark of hair and good with numbers. He was not a fan of fighting, apparently, but he did all right. We killed quite a bit of Orks together and over the last two months he had seemed to be coming into his own as a soldier. From what I understood he had been an orphan from the Sea Peoples before joining the Wolves of Fenris so it was understandable that he didn't have much of a military understanding and preferred to use his capabilities to handle the logistics.

Fighting on a ship was not easy and even then it was easier to work on your numbers than with weapons, as far as I was aware. Quite important, too. Don't calculate your supplies correctly and you would end up starving before you reached the next port.

Besides that Bjorn had been given a promotion and was pretty much in charge of a couple squads now. He had shown himself to be quite a good leader too, in my opinion. Part of me thought that maybe I should have pushed myself a bit harder but I was all right with the promotion I got. I was now Sergeant of my squad.

As time went on I'm sure I would get up to a reasonable rank for someone who was a former King. If not… Well then I probably didn't deserve the rank to begin with.

Either way the objective of today's fight was one of the more annoying situations we had to deal with on this planet.

Several squads had climbed up the side of a cliffside and found themselves face to face with an Ork trench line that had not been there the night before. It apparently had been dug as soon as we got on cameras on the station there.

They had been pinned down for several days at this point and they dug their own trench line. Though when you only had two to three feet between you and a cliff, that wasn't much of a trench line. More you digging forward as the ground behind you gave out.

This prevented us from easily supporting the unit and we couldn't use the artillery that was in the area. It was kind of hard to get a good fireline in the place anyway, too many mountains in the way.

From what I also heard there was a problem sending air support as the Orks on this particular planet seemed to be fans of not only anti-air but anti-air fights. Whenever one of our Jets went up three of theirs would and well… Even if ours were better, numbers did tend to at least make sure the situation would go into a draw which prevented us from securing the areas we wanted.

This is where the squads under Bjorn came in, as one of those Jets of ours had actually won a fight and followed the retreating Ork home. We had taken a long hike up a canyon valley towards what was believed to be the main Ork airport for this region, a set of massive iron doors made of scrap and set in a sheer rock wall. Those doors opened and closed to release waves of jets whenever we went on attack.

How we were going to get in there was still a bit of a question, considering the sheer rock wall. The most likely answer was that we were going to have to climb up that sheer rock wall, wait for the Jets to leave, then climb in as quickly as possible. From there we'd secure the initial area, holding the doors open for the rest of our troops to come in.

It was a gamble that we were betting on but it was one that had to be risked. If we could get rid of these jets that meant ours could secure the area instead of fighting them, not only rescuing those troops that were currently pinned down to the south of where we were currently standing but also giving us the advantage in this whole region. An advantage we needed.

Real question was how long till the Orks noticed we were here.

We had been marching up this path that looked almost like it had been used by the Orks at one point, it had been traced down by someone walking this path multiple times but it seemed to have been unused for a while from the appearance of some of the plant life. No doubt the Orks had some sort of security on this path but how, what, and where.

The general hope was that the Orks would be so focused on their air combat deployment that there wouldn't be any defensive operations ongoing and we could easily break in and bust the airport up. We would burn it or, if needed, we'd set it up to explode then see what we would do from there.

A photograph had been circulating that indicated there might be a base on the other side of the mountains from this airport. If it was the case we might have actual positions overlooking the enemy's next fortifications, which could be useful in pushing through to help clear this planet out.

My thoughts were interrupted as I saw Bjorn stop at the front of the column looking a bit worried. He stood, moving his hands to signal the line should stop so I stepped forward past the other Marines to get to him and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I thought I heard something on the wind," He said, focusing on listening. He wasn't wearing his helmet, which was not necessary on this planet. The atmosphere hadn't need to be burned since the areas where plant life grew were remote enough that we could investigate each one, clear it, and either burn it or not as needed.

"What did you hear then?" I asked, reaching up to pull my helmet off so I could listen as well.

"Seemed a bit like a laughter but… it wasn't coming from an Ork."

That raised an eyebrow before I asked "What did it sound like, then?"

"Like a valkyrie having a good time… Which does not seem like something I should be hearing while in a war zone, don't you think?"

I shrugged at that, "Probably not," I admitted.

"Yeah, that's what I thought. Tell them to be ready for a counterattack, I think we're about to get ambushed here."

Nodding, I shoved my helmet on and quickly changed the channel to the one assigned to my Squad to warn, "Prepare for a possible ambush, we're possibly about to be assaulted."

The other sergeants got to work getting them into a defensive formation, quickly forming a square on the side of the road. What side of a road there was, this was after all a canyon road.

To our left was a sheer wall of rock, to our right was another sheer wall of Rock though with a little bit more of a slope. Downward, in front of us, was of course the pathway to the airfield which we could just barely see from our position. Past that airfield, which was marked by two giant scrap doors, was a waterfall that actually looked kind of pleasant. A rainbow rose in the air as the water-charged mist moved away from it. Checking my ammunition I looked around as the Squad completed the formation with the three sergeants, not counting myself, behind each line. Bjorn was in the middle, next to a bannerman.

It was a small square. There were only about a hundred of us in total but we made up two lines, the first line kneeling and the second line standing. Our guns were prepared and we were waiting.

If they were Orks they would have to come out of this now as any hope of accomplishing their surprise attack was obviously destroyed. But if there was something else… I didn't know what Bjorn hearing giggling and not screams of war could imply. Perhaps we were not dealing with Orks? Perhaps those were human slaves that had escaped and struck against the Orks on their own?

The soldiers could help, it would make our lives easier if we had support formations of auxiliary forces. The Imperial army had deployed a few troops to the planet but they were mostly centered on holding territory around our landing zones and keeping cleared bases completely unoccupied of Orks by burning them as well.

Watching the area I turned on the auspex, trying to get as much information about what was going on around as possible. I doubted the Orks could be trying to sneak up on us but then again I had doubted them being able to launch a commando raid on a Town behind our lines a few months ago so there was a chance that-

That was strange! Looking near the top of the cliff I thought I saw an Ork and a very tall female human wearing some kind of armor that I'd never seen before. The human I didn't recognize but her armor was well fitted and probably very well made. The Ork's armor looked familiar, very familiar, and I wasn't sure why at first. Either way as soon as one of them spotted me looking up at them both of them vanished, either stepping back or something else taking effect to prevent me from seeing what was going on.

A moment later I heard Ork screams of war, and then screams of another type. Thousands of red lights shot up into the air, soaring up straight into the sky before they turned down and began to fall at faster speed.

"Rocket barrage", I screamed as I took cover best I could, trying to protect vital organs and limbs from the incoming explosives.

I didn't get to see much of what happened, all I did know was that everything went white as an explosive landed only a few feet away from me.

That appeared to have been more of a flashbang than anything else but the bangs I heard indicated not every single one of them was.

Then the war screams returned and the sounds of fighting played in my ears.

Took me a moment to get a handle of where I was as I had apparently been thrown a few feet away from where I had been standing. I was half buried in rocks but otherwise rather fine, the armor having saved my life. Reaching up I pulled my helmet off as I couldn't see shit, the flash having fried the internal systems. I would need to fight without it, not a problem. Getting up I quickly saw what had happened to our formation.

The square was still around vaguely, 50 men here and there still standing as they opened fire into the Orks that were practically tumbling down the cliffside. Some of them simply jumped though they did not actually survive the landing part, thank the Emperor. For the most part they splattered against the ground and actually gave our men more cover.

But some of them were a bit smarter, using jetpacks made of rockets to slow their descent or having secured wires to the edge of the canyon wall before jumping and rappelling down the rocky wall. A few Ork used it like a bungee cord, cutting it the moment they were within range of the ground and their speed had been slowed to a safe enough descent that they wouldn't splatter like those who simply jumped.

As I watched one of the Orks came running at Bjorn, wielding a chain ax. He, though, was simply a bit faster in bringing up a bolt pistol and firing two shots into its head. I couldn't see Bjorn's bolter rifle anywhere, it looked like he'd already been in combat for a few minutes before I saw him.

The creature toppled to the side as Bjorn drew his chain sword and unleashed a volley of fire at another Ork that was charging.

Getting myself up I saw an Ork land just in front of me and turn to bring up its gun. Not really sure where my own was, I simply used my helmet as a weapon, throwing it at its head. There was a loud and dramatic clunk as the creature stumbled back and I used that time to draw a knife from my side sheath and close the distance. I slashed at the beast's center, piercing through its chest cavity and into its heart.

It fell over dead but more were coming. Thankfully there was one good thing about Ork weapons: They didn't put much in the way of safeguards to prevent you from using them.

Ripping the gun out of its hands I held down the trigger and fired several rounds into the Orks coming down the side of the mountain, causing them to die either from a lucky shot that took them somewhere vital or making them lose hold of the rope. In any case, they fell the rest of the way to the ground.

Several Marines who had been pulling themselves out of the wreckage of the explosion pulled up their guns and started laying into the Orks coming down the cliffside, trying to kill as many as possible before they made their way down to us.

Raining Orks now more dead than alive thankfully I pushed my way forward with the Squad to link up with the reforming square that had now repositioned into more of a three-man deep line. The third line was aiming up onto the cliffs while the second tried to clear up anyone who tried to make their way down.

But before that could be successfully deployed correctly several dozen Orks with rockets on their backs landed in the midst of the square, starting to fight us in close quarters combat.

I caught the blade of one Ork, an ax, and fired the Ork weapon into the beast at close range. The creature quickly tumbled over but I realized I was out of ammo so I threw it at the next Ork.

I Felt more Orks coming down though and the attempt to reform the square was quickly being dispersed by the Orks landing amongst us. Pulling my bolter pistol off my side I unleashed a few rounds into an oncoming creature, though they seemed to just bounce off without causing it issue. The man next to me happened to have a Volkyte weapon and unleashed the weapon's direct fire at the creature coming at me.

Its screaming was a good sign as it tumbled over, its body burning itself under the heat ray. And something rather round and dangerous looking rolled out of its hand towards us at that last moment.

Grabbing the Space Marine I jumped out of the way, barely surviving the explosion. It was some kind of grenade, as I had theorized, but it carried a little bit more bang than our own.

Looking up from where I had landed I saw an Ork with a purple cape land with the aid of a rocket pack, laughing as he watched the fighting unfold.

"That's it, boys! Beat the humans! This was an excellent ambush I'll have to thank that pointy ears if I get the chance." The creature monologued as it brought up a bull pistol and fired a few rounds at the fight, starting to laugh again as he did.

Pulling myself off the ground I fired a few shots at him, which he seemed to just dodge as if his instincts were that good. No, the last round he pulled out a green critter from under his cloak and used it to block my round…

Recognition crossed my face, I'm sure, as I realized who was standing across. "DrkShdow." I called in anger as I readied my knife to murder the Ork.

"Ah, what's that? You know my name, are you a fan? You've heard of me so you must be a fan. I'm afraid that if you want an autograph you'll have to wait 'till after I enslave you for the Ork empire." In a quick motion I covered the ground between us and attempted to jam my knife through his throat. He blocked, having pulled a sword from somewhere, and smiled as our blades twinged and the metals sparked off of each other.

More metal came off his as it looked like it was just several street signs that had been pounded together over the centuries and sharpened.

"Ah, you have spirits young human! But I am a feared commando leader and a simple blade like that will never pierce my defenses."

I put all my strength into pushing forward, causing him to lean back a bit.

"Well… There's a first time for everything," He mused as he brought up his pistol and fired at me at close range.

I jumped back to avoid the shots as he unleashed a hail of fire in my general direction. I was joined by several other Marines who unleashed fire in his direction, their bolters banging away.

That Ork seemed to move like water, rolling out of the way of the fire before coming up and shoving his blade directly into one of the guns which caused it to explode in the Marine's face.

That Marine had his hands thoroughly injured and the damage to his helmet indicated that he barely avoided even more serious issues.

He still ran to my other side and brought his pistol around to try and fire on the Ork but it used me as a shield and attacked me with his now shorter sword. I defended myself with my knife, wishing I knew where my bolter had ended up.

With whatever skill I could muster I managed to knock his blade away from doing serious damage, which only seemed to push the Ork to laugh more.

"Why don't you tell me about yourself, human? Why, do you want my autograph?"

"Stupid Ork, we fought before," I said, trying to drive my blade into his side. He jumped out of the way and looked at me as if confused.

"No? No, I don't think we have. I think I would remember a face that ugly." He said, tilting his head to the side as if examining me.

"The Planet, 7 months ago!" I shouted, trying to ram my blade into its chest only for the infuriating creature to continue to bounce out of my way. I found myself rather annoyed about the whole situation.

I'll give it to these commandos, they seemed to have an understanding of how to not get killed in close-quarters combat. Those Orks just took the hits and then kept on coming.

"Doesn't ring a bell," he said, still taking this way too emperor-damn lightly.

"You ambushed us and demanded that we surrender. Any of it ringing a bell?"

The creature shrugged and sighed, "Sounds like a good Tuesday to me," Before pulling out another bolt pistol of his from behind his back and firing a shot past me into a marine who was coming to help in the combat.

I tried not to turn but I did see him fall over, blood running from a wound on his side. Apparently, the Ork had found a weak spot.

"Any other details you can remember? It is kind of intriguing that you remember this and I don't."

"You fired yourself off with a damn rocket to escape!" I said, shoving my knife towards him. He blocked it again, catching it in the cross guard of his own weapon.

The Ork nodded his head in recognition as if he remembered something all of a sudden. "That's right! You're the humans I ran into on that vassal world. Oh, how are you doing? I hope the explosive I left underneath the city didn't cause too many problems?

"There were explosives under the city?" I asked.

"Yeah, I wanted to blow up the entire place. Did it go off on time, it was supposed to go off an hour after I left."

I shook my head before remembering the gas explosion that happened when a grenade fell into the sewers.

"Think we probably damaged that on accident."

"Oh, damn it. I spent so much teeth on that explosive… well, 'nother time," He sighed. "I just wanted to see a town enter orbit."

"Not going to happen," I mused, pulling my blade back and kicking at his shin in the hope that he would not see that coming.

He apparently had jetpack controls somewhere I didn't see as he simply jetpacked a few feet back to prevent the hit from connecting.

"Well, there's always next time. Anyways I just have to thank you, looks like Gork and Mork finally are looking my way. They have provided me with an enemy, a good one, one who will keep coming back. I'll have to remember this day as this is the day my legend begins in Earnest. To acquire a rival, that is the greatest Honor an Ork could ever want."

"You can continue to enjoy your honor here and now,' I said, rushing at him and slashing repeatedly as he continued to back away.

"Hmm, sounds like a nice place but I'm afraid my time for the ambush has run out," he said matter of factly. Jetpacking a few more feet away he landed at the edge of the cliff that overlooked the valley below before he said. "Remember this as the day that-" He stopped just as I started to walk towards him.

"What is your band of humies called and what is your leader's name?"

Smacking my chest I said, "We're the Wolves of Fenris, under Primarch Russ, and you will not survive this day."

"Right, right… That's a bit of a long name so I'm just going to call you space wolves. That is the day you space wolves almost got me and I gained the greatest enemy there is, Primarch Russ." at that he backed right off the edge of the cliff, falling out of sight. The only sound was his jetpack activating, indicating he probably would survive the fall though I really hoped he did not.

Sighing at the disaster that this had turned into I turned to look at the battlefield, to see how much damage he did.

The road was clogged with bodies. Hundreds of Orks and maybe dozen of our own men down, I hoped it was only that many but it could be more as I only saw around 60 Marines standing. Bjorn of Tra was sitting on a pile of corpses, catching his breath. his sword appeared to have been damaged in the combat and he had replaced his pistol with an Ork-made ax at some point. He was looking around and seemed to be in the same shape as me so I walked through the corpses of the dead toward him. Spotting a loose bolter rifle I quickly leaned over to pick it up and attach it to my armor.

Finally, I arrived by Bjorn and asked, "How bad is it, Sir?"

He shook his head before saying, "You tell me, it was a damn close thing. If they had a bit more explosives to throw over we might have ended up in worse shape. If they had been thinking they could have just pushed boulders over the side and think we'd be in an even worse shape."

I nodded my agreement. Ork bloodlust and need for actual combat probably saved us the worst of it. Had they been thinking more with their brain and less with their brawn I'm sure they would have probably caused the entire cliffside to collapse on us. Not a single one of us would have survived.

Shaking my head I looked at a few Orks who were wounded and walking away back up the road, limping towards the airfield. A few Marines moved and quickly gunned them down to prevent them from warning the Orks we were coming. I doubted it would do much good, the amount of gunfire explosions and clashing of steel we just put out probably had carried up ahead. It would make the surprise attack nearly impossible.

Turning to Bjorn I said "What do we do? We probably aren't going to be making this a surprise attack at this point."

Born shook his head before saying doesn't matter what surprise attack we have or not that airfield needs to come down into our control, they've just wasted probably the most of their forces on this surprise attack which means any defenses they can put together are probably going to be limited.

Standing up, he cracked his neck before putting the knife away on his side.

"Alright, men! Pick up every weapon that we can use, it's ours. Then reload all ammunitions and let us get moving." Pointing to Audgislisson, the radio man, he said, "Go get medic Skeggisson if he's still alive. Then you two find two other guys and dig through the bodies. Find anyone wounded and get them either in fighting shape or at least able to defend themselves."

"The rest of us will proceed on mission and push into the enemy territory. With any luck, they won't see it coming and will just assume we'll fall back."

"Yes, sir!" he said, giving a salute before Bjorn turned back to me. "How many men did you lose?"

Checking over my shoulder I counted about half my Squad missing so I reported as much.

"Damn… This is going to be a hell of a thing. At least we still have over half the men we came with."

Looking down at the bodies I said, "Think any of the Orks that have explosives on them?"

Born looked at me, confused, before nodding "Of course they've got explosives, they used grenades on us. Why?"

"Mission objective is to destroy the airfield, right? Well we don't actually need to get inside the airfield now, do we? What if we arm enough of these explosives and throw them inside the moment those doors open to let out the next Air assault? It would cause quite a bit of mayhem, maybe even start some secondary explosions. If we get it far enough in, I'm sure their fuel is just as explosive as ours."

Bjorn nodded, shaking his head in agreement, "That sounds like a damn good plan. You and you, start searching these Orks for their explosives! We'll rig something up to detonate it all. Everyone else, search for the wounded. We want to do that before we get moving with the explosives. Meanwhile, add them to the pile."

There was a chorus of 'yes, sir!' before everyone got to work.

Bjorn of Tra

Careful, careful, I mentally thought as we moved along the edges of the cliff. We were now right underneath the airfield.

Above us, the scrap gate was shut tight. While I was tired of scrap as could be I could swear there were one or two openings… But nothing we could throw grenades through right now, that was for sure.

Down below, of course, well… we only had about two or three feet of range to move in and past that was sheer cliffs for about two hundred feet, then a couple breaks where a person might be able to land before falling the rest of the way down. It was a not great situation we were in and we had to be careful or we could quite easily die for no gain.

Damn, this plan wasn't exactly helpful in that situation. Throwing a bunch of explosives into another area full of explosive materials and then running along a narrow strip of ground in the hope that no one fell to their Doom or was blasted off when the whole place went to Kingdom come…

Yeah, this was not a great plan. But it was the best plan we had and it would deal with the fortification a lot easier than trying to hold it, something I was not interested in trying to do anymore. Our objective was only to take it out, I had hoped that maybe we would be able to take it completely. Maybe even use it, I don't know… But with the Orks having the ability to pull surprise attacks out of that cliffside the way they just did I was not interested in holding this territory. We would get rid of the jets and let the friendly air support do its job, that was the new plan.

Sure the Valkyries amongst the fly boys would love that.

Either way, the objective now was to survive this close encounter of the Ork kind and bring this place down.

Holding tight to the edge of the cliff I looked up and waited for the airfield's doors to open.

Thankfully, even though we had probably made a racket, either it had not translated to a warning here or the Orks really did not give the possibility of an attack on this position much credit as there were no Orks watching the entrance. Which was good, it meant this operation had a chance.

And said Chance was happening as I thought about it. The doors began to roll open, the scrap only about a foot above my head moving till it was opened all the way to the left of the canyon wall.

"Alright boys, have fun!" I exclaimed before standing up to my full height, picking up a sack of grenades that we'd harvested from the dead Orks. I pulled on a string that was connected to hundreds of little pins, I doubted it would pull all the bands but if it pulled enough that would be fine by me. With a bit of a twist I threw it, causing the bag of grenades to spill out all over the place as it went through the air. To my left and right, seven other Marines tossed their own bags full of explosives, some of them our own but most being Ork in design.

I didn't wait to find out what happened though, I immediately ducked down and we all started crawling away from the open door.

Counting down seconds in my mind I hoped we could just get out of the way before things went to hell. As I hit the fifth-second explosions started with the telltale sounds of grenades going off, followed by what I guess were bigger explosives mixed within the grenades. Probably a few flashbangs as well.

It wasn't until the seventh second that bigger explosions started going off, big booms and the roars of fire indicating that something had been spilled and was now on fire.

This seemed to do a good job of picking up people's pace as the Marines in front of me sped up, trying to get to a safer area of the cliff, one that would not be in direct line with the inevitable explosion when this place went up sky high.

Just before I reached that position though a river of flaming fuel splashed down onto the Marine in front of me, who panicked and tumbled over the side, preventing me and two other Marines from crossing into safety.

"Shit," I muttered, before quickly grabbing my combat knife and shoving it into the wall. "Lock yourself in position and secure yourself for a blast," I called to the Marines behind me. There was nothing else we could do but hope that we weren't blasted off the side of the cliff.

A few moments later there was a boom and the world rang.

I don't know how long I was in that position but when I blinked myself back to sense I saw several Marines in front of me. They were holding on to the cliffside and looking at me with some surprise.

Not exactly sure what they were surprised about, I turned my shoulder to look and saw that the two marines behind me were gone, as well as the top of the mountain. The entire place had burst open as if it had been a carcass left out in the sun. Anything that had been in the way seemed to have either been destroyed or thrown away. Only good thing about this was the river of fuel that had been blocking my escape had stopped, allowing me to unlock my armor and cross onto the safety of the cliffside.

Taking a breath I saw Kori Bretakollrsson come up and grab my shoulder. He asked, "You okay, Bjorn?"

"Just fine. Just fine, really." It was the only thing I could say, we had accomplished our mission but as always we had taken some losses. Hopefully, it would be worth it.