I do not have enough resources to make a house but I do have enough for a lean to and an elevated bed. With a hatch in hand I go and find some big branches to cut down Is lean against a big tree that I found. Another tree I strip its bark in strips as tall as I am and place them on a Would frame on the ground to elevate me 2" off the ground. With this I grabbed pine needles and rubbed them smoothly so they don't stick up on me. With the lean to that I can sit in comfortably and comfortably I start to dig a hole in the tree as it is about a meter Thick. The whole will allow me to If stand in the tree and give me more space to sleep. Cause my bed is Very crooked I have to sleep in an L Position night sleep. I cut a hole around where I want to start Digging And go to sleep in my new home.