Chereads / ShadowStrife / Chapter 24 - (Extra story) Alex Crowe: Resurrection Part I

Chapter 24 - (Extra story) Alex Crowe: Resurrection Part I

What is a soul? Some say it's a spark a light that burns for life until it's snuff out and brought to the next life.

How did the Reaper came to be when he was denied his grave and destroyed his own home for vengeance?

To know the story of Alex Crowe, let's recount the events from three years ago.


(Three years ago)


It's the first thing I see.

It was cold.

I twitched my fingers, my skin felt cold. Then started to gain movement in my hands, then my arms. I reached around and touched a very cold surface then I realized...

...I'm trapped in a box.

I placed my hands on the top part of the box and felt a little movement with a creak.

I know what I have to do.

I pushed upward and the surface of the box began to move but there was a force that's pushing it down from the other side, like a weight put on top.

A little more force of my own and I opened it, but something fell on me. I realized it's dirt falling and burying me

Was I....buried?

I'm not giving up, I forced my hand up and clawed the dirt aside as I made my way up.

I kept digging and digging up. Until I eventually felt cold air and drops of water in my hand, I pushed my other hand up to that same air and clutched the dirt and pulled myself up with all my might until my head rises from the dirt, grasping my breath and moaning.

I dragged my body out of that dirt until my entire body goes out. I was on all fours, breathing the air that was missing from me. Then I finally got the energy to grasp my surroundings.

It was raining, it was night, grass, and I'm surrounded by stones. No, not stones, each of them have names. They're tombstones, I must've be in the graveyard.

What was I doing in a graveyard? How did I end up here?

But then it hit me.

Who am I?

I looked behind me to see the tombstone I just climbed out of.

Alex Corvus.

My name is Alex Corvus.

Why can't I remember anything? This name was written on the tombstone I climbed out of.

Was I...dead? How did I come back?

I touched the tombstone and my head instantly flashes. There were people, a girl with red hair, then a house that says Corvus on the mailbox before the memory flashes into flames.

What was that about?

I then caught a glimpse of my hands. They were pale white, then looked at my skin, also white. But I had realized something.

I was naked.

I was a tad startled but paid no mind as all of this aside the point, I need to know what happened to me.

I rise from my position from the ground I had once buried in. I stretched out my body to make sure I have mobility and started walking.

I rambled my brain for my destination and among my clouded memories was a house of Corvus family, that's where I need to go.

I exited the graveyard and took the most desolate path to avoid getting spotted by people in the nude. Every path I walked felt more familiar every step I take, like I know where to go despite not having a memory.

I finally arrived at the mailbox labeled "Corvus" of my memories and glance at the house. I saw the house in ruins, the walls were charred, rusted and old, some pieces were broken down, the garden is a mess and plants are rotted away, the windows were broken and the door was charred and hanging by the hinges.

'This must be where I lived. What happened here?'

I entered the gate, took steps through the lawn and entered through the door.

I see everywhere is charred and in ashes from wall to floor, the couches were burned off and the shelves and tables are ruined, the fireplace is charred yet intact. At the center of the floor, I saw chalk outlines of bodies, four of them. Seems like whatever happened here wasn't resolved.

I walked to a particular chalk outline whose hand was reaching out to another, it seemed most familiar. I reached out to that surface and when I touched it, memories suddenly flashed in my head.



There was fire everywhere, two bodies lying on the floor in their pool of blood. They were five silhouettes, laughing and mocking. I stared down to my hands, my complexion was fair and alive. I looked up and lunged at the most burly of the silhouettes, but my attack was blocked then I was punched to the floor.

Then the burly figure held something in his hand. It was a knife.

"You Corvus are so stubborn to live your pathetic lives, I'll be doing everyone a favor by getting rid of you." The burly figure said with spite.

He rears the rod back then lunged it at me, but then suddenly a girl about my age jumped in front of me and got stabbed instead. The girl has black hair and fair skin, and wearing a white nightie, which is now stained with her own blood.

The girl gave a smile as the rod was removed and she collapsed to the floor dead.

"NO!!!" I screamed.

I reached out for her but I was suddenly doused with liquid with an interesting smell.

It was bleach.

I looked up to the burly figure and saw him hold a lighter.

".... .... ...…. ...." I seem to be saying something but I couldn't hear or remember what I said.

Then the burly figure threw the lighter at me and he became the last thing I saw as flames consumed my sight.

(Flashback end)


I snapped out of it and absorbed my reclaimed memory.

I was...attacked. My home was invaded and set on fire. My family was murdered, and I was burned alive.

It wasn't just the memory that was returned to me, it was the sensations. I felt...pain, agony, and rage.

The girl that sacrifice herself to save me. I assume she was my sister. Now that I think about it...

...What do I look like?

I looked around for a reflection and found a mirror, cracked but big enough to see. I proceeded to it and examine myself.

I have long raven-black messy hair that almost covers my right eye, my skin is ghostly white and my lips are faded black. My facial features are rather young but the most notable features are my eyes, I have dark circles around my eyes but my irises are crimson red that glowed like the burning sun.

Was I always like this? I don't think this is what a normal human looks like. What the hell is going on with me?


Out of confusion, fear and sadness, I screamed on top of my lungs as I can hear crows cawing loudly.

I fell down to my knees and clutched my head as I desperately tried to calm myself.

And then I heard footsteps, and when the guy step inside and saw me.

"Hey, The fuck you doin in my crib!!!" he barked.

I paid notice of the guy, he was wearing a black tank top with denim vest and jeans, he has a maroon beanie, blonde hair and blue eyes.

"I said!!! What the fuck are you doing in my crib naked!!! Are you high?!!!" he roared as pushed me.

"Wait!" I cried only to be met with a fist to the face, I fell down the floor and grunted.

Then the guy grabbed a wooden stick.

"Oh fella, you crossed my territory. Wait until my friends know this and we're gonna have so much fun, but not until I rough you up a little first!!!" he said.

He began to beat me with the wooden stick with cruel pleasure.

"Stop." I croaked as he doesn't stopped hitting me.

With every hit, my anger rises.

When he was about to land a final blow, I caught the stick and held it there. As I rise up, he became shocked. My eyes glowed in anger and I rear my fist back.

"I said...STOP!!!!" I roared as I punched him the face which sent him flying out of the house.

I looked at my fist and was surprised with my strength. But I wasn't finished with him yet.

I saw recover and look at me with anger of his own. When I walked to the moonlight revealing my face to him, his expression immediately turned to sheer horror.

"Oh god....What the fuck! it's you!!!" he said with his voice cracked.

"Your territory?" I said in a cold voice, as I walked towards him.

"But you....You're dead man!!! How are you alive?!!!" his voice now shaken in fear.

I picked him by the vest and lifted him up. Glaring at him, and then out of instinct, I reared back my other hand.

"This. Is. My. House!!!" I snarled with fury.

Then I drove my fist through his body, impaling him.

He gasped in pain as his blood flows through my arm, I looked deep into his eyes I saw a coward before his body fell limp. So I removed my bloodied hand and let him go.

I looked down to see a ball of wisp float out of him, I lifted my hand toward it and it start to go into me.

Once it absorbs into me, I felt my wounds heal. Then the next thing I know, I felt a sharp pain in my head and memories flashed once more.



This memory seems to take place at school. I saw a boy with short black hair, silver irises, and fair complexion. He wears a dark blue t-shirt hoodie with red collar, brown quarter pants and sneakers. He looks like me...or rather he is me.

It seems like people are making fun of me, I get into fights with some burly guy dressed black shirt with a skull design and jeans, he's got brown hair and blue eyes.

And it seems that wherever I go, when bad luck happens, they point fingers at me.

Then the night in the fire. I began to see the silhouettes from my last flashback lot clearer. They were my classmates.

The guy whose memory I'm currently viewing, his name is Dan.

Then there's a girl with pink shirt and white shorts, blonde hair and green eyes and makeup, who seemingly dress like an obnoxious, condescending, Barbie-looking girl. Her name is Roxanne.

Another girl with black hair and a pink headband and same makeup, green shirt and blue skirt. Her name is Chelsea, and she seems to be Roxanne best friend.

There's a scrawny guy with brown curly hair and brown eyes with glasses, wearing a cardigan sweater and jeans. His name is Albert, and I knew him lack the guys to do anything but say yes to everything.

Then the burly guy who killed me, slick back brown hair and blue eyes, wearing a black shirt with a skull design print and jeans. His name is Bradley, my bully.

(Flashback end)


I snapped in shock.

I know who these people are. I know what happened to me. But above all...

...I now know who's responsible for this.

My newfound anger surges inside me as I stand up with my newfound strength.

A strength to take my vengeance.

I went back to the house, and I go to my room, which was mostly intact. I went to my closet and took out my clothes, I dress myself and came out with my new dreads.

I donned a blood red hoodie worn over my white dress shirt, black skinny jeans with a silver chain hanging on my left hip, and black Converse shoes.

I went to the destroyed kitchen and took out a kitchen knife from the drawer.

I walked out the door, looking fresh, ready to murder my classmates who took everything from me.


(Third Person View)

When the morning hits, the skies are blue and the winds are clear. Everyone goes to work or their activities and kids go to school.

A figure in the red hoodie stand in front of the high school named:

Hollow Hills High School of the Gifted.

He's fresh to hunt down those who did this to him.

But to claim his vengeance, Alex must learn about his life here in Hollow Hills.

He hid his knife and stood across with his hood up to conceal his face. It's only nine o'clock, so everyone must be in their classes.

Alex made my way into the front courtyard. As He looked around the school, he felt a wave a nostalgia washing over him as he runs my hand at the railing.

This must be where he goes to school. He came across the particular shaded tree that seemed familiar to him, then he looked from the tree to the open space.

After a moment, Alex placed his hand on the tree and closed his eyes as memories begins to flash in his head.



This school has become lively during recess, and in the shaded tree sat a dark haired young boy who is about 14 yrs old.

He wears a dark blue t-shirt hoodie over his red polo shirt, brown quarter length pants and sneakers. He seems to be drawing two men swordfighting in his sketch pad.

Enjoying his time of respite, a thud can heard a minute later across him. A burly kid with a slick back brown hair and a t-shirt with a skull print and jeans is on the ground as if he tripped. His two of his friends helped him up until he laid his eyes on the kid in the shade.

'This isn't good.' The dark haired kid thinks as if this was an everyday routine.

"You!!! Watch where you are! you tripped me!!" the burly kid shouted.

"I wasn't even near you, Bradley." the kid said, sounding as if he was fed up with the burly kid named Bradley's stupid whims.

"Are you talking back at me, freak?"

"Leave me alone already." The kid spat as he gets up and tries to leave but Bradley and goons blocked him.

"Or what? We all know everyone's got bad days because of you and your family, isn't that right?...Alex." Bradley berates

The dark haired kid named Alex just stood there with a glare as Bradley towers over him due to his height and continues to mock him.

"Alex the Freak, Alex the Bad Luck,....Alex the Nobody."

Anger is evident on Alex's face but he still remains composed. He wanted to slug him so hard but he was taught to not start fights, so he attempts to walk away.

"Chicken!!!...Maybe your sister's hot bod would be fun to try out...Or maybe, your girlfriend."

Alex stops his tracks and seethes in fury.

'That's it!!! He crossed the line.'

He immediately runs to Bradley and shoves him. Bradley stumbles backwards a bit then recovers, he laughed a little before throwing a punch, but Alex caught his attack by the wrist, kneed him then threw him down over the shoulder and kicked by the gut before backing off.

Bradley glares at Alex before turning to his goons.

"Don't just stand there!!! GET HIM!!!" he commanded.

The first guy with the familiar denim vest, it was Dan, attacked Alex only to be blocked and deflected. Ian tried to high kick but Alex caught his leg and sweep kick his other leg, causing him to fall.

He then had to step back to avoid the frontal kick from the other guy who he didn't recognize.

He wears light blue shirt over his white shirt and brown pants. He has black hair and blue eyes and bad teeth.

Alex looked down at see a rock at his foot and without hesitation, he kicked the rock to the guy's face, causing him to stumble, and he ran to the guy, grabbed him by his right arm and shirt and threw him over judo-style and as he got on top he punched him in the face.

Ian got up but wasn't prepared when Alex runs at him and dropkicks him to the trash bin.

Alex gets up to see Bradley standing in anger.

"You're gonna pay for that." he snarled as he pulled out a butterfly knife and spins it.

Alex's eyes widen with surprise.

"Heh! You've gone pale Lexie, does this remind you that I'm not someone you can mess with?" Bradley taunted.

Screw this bastard. He knew it was a matter of time before he uses weapons, but he didn't expect a knife.

'Fine, time to put dad's training to use.' he thinks to himself as he put his body in a relaxed state, letting him strike first.

"Brave are you? then take this!!!" Bradley shouted then lunged the knife going for a stab but Alex instantly caught his wrist with his left hand and slapped his handheld knife with his right hand, causing him to let go of the knife. Alex released his grip to elbow Bradley at the face and sidekick him to the ground.

Alex picks up the butterfly knife, spins it and pointed it at Bradley. The kept like this for a moment of silence before Alex exhaled.

Disarming a dangerous weapon requires timing and nimble hands.

"You're not that tough, all you've done was being a jerk." Alex said coldly as Bradley looks back at him with fear, but it doesn't stop from warning him.

"You do this again, and see where it gets you."

And just like that, Alex threw down the knife and starts to walk away.

"What is going on!!!" a voice called out.

The students immediately dispersed at the sound of a teacher's voice. Few remained watching from a distance to see the outcome and tell the rest of the school. The teacher paid no attention to the scattering students as the sight of Alex and the three students on the ground took precedent. It only took seconds for the teacher to make sense of what happened.

The teacher pointed in the direction of the building. "Alexander Corvus! Principal's office! NOW!"

Alex resigned to his fate and obeyed the command.

Even when you prevail, sometimes victory isn't always yours.

(Flashback end)


Alex opened his eyes.

He remembered this is where he fought the bullies. Bradley and his goons were the ones responsible for this, but he never knew why. At least the history makes somewhat sense of it.

The school janitor was walking by with the cleaning supplies until he caught sight of the red hooded figure.

"Hey! you're not supposed to be here. Are you a student? Get back to class before I call the principal." the janitor called out.

Alex stood there for a second before turning to look at him.

When the janitor saw his face, his expression immediately turned to horror.

"Y-you?!!! But....H-how?" the janitor stammered in fear and confusion.

Assuming the janitor knew who he was, it makes sense considering Alex went to school here. The fact that the Alex's reputation and the news of him supposedly dead now standing face to face with him sent the janitor fear of what he might do to him.

Seeing the janitor spooked, Alex raised his hand, brought his pointer finger to his lips and made a "shhh" gesture.

"Ok...Ok...I'll say nothing about this."

Alex nodded, and slowly walks away, leaving the frightened janitor shaken before running with his tails between his legs.


During school recess, teens what teens do best.

On a bench by the fountain sat a particular beautiful girl with short red hair, green eyes and fair complexion. She wears a green sweater over her white dress shirt, dark brown skirt, black socks and sneakers.

She usually kept her cheery demeanor but in the inside, she carries sadness of a loss.

"Hello, Melanie." a girl's condescending voice called.

"I'm not in a mood, Roxanne." the girl named Melanie replied in a irritated tone.

"Oh come on, don't be like that Mel. Just trying to be friendly."

Melanie just ignores her as she gets up and walks away, but Roxanne continues to pester her.

"Ok look! We're having this party at my place and I'm thinking you should come along."

"No! I'm not going to some stupid party only for to set me up and humiliate me!"

Then Roxanne steps in front of Melanie, stopping her in her tracks. Roxanne's face looked very smug yet serious.

"Listen sweetie! Your emo boy toy is dead so he can't protect you anymore. So why don't you just suck it up and come hang out with us, because if you don't, we make your life much worse than it already is." she said the last the part threateningly.

"I'm not stupid, all you do is buy people's obedience, whether money or body to gain power and privilege. But then suddenly you became so jealous that Rena is more beautiful than you. If you're jealous that I'm smarter or pretty than you, the you may as well shove off and forget it." Melanie berates backs

"Or what? Slut for creeps?"

The stare off between two girls was not lost on the surrounding students. Before it got anymore intense, a black haired friend of Roxanne's with green dress called out.

"Hey Roxy!!! Can we go shopping for makeup? I wanna look so good for the party instead of wasting our valuable time with this loser."

"Yes Chelsea! I'll be there in a sec!...This isn't over!!!" She said as she walks away to join her friend. Then Melanie heard the following conversation as they walk away.

"By the way, did you hear that Dan hasn't come to school today? No one's even heard of him this morning"

"Gosh! I wonder how Bradley's taking this."

Melanie walked in the opposite direction, although she was curious that Dan suddenly disappeared without any news.

Little did she know, She was watched by a hooded figure from the rooftop of the school, out of sight. He was spying on his former classmates, marking those were there at the night of his death as his prey. He set his sights on the two rich mean girls as they were the ones who came for Rena, his sister.

When his eyes fell on Melanie, he suddenly familiarity and longing. He felt a warmness in his heart, butterflies in his stomach, and his cheek warmed too. He felt that this Melanie was close to him.

He remembered there was a girl with short red hair in one of his flashbacks. He know that this girl was not involved in his death.

Just who was she to him?


(Time skip)

The school bell rang for the dismissal. All kids walked out of of their classrooms, going on about their stuff. It was normal, all except one.

Melanie walked out sad. Not because she was harassed by some of her classmates, but because there was someone who was usually by her side, someone who would sit next to her to talk, laugh, and love. But now that they're gone, nothing else matter to her anymore.

She goes to walk alone, taking routes to avoid people, to the direction of her home.

But first, she needs to make a quick stop to somewhere. She turns left and headed for the secluded path to the hill with a tree.

Meanwhile a figure in a red hoodie stood by that said hill with the tree.

After spying on the campus marking his targets, he plans to return home to prepare.

However, a gut feeling brought him here to a tree of the hill. The tree is shady and the grass is filly with flowers and rather comfy, he looked back and saw nice view of the sunset and the whole village. He'll admit it is a nice place for solitude.

Upon looking closer to tree, there's an old carving of a heart with the letters "A + M" written in it.

Why is he here, he doesn't know. He can't but feel familiarity of the area.

He reached out for the tree in hopes a piece of his memories of this place were restored, but when he places his hand on it, nothing happened.

His expression didn't change, he wondered why his head didn't flash a single memory as it once did.

After a minute, he gives up and lets go of the tree. He then he felt a presence behind him.

"Nice spot isn't it?" a girl voice said behind him. He didn't turn around feeling as if this girl has more to say, so he listens.

"This is where I come to get away from people. Me and...*sighs*. I don't mean to be rude, but I like to have some peace to myself if you wouldn't mind."

'Probably some annoying girl, if I show her my face, it'll scare her just like it did to janitor.' Alex thinks.

Alex turns around, removes his hood to show his face. He expected some fright, but instead her face become turned to surprise, and not the fearful kind.

Alex got a good look of her. It's the same red headed girl that was bullied by two condescending girls.

"Alex?" she breathed out in disbelief.

Just as she said his name, his head begins to flash.

In his flashback, he saw himself protecting her when they were little. For years, he hung out with her, they play songs, drew art, share a laugh, a dance...and a kiss.

His head recovers to look at her and he softens. He knew her, she was his friend and first love.

" that you?" tears flow down her cheeks as she stood there, struggling to comprehend that the only person that mattered to her in her life is standing in front of her.

His heart flutters, and feeling butterflies in his stomach. He remembers who she is as he said her name.


More tears flooded her cheeks. After a second later, she didn't hesitate to run up to Alex and threw her arms around him.

"I missed so much...I thought you were dead." Melanie cried burying her face in his hoodie.

Alex was feeling an overwhelming relief before returning the embrace.

"You were my love Mel, in a life nothing but pain and misery, I came back." Alex says solemnly yet lovingly.

Melanie lets go of him to gaze on his face. He may looked different, but she knows he might be the same boy she loved. She allowed him to wipe her tears as smiles, her cheeks reddened.

Then after a moment, she leans in and presses her lips on his. Alex was surprised at first then he submits and kisses her back. They both can feel the longing passion and affection from one another as they remained like that for a few more seconds before they have to finally separate for air.

"I thought I lost you forever....but how?" Melanie asks while sobbing.

"I....I don't know." Alex answered before pausing, Then after a moment, he asks.

"Melanie...I need you to tell me everything, what happened and who I was."