Since it was a thorn to see her and all they could do was scold and slapped her. She didn't think of anything about staying there any further and started to pack her stuff on front of them.
She told them earlier to leave. However, they didn' it seemed wrong to leave just like that.
For Ming Chu, now it doesn't matter if anyone would stay by her side or not. Cause she was determine to leave.
It was true, she didn't like Architecture designing before and just took this major on a, it was in fact was not any hasty decision she made just like that.
She thought for like two days before she come to this point and finally fill out the career form.
Even though she was still little doubtful and unsatisfied with her choice back. But after spending two month in that major and working on the assignment with the guidance it the devil Zhu. She come to realised, she didn't hated that major that much and was now liking how things were going.