The two stood there awkwardly as angry and pouty Daphne yelled at them along with Akindele leaning on the wall with his arms crossed.
"Do you know much we're worried about you?!!!"
"Sorry, we didn't think we'd run into thugs when security got pretty tight" Sara apologized then Daphne turn to Crowe
"and YOU!!! you were shot!!! How are you ok?!!!"
Crowe remained stoic and rolled up his sleeve to show his wounds, there were no wounds but the bloodstains remained. He said nothing throughout the exchange. Daphne's eyes began to water for a few seconds then threw her arms around Sara and Crowe but he backed away to avoid the hug so she latched on to Sara instead.
"I'm so glad you're ok!!!" her voice ripples as she continued to sob on her shoulders, while Akindele has a smile on his face.
"But other than that, yo guys are strong!" he congratulates them.
Minutes later of Daphne's hugging and wailing, Crowe cleared his throat getting their attention.
"I believe we brought back that information about the government's works."
With everyone gathered at the cafeteria table, with Crowe leaning on the wall with his arms crossed with listening to Sara briefing them of what they learned.
"Thanks to Carmilla's information, we now know that the government has been experimenting on four demons and each of them have been kept in separate locations."
Everyone leans in for listen as Sara pulled a white board.
"The first one is called the Iron Juggernaut, they harvested its steel to provide weaponry that surpasses any of our human weaponry. The second is bug demon called Croquitos, an insect who can produce poison gas but it's fluids are known to be ingredients to many weaponized concoctions. The third is the Stygian Worm, it's a giant worm that digs through the ground, combine its genetic detail to Croquitos' venom would make a person a simple superhuman...or a rotting corpse. Last but not least is the Warlock and believe or not, this one chose to help them. He is the one puts the magic in the harvested samples of the other three demons. Together they created the Mystic Serum, if you take one vial of the serum it could give you magical abilities but if it rejects you, you die an agonizing death."
Sara then pulls out the map of the city where there are markings of the demons' location
"The Iron Juggernaut is located at Warehouse 59 at 6th Avenue Street right here, Croquitos is at the facility behind the botany gardens in Unity Park, the Stygian Worm is being kept in this military compound east of here, for obvious reasons it's a heavily guarded fortress. But for the Warlock, they kept his location secret not even Carmilla would know, I would suggest we go after the Warlock last."
"So which would we go first?!!" Akindele asked.
For a brief moment of silence, Alden looked at Crowe and he stared back with his eyes narrowed.
(//) - flashback dialogue
In the next day, Crowe is seen standing under the sign that says "6th Avenue St." with a crow perching on it, he spends some of his brooding remembering the plan they had discuss during the briefing yesterday.
/First we must cut off their weapon supply, the more weapons they have the more complicated our missions will get, there are weapon shipments in here, here and here. Akindele and Sara will get to these locations and destroy them. Crowe, you will the one to kill the source./
Alden was the one who made that decision. Now donning his new clothes given to him, the dark grey quarter length sleeved shirt with two tails, red ribbon for a tie, black skinny jeans and grey boots, along with his poncho-like cloak with his hood up. He stood across the gate of Warehouse 59, waiting and remembering what Daphne said.
/I can shut down the security systems in all these locations, and Crowe, I can misdirect the guards from the entrance by triggering one alarm. Once I give the signal, sneak in fast./
While he waits for that signal, he has to tell himself that doing this will bring him steps closer to his revenge. Minutes later, the alarm was triggered farther away catching the attentions of the guards. The front guards made a stupid move to abandon their posts to investigate that alarm, leaving the entrance unguarded.
Crowe took this opportunity to sprint towards the entrance then ran behind the boxes. He wasn't stupid enough to run into the open unless necessary, he moved behind boxes to boxes until he reached to the door.
He found himself in a hallway so he ran silently through, he remembered what he was looking for.
/The Juggernaut is underground, so the elevator is your only way in and out. Once you're inside, head straight to end of the hallway then take left and find that elevator./
So he move following those directions, straight then left, until he stumbled upon the elevator, but he hid out of sight because there are two guards with assault rifle by the elevator.
/Keep in mind that there are two men guarding the elevator, they won't move from their position so you'll have to take them out quickly before they alert the others./
Crowe took out his kama and threw it at the
guy in the right, making him drop his weapon. As the other guard turns to his partner confused, Crowe dashed to him at inhuman speed that he becomes a blur, when the guard turn to look at his attacker he's already in front of him. He kicked his rifle away before he gets the chance to pull the trigger then he grabbed his head and kneed him to the face and dropped him to the floor.
He noticed the guard, who's got his kama stuck on his shoulder, tried to reach for his walkie-talkie so Crowe kicked his crotch which prevents him from taking the talkie, the guard bends over holding his crotch in pain while Crowe takes his kama from and dug the blade into the back of the guard's back. He then takes the pistol from the holster then shot the guard who was at the ground a few times and headshot the other, effectively killing them both.
After recovering from the fight and sapping away their life force he noticed something was off. There were gunshot holes but there's no blood, instead the hole was too big for a pistol round and sides were glowing orange as if it was freshly burnt and floor under the hole was punctured the same fashion. He inspects the gun in his hand and then the assault rifles and the metal didn't look like any he seen before, then took out the magazine, the bullets are black but they glowed orange.
Is this one of the weapons made from the Iron Juggernaut? Crowe is usually not one to care but he would be wise to learn what he's up against. He kept the pistol and looted ammo from the corpses before taking the elevator down to the basement.
He reached down to basement and readied his next move.
/Once you reach the lower levels, you'll have to take care of the scientists there. Whether you'll kill them or not is up to you, but I would like avoid unnecessary casualties. Please only kill unless you have to./
The door opens up to reveal a lab full of tables, computers and scientific equipment. There were only eight scientists present in room ranging from using the computers to whatever is it they do on the desks. Crowe didn't hesitate to speed and knock out every scientists in the room hitting from neck to head. With all that done he searched in one of the drawers, took out one of the folders and skimmed the whole thing.
From he understood, the metal harvested from the Juggernaut they called it the "Chaos Ore" and not only it is more versatile than any metals known in periodic table, but it is also heat absorbent and used that stored heat for redistribution.
Before he could read any further, Crowe felt a sharp pain on his back, but not enough for him to flinch. He turned around and saw one scientist with a regular pistol and a fearful expression, Crowe growled before running to him, while transforming his kama into a polearm scythe, jumped to the air, raised it overhead and drive his blade into his shoulder, killing the scientist upon landing.
After removing his scythe, Crowe scowled because he asked for this. Not wanting to waste any more time he took out what looked like a C4 charge given by Akindele and remembered what he said.
/Dis a high grade A explosive charge! I call em Shabam!!!.....well dis bad boys are very powerful it can destroy up to 13 blocks away!!! but since yo usin dis underground the structure should keep range at the warehouse itself so take two for good measure!/
Two...Shabams, yeah I'm not calling it that, and one detonator. He set one charge underneath the desk and proceeded to the door to the right, leading to a short staircase down and another door with a sign that says "Enter with caution".
He entered through with his scythe ready. The room is too big, like a dome littered with cracks and crater marks, on the side were sets of strange rifles with the barrels glowing blue and they are few guards with said rifles that shoots out electric lasers, attempting to stifle the monster at the center.
At the center, is massive stone human figure about 13 feet tall, the armor is black with stone-like appearance with cracks that glowed orange, though there are quite a number of pieces missing which revealed a red-orange flesh from arms, legs and chest. Hands as big and shaped like hammer but there are chains hold them to the ground and it's helmet has three vertical slits on it's face.
This is the Iron Juggernaut, and it seems to notice the reaper's presence because it was trying to break free from the chains.
Crowe narrowed his eyes, gripped the scythe with two hands and readied his stance against the Juggernaut.
"OK, Let's do this!"