Chapter 7 - Chapter 5

"Where else? We're going to meet my father."


Yu Yingyi already knew Song Liya was crazy enough to bring her in front of the emperor, but not crazy enough to call the entire imperial family to witness this.

"Just what're you planning?!" asked Yu Yingyi.

"I'm not planning anything, I'm just claiming you for myself so no one else will dare do anything to you," said Song Liya.

Although Yu Yingyi was grateful, she was also suspicious. Wasn't this announcement Song Liya making their relationship official when it wasn't a relationship, to begin with?!

"Hey, you're not planning anything aren't you?" asked Yu Yingyi.

"Of course not. Think of it as me introducing you to my family, there's nothing to worry about. You're going to have to meet them either way, don't forget our contract." said Song Liya.

"That's not the problem here! If you introduce me to your entire family, that'll mean everyone throughout the nation will know since they're bound to make this public." Yu Yingyi protested.

"Hmm, you do have a point, but that'll happen sooner or later anyway, there's no point caring too much about it," said Song Liya.


Yu Yingyi could only complain in her head and keep her feelings from overflowing as they entered the palace.

When they entered, Yu Yingyi was amazed again, everything was designed in gold colors with statues placed all over the palace.

At the end of the palace was a large gold throne, sitting on it was the emperor, Song Wang Shi, his elegant aura could be sensed even from afar.

All of the guards lined up as they walked across the red carpet, the imperial family could be seen standing beside the emperor with stern expressions.

When they were before the emperor, Yu Yingyi immediately kneeled as a sign of respect and as a member of the nation. However, Song Liya didn't kneel, she stayed standing before the emperor.

"Tsk, you're still the same as ever Liya, never showing any sign of respect to your senior as usual."

Yu Yingyi peeked up to see who said that, it was Song Liu, the second prince. He was known for being extremely formal and following the rules, it was said that he's never gotten in trouble before, even when he was born which was very hard to believe.

"Look who's talking, Song Liu, the goody two shoe of the family. The one who claimed to have never gotten in trouble shouldn't be talking to me like that cause, after all, you're lying through your teeth." Song Liya shot back.



The emperor stopped the two before their argument could escalate any further.

"My daughter, Song Liya, tell me why is there a commoner behind you? What is your purpose for gathering all of us here?" asked Song Wang Shi.

"I'm glad you asked father, this commoner, Yu Yingyi, will be my future wife." Song Liya announced.

Yu Yingyi lowered her head in embarrassment, being called out like this in front of this many people wasn't her thing, especially in front of nobility.


Everyone in the palace was shocked, they never thought that they would hear those words coming out of the vicious young miss in their lifetime.

"You wish to be married to not only a commoner but a woman?!" asked Song Wang Shi.

"Of course, father. I have my reasons though, I find her quite interesting and it feels like I'm being drawn towards her. Every man couldn't resist my fierce side but this woman was able to, thus I found her the best choice."

"But I'm not finished yet, although Yu Yingyi may look ugly and filthy, with a few fine touches from our best maids, her beauty may rival some of the princesses," said Song Liya.


The emperor stayed silent as he listened to her daughter, Song Liya has been his favorite since she was born and there was no changing that. There were many times she had done crazy things, but with reasons, this was another one of those situations.

He knew his daughter wasn't telling him everything and he couldn't do anything about it. However, two women being married...

"Song Liya, even if you are my daughter, I can't allow you to be engaged with her. It's not because she was a commoner, but because she was a woman," said Song Wang Shi.

Yu Yingyi felt delighted, she didn't have to marry this vicious woman, but the next thing she heard made her high hopes drop.

"However, if you can prove to me that she can be of use to us, I will allow you to be engaged with her." Song Wang Shi added.

Song Liya's grim expression turned into a smirk, she already had the perfect plan for Yu Yingyi to prove to her father that she could be of use.

"Thank you father, I'll show you that she could be of use, I already have a plan in mind," said Song Liya.

When Yu Yingyi heard the word plan from Song Liya, she felt fear within swell up in her heart. Right when she thought she could escape from this contract, she was now trapped in it.

"You commoner, stand up." Song Wang Shi ordered.

Yu Yingyi complied and waited for the emperor to continue.

"Do you love my daughter?" asked Song Wang Shi.

Yu Yingyi froze and looked over to Song Liya who had a smile, but behind the smile was full of sinister intentions that she didn't want to find out.

"Yes I do, I love Song Liya," said Yu Yingyi.

Yingyi mentally cringed when she said that, she felt like throwing up. However, this made Song Liya smile ear to ear, hearing those words come out of Yu Yingyi sounded pleasant.

But she still sounded as convincing as possible, if she said no, she would be the only one in deep trouble.

"I see, then Song Liya, if you truly love her and you can prove to me that she'll be of good use, you're allowed to be engaged to her," said Song Wang Shi.

Song Liya smirked and said, "Thank you father, I'll be sure to take care of her."

"Father! Are you really going to allow this?" asked Song Liu.

"Yes, I don't see anything wrong with it when the marriage will benefit us," said Song Wang Shi.

"Tsk, it's because she's the favorite child," said Song Xie.

While they were having their dispute, Song Liya had already guided Yu Yingyi out of the door when someone caught her eye.

Yu Yingyi was still mad when Song Liya suddenly-