" Let's meet again ".
It was nice meeting his juniors from the university in this city. He felt happy to see that he was not alone and happened to run into them at the right time.
But then again....the time went by too quickly and now it was already the time to go back home. Such a pity he didn't able to spend more time with them.
" Yeah....Let's meet again ", All of them repeat the same sentence with smiles on their face and said goodbye to Ran Ran and Kelin Xu.
The both went to their own way while Ming Chu and everyone went to the opposite direction.
Soon, two taxis arrived as Cai Yi had book before and they left for the home.
It was dark in the night and bright stars could be seen from outside of the window.
It was windy but she still let the window wide open and looking outside at the sky as she was very happy.