[Name: Bell Cranel
Race: ajin
Level: 1
Str: 0 i
End: 0 i
Agi: 0 i
Dex: 0 i
Mag: 0 i
Development abilities:
Racial: ajin: Ajin are an incredibly rare species. They are not humans, but are born from two human parents and are indistinguishable from humans until the day they first die. Whenever an ajin dies, they come back to life completly restored, this is because an ajin's soul can produce and store negative matter, and with it, positive matter. The positive matter is used during an ajin's ressurrection, so even if they starve to death, they will revive at peak condition. The negative matter is sometimes used in the revival process, deleting toxins and foreing bodies from existence, alongside the positive matter, there is nothing an ajin can't recover from (even if their miraculous regeneration only triggers uppon death), even beheading will just result in the ajin's soul migrating to the new brain, the sole thing capable of sending an ajin's soul to the afterlife is old age(A/N: a small mercy i put in, so mc won't just be trapped in an eternal cycle after the story is done). Negative matter can also be used in another matter: the creation of what some call a "black ghost", a generaly humanoid construct the ajin can comand (tipicaly on combat, but not restricted to it), black ghosts are made entirely out of negative matter, and therefore, don't tend to last long, however, the more an ajin dies and the longer it's been since the ajin's first death, the denser the black ghost constructs become, this makes them more durable, able to last longer, easier to summon more frequently, and sometimes even smarter and capable of operating without the ajin's direct instructions. Black ghosts are also completly invisible (even if not completly undetectable), with the curious exception of those the ajin direct strong emotions towards (such as killing intent) and the ajin species itself. Strong emotions during an ajin's death and regeneration can also trigger an incredibly rare event known as "flood event", in witch multiple black ghosts spawn at once. The last ability in all ajins' kit is the "ajin voice", tipicaly a scream that gets mixed with high frequency sound waves that cause muscle paralysis on any human that hears it, the effect curiously wears off faster on humans that know the ajin well on a personal level(A/N: this will get shorten to just the skill name on subsequent status updates)(A/N: the ajin voice thing will be limited to just humans, as it would be way too op otherwise, altho i am still debating on making it work on the bodies gods use when in the genkai or not)
I am thinking of giving mc pain resistance(maybe as a development ability in "luck"'s place), maybe "fear resistance" instead... so even if mc knows it will hurt a lot to commit suicide, he will do so anyways with no hesitation when the situation calls for it. "You faced a decision that you knew would 100 percent get you killed, and you did it anyways, you now find it easier to do so again" yeah, that sounds nice... i may call it "suicidal" instead of "fear resistance" tho, lol
Mc will still get the exelia boosting skill, but i am not sure about the rest of bell's original skillset