Beautiful sunshine and a bright day usally that's how everyone loves but today was my favorite as it was cold and snowing with a bright sky I walk along the Alley like always and enter the coffee shop around the corner and order my favorite hazelnut coffee without sugar with walnut banana cake and get on my way to work just then I spot my secretary, Miguel standing in the corner waiting to pick me up i try to act like I didn't notice him but then he sees me and tells 'did u enjoy your morning sis can we be on our way for the meeting or.....' Before he could completely his dialogue I get in the car and oh I forgot to tell Miguel is like my brother who my mom took in when I was 15 , and yeah sorry for the late introduction I'm sky, a writer, painter and a computer hacker. I was originally a computer student but after my father left me, my mom ,my big brother and Miguel alone and peacefully went to heaven I lost my hope as he was my light but then I tried hard and found peace while engaging in various works and found out I was good at it so I continued on and on and had my first book published and released worldwide which was then adapted into a movie and had a good response became famous.