I knew that my father was just starting to get his buyers in packs, but I had to deal with selling the diamond. I wanted to give my parents a better life than living in a house with walls peeling off and repairing spoilt things when they needed to be replaced instead. I wasn't asking for more than a simple life. I just wanted that life to be comfortable when I wasn't going to be around taking care of my ageing parents.
Although I wanted to help my father, he didn't want me there and said to stay home. He didn't understand that letters for colleges were not going to come home like in his time. I already had an email to get such stuff done. Nevertheless, I was determined to make my time useful.
I marched off to the sea to wash the gore off my limbs and replaced the sword. I didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea. Next, I went to the marketplace where the jewellery shop was stationed.