Chereads / ShadowStrife / Chapter 34 - Chapter 5: Reconciliation

Chapter 34 - Chapter 5: Reconciliation

The Reaper and the young hunter made it back safely in the tavern. The young man is treated with medical attention and psychiatry and has been awarded 70% more of the reward money, not for killing the monster but for compensation for the losses, and the young man lived to tell the tale to his peers.

While the Reaper sits at a table on the second floor, waiting for the reward money which is higher than the promised fee. The hunters are starting to acknowledge him for the rumor of him taking part in killing the Chupa, they tried to approach him and talk about it but he found the attention and invasion of his space annoying, so he pushed them away which they reluctantly left him to his peace.

He sips on his drink and then he hears footsteps coming his way. He had expected Miriam but his expression turned sour at the sight of the familiar raven black messy hair tied in a long wolf tail, and amber eyes looking back at him.

"Rena." Alex groaned with disdain.

His twin sister, Rena, stands in front of him. Donning a red Endoan yukata outfit with an unique looking sword dangling at her hip, and a metal right arm covered in red armor, a reminder of her defeat by his hand. She is the last person he wanted to see right now.

"Hello brother. May I sit down? I'm not here to fight." she gestured.

Alex thought about it for a moment, before gesturing her to sit down, which she complied, setting her sword to the side.

Moments passed with awkward silence, Rena could feel animosity from her brother towards her. She couldn't blame him, after all she did to him. Alex was first to break the silence.

"It was you. Your fire on the Chupa."

"Sharp as your blade, I was originally there to help you fight against Shin and his goons."

"Then why are you here now?" he questions, not changing his scowl.

"I wanted to see how you have been. I know no amount of apology will ever make up for it."

"I may have freed you from your corruption, it doesn't mean I forgive you easily. You made the choice."

"I know, We both have suffered, and I am responsible for half of yours. I just wanted to make things right."

Alex wanted to scoff, not wanting to believe her. But deep down, she's still his sister.

"Look, Shin and his ninjas are the least of your problems. There's something going on and the witnesses saw shadows behaving unusually and you need to be prepared."

"Why go out of your way to warn me?"

"I told you, I'll do what I can to make this right."

Rena gets up from her seat, pulls some coins out of her pocket and puts them on the table.

"This round's on me. If you need me, I'll be here."

She waves goodbye, leaving him to his solitude. Alex could sense there was sincerity and regret in that conversation, he couldn't if he could let go of the past, especially at the outcome he left with Rena. He had to kill her to get Tezrian's corruption out, her showing up now confirms the Power of War helped her to survive. He wanted to feel like it was nice talking to her sister like that...

...maybe it did.

Taking a sip on his drink, Miriam finally approached his table.

"I assumed it went well?" Miriam asked, knowing what she meant.

"You sent her to watch me on my mission, and arranged this meeting. Why?" Alex asked bluntly.

"She needed this and so did how did it go?"

Alex only gave a blank look, which only disappoints her.

"Not that well huh?" Miriam sighed, so she decided to change the subject. "I heard the report from the hunter you rescued, but I'm curious to hear your first-hand account."

"That monster did not revive on its own. It was dark magic, meaning someone was controlling them." Alex speculated.

"Interesting, so it was not the monster's ability, but magic controlled by someone. That's a big clue." Miriam mused.

"Whoever's controlling that darkness probably has an ulterior motive."

"I see, I'll keep this in mind."

Then Miriam pulls out a small container with the reward money. "Here's the reward for your services, you may expect some jobs again in the future."

She gets up to leave then looks back at Alex.

"And one last thing. I suggest you stop pushing everyone away, not everyone is your enemy here."

And she leaves without saying another word, Alex finishes his drink and leaves the tavern. He jumps roof to roof to travel back to his hideout.

He reaches his church and decides to use the front, but he finds it's slightly open. Assuming it might be someone looking for trouble, he takes out his weapon, barges in and points the rifle at the intruder.

"Who's there?!!!" he asked.

But then he becomes surprised to see the intruder.

"Oh! Don't scare me like that." Lana jumped, putting her hands.

Alex became silent and saw he was pointing his gun at her. He sighed and put his weapon away.

"You're Lana right?...what are you doing here?" he asked sheepishly.

"So you do remember me, I was getting worried you didn't. I told you I'd be visiting you didn't I? Don't tell me you forgot."

"That doesn't answer why."

"You're an interesting person. I love to know more about you." Lana says with a smile.

"The less you know about me, the better." Alex replied.

"Why? Because you want to be alone?"

"It's better this way."

Then Lana gets in front of him with her hands behind her back. "It shouldn't be! No one has to be alone. You have to at least have one friend you can interact with."

Alex became a bit surprised at the sudden invasion. Her expression turns to irritation, though slightly adorable, as if it were a pout. But then changed into a smirk.

"You know what, how about I become your friend?" she chimes.

"Why do you keep insisting to see me? to befriend me?" Alex asks, slightly annoyed.

Lana's expression became neutral yet he could see a hint of somber. "When I saw you, I saw this lonely expression on your face, and I had this tendency to help people, because it felt right."

Alex's softens at this. It's not often people would see something other than a monster.

"I don't need your pity." Alex dissuades.

"It's not! I just want to get to know you better. Please..."

Alex notes that she is stubborn, much like everyone had been scolding him for his taciturn tendency, and that stubbornness reminds him of someone he lost. He eventually relents.

"Fine, do as you wish." he groans.

Lana giggles at her victory. "Really! Thank you so much, Here's to being friends."

She offers a handshake but Alex stands there before ignoring the hand and walks to the altar.

"One of these days." she says silently.

"You know, I won't judge that you made this your home, but just curious, where do you sleep?" Lana asks.

Alex halts in his steps to think about it for a moment, then he decides to humor her and turns to her.

"Why don't I show you?" he said, extending his hand.

Lana looked at his hand for a moment and took it. Alex saw there was trust in her eyes, he thought she would be reserved of taking the stranger's hand.

With her hand clasping his, he pulled her closer with his other arm around her back, which she responded with an "oh" and her cheeks tinted pink.

"Hold on tight." Alex tells her and she braces onto him.

He jumps high, carrying her with him. Jumping from pillar to wooden platforms, she raised her voice in excitement, until they reached inside the bell tower.

They both landed and he realizes she still clings to him.

"You can open your eyes now." he assures as he releases her.

She did and scanned the room.

"So this is where you sleep?" she says.

"It's not much, but my place of refuge."

"I think it's good, like camping."

Having an idea in his head, Alex proceeds to the curtained window.

"Well, what lacks in quality, the view makes up for it." He pulls off the blinds, revealing the view of the city with lights and the night sky.

Lana approaches the sill, amazed at the sight.

"Whoa!!! It's so beautiful, I wish I could stay here forever." she says in bewilderment.

As Lana looks out at the city, taking it all in. While Alex is looking at her, he's in his thoughts.

It was weird to him. Only a sensible person would not give their trust that easily, and yet this girl just offered it. He couldn't tell if she was deceiving him or just naive.

Part of him just wanted to push her away yet the feeling in his gut tells him not to, and he doesn't even know what it is.

She caught him staring at him. "Is something wrong?" she asked innocently.

Alex flinched then quickly looked at the city. "It's nothing!" he quickly dismisses.

Lana could see the pink tint in his cheeks, then giggles. "Okay, whatever floats your boat." She wasn't buying the excuse but dismisses it regardless and turns her gaze back to the distance.

Neither of them knew what the future holds, but tonight, a friendship sparks here, whether Alex expects it or not....

...and he did not expect his heart to beat.


(In the abandoned ruins)

Wandering through the land was a lone shadow making its way through the forest. Until it reaches the deserted ruins of a deconsecrated chapel. The shadows lurk within its dark corners and their white eyes glared, some merge into a humanoid form.

The shadow then halted at the presence of a man with dark angel wings.

"Do you have something to report, little one?" he spoke with a soft voice.

The dark angel turned around, kneeled down, and offered his hand to it. The shadow slowly approached him and it seeped into his hand. The dark angel closes his eyes and gasps as he sees through the possessed Chupa's eyes, the events in the mines.

And he saw him.

"Alex...Crowe...The Reaper?" he says in astonishment as he opens his glowing purple eyes.

"...he is the one humans fear, the one who was made an enemy....."

All shadows leered closer as the dark angel pondered.

"...I see his pain, his anguish, he needs my help, my solace..."

The dark angel walks to the broken doors, passing the shadows, and looks at the moon. He then opens his hand and darkness gathers around to his palm, it then creates a figure of Alex.

"...and I can give that to him."