Ichigo won't be born, it will instead be ruby(mc) that will be in his place, so the family will be: isshin(father), masaki(mother), ruby(mc), yuzu(sister), karin(sister)
Mc will be born with aura and will at one point awaken the aura of the rest of the family
Mc won't remember her life in remanent, but she will know about her beeing reincarnated, about grimm, her fighting abilities, about aura and her semblance, about her silver eyes, etc. She will be able to summon cressent rose and dust ammunition at will. Mc won't be sad about her past life, she will be nostalgic about it, but she will understand that there is no going back, and just hope her loved ones are safe
Mc will save masaki from the grand fisher, even if she won't be able to see hollows yet, she will just have her mom's aura unlocked by then and after the mom survive the first blow, ruby will understand there is something there and shoot it with crescent rose, mom will then guide mc where to strike untill they win
Mc's silver eyes(when activated) will slowly poison hollows that mc looks at with purifying energy, sapping their strength. It will also be capable of sending ghosts to the afterlife just like the shinigamis' "soul burial/konsu"
Mc will have ichigo's original powers on top of her own, only that crescent rose will be her favorite weapon over the zampakto zangetsu. She won't absorb rukia's power at the start, but something(aizen) will poison rukia soon after that first hollow of the series is defeted, and force rukia into a gigai, rukia will then ask mc for help with her shinigami duties as she can't perform them anymore. Mc won't need to be removed from her body to fight, and those she awaken the aura of will also have that benefit(most glaring beeing mc's father, that will get acess to his zampakto back(mc will think it is his semblance)), mc will eventually awaken rukia's aura and even if not at full power due to the poison, she will get acess to her zampakto back(all shinigami mc awaken the aura of will be able to summon and unsummon their zampaktos at will(yes, crescent rose will be a zampakto, only it is one with no spirit. Mc will use zangetsu's shikai and bankai for their power boosts(even if she won't ever take out the sword))). After rukia awakens aura, she won't go back to soul society out of fear for what the shingamis will do to mc(12th division mostly) if they learn of this never seen power she wields. Once byakuya and renji come to take rukia, they will think mc stole some of rukia's shinigami powers and will do that "stab a certain point to destroy shinigami powers" thing, but with mc beeing still a living beeing, she will only be gravously injured but her powers will remain
Mc will have that "spiritual beeing invisibility" thing, but only when crescent rose is summoned
About mc's hollow, she will be friendly. Once mc learns about her, she will gladly lend her powers and just ask for some cookies every now and then