Mc will only regain his memories of his past life and his cheat when first landing on axel, aka: aqua will be there
Kazuma's personality will imediatly change because of the previous life's memories
Mc's powers will be a heavily edited kit from skyrim: no mods (as i played only on xbox 360 i don't know skyrim out of vanila :( ) all items and powers, magics, etc from all mc's characters when he played skyrim, aka: all perks unlocked and active, all magics, all gear from multiple playstyles (heavy warrior, light warrior, mage, thief, assassin, night blade, stealth archer, paladin... every playstyle i can imagine), both vampire lord and wearewolf abilityes all maxed out, level 10 000 character, all passives, all everything! With exeption of the restoration loop potion glitch stuff that lets you enchant gear with plus 9 quadrilion damage and etc ( :( ), as compensation: no shout cooldown, infinite werewolf transformations that mc can go into and out of whenever he wants like a vampire lord instead of the timer mechanic, werewolf won't unequip gear on transforming back to human, werewolf and vampire lord form still benefit from equiped gear, no limit to carry weight in inventory, no penalty for beeing werewolf/vampire (including the sunlight debuff), magic absorbtion no longer disables conjuration, 100 percent magic absorbtion (i am still on the fence with this one, i may not add this magical imunity in the end), mc won't feel pain
No daedra will be able to invade the new world
I wanted for megumin to get that passive hermeous mora gives that prevents friendly fire, so i thought about letting mc give out blessings like a god shrine in skyrim: all his passives are eligeable to be copyed to others for 8 hours
Mc's skyrim stats won't show in the adventurer card, just a skill called "rob's blessing: skyrim system" written in thu'um, all skills, mechanics, spells, perks, etc will be displayed as subskills of the skill, but they will only show if someone clicks on the skill for more information, and again, all of that will be written in thu'um, making mc the only one capable of reading it, the guild recepcionist who make the adventurer card will raise an eyebrow at mc having an innate skill and that said skill is in another language, but she won't pry and definitly won't cause the comotion she did for aqua's card
Mc will get the adventurer class and will stick to it, the reason beeing that he can trade unused perk points for a bunch of skill points and viceversa, as mc already has all 272 perks his skyrim system has to offer and his skyrim caracter is over level 10 000, he has a crap ton of useless perks points, so mc will make his goal to learn every single skill from konosuba world, as he certainly has the skill points to get them all
Mc will have acess to goods from skyrim via the black merchant summon, he will convince the merchant to expand his store from daedric weapons and armor to an everything store, mc will sell konosuba goods to the merchant and the merchant will sell skyrim goods to mc
Mc won't know about konosuba world