"Get your hands off her!"
A familiar voice called out to them and stopped Jia Yi from whatever she was about to do. Turning over to the direction of the voice, Yu Yingyi was surprised it wasn't Song Liya, instead, it was her twin sister, Song Feng Mian.
How was Yu Yingyi able to decipher that it was Song Feng Mian when she has a twin sister? It was because of the way she dressed, Song Liya dressed less formally while Song Feng Mian's clothing was more formal.
"My, my if it isn't the princess. I'm surprised you were able to come here quickly after the talk with your mother," said Jia Yi.
Yu Yingyi's eyes widened in surprise, 'She doesn't know that this was Liya's twin!' She locked eyes with Song Feng Mian, they both understood what to do.
"Don't talk as if you know my mother, moreover, let go of Yu Yingyi now." Song Feng Mian said imitating Liya's tone perfectly.
Yu Yingyi didn't even realize she was still pinned against the wall between Jia Yi's arms until she pointed it out.