He carried me and set me down on his single bed, putting all the covers on me as I couldn't move a limb. I had only one thought recurring in my head, which was not of great importance, but without its answer, I wouldn't be satisfied.
I held on to the collar of his shirt lightly before he could leave. He looked at me with puzzled eyes, removing my hand from his shirt and placing it between his.
"Liar," I breathed out. "That wasn't an illusion. Otherwise, you could have changed your eye and even saved the whole lot of us."
"It was an illusion, but an illusion is not one of my powers," he said with a subtle chuckle. "The sword itself is magical and can hide only if paired with its scabbard. The scabbard and the sword remain hidden until I wish it. But the blood disappearing wasn't one. I sent it floating down the drain. And about the evidence, none exists."