Both Kiara and Zhu Li reach the main stop together and had the break over their speed.
" There's no place for you two here now, you can either stop and or go back ", Kiara and Zhu Li laugh sarcastically as they both their hands in goodbye style and told them to back off.
Ti Mo and Ming Chu also reach the main stop and stop by their teams spot to raise the flag. Their speed and arrival was just some seconds late in comparison to Team Orange.
" We are doom ", Ti Mo's whisper but he was having an internal screaming in his head. It was clear that they were going to lose as Zhu Li was ready to raise and place the flag on the right stop while Kiara was already to tapped the button or buzzer whatever it was.
" Let's not give up before we complete the task ", Ming Chu said in her heart as she look at him with fired in her eyes.
Ti Mo node his head...