My life begins on 12 April 1999 at 10:07 pm, all were excited as i was going to be the first child in the family, my grandparents, uncle, aunt ane everybody else. I used to be bubblish and everyone's favourite child. Time passes smoothly but at the age of 7 when my mom used to tell her about her past life with my grand parents i used to cry hearing that, it was full of sorrows and pain. She (mom) is very devoted women who loves her Guru and his Hukam, she was asked to meditate as per our Guru ji's guidance, everytime she sits my grandmother awake her and ask her to do house chorse, so when she got tired she sleeps but she make a promise to herself to give time to God, so she started waking up at 3 Am and start meditating also she does house chorse happily, it was getting smooth when one day in family my grandmother realised some black magic stuffs in the house, so she called a pandit and ask about her problems, pandit ji gave prashad and ask her to distribute among everyone except my mom and dad, as they both are protected by their Guru ji. My grandmother get more arrogant as she hates my mom and Guru ji, so she kept criticizing my parents. My parents used to travel by bus to Beas to visit Guru ji's dera once, for which they have to beg everyone in the family, they both(parents) cried together and always had a smile on their faces.