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Harriet's Letter

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Chapter 1 - A Strange Encounter

Do it, my child, do it before time runs out"

She woke up with a startled woman she had seen in her dream what was she talking about, "before time runs out "what did she mean by that, but most importantly why did she look so familiar, the woman in her dream had a motherly aura like Harriet had met her before, a feeling that made her comfortable to spill all her worries in front of her and cry like nothing else in the world mattered she recalled that the woman called her "my child" which she was exhilarated about, her mother had always thought of her younger daughter as the disappointment of the family so when the woman called out to her she felt so satisfied with all of that set in her mind she recalled that it was just a dream and let out a sigh of dissatisfaction from downstairs she could hear her mother and her twin sister Hannah gossiping about the choosing ceremony.

The choosing ceremony was a big deal in Harriet's city (Legacy) it was the day everyone would know where they belong well almost everyone in the clans rarely accepted the retired or well the ones who chose the wrong clan as much as she hated to admit it but that somewhere in her heart she was concerned that she would have to go in front of the whole city and chose royal, the same clan as her mother, the same mother who use to mentally and physically abuse everyday day, every minute, every second of her life the woman who contently reminded her how useless she was in her household and how much better her sister was from her she wanted to run away in a world where clans were nothing but imaginary but she couldn't and she felt like such a weakling.

After a while Harriet heard her mother calling well more like nagging at her to come downstairs she took her black leather jacket, her cross necklace, and the bracelet her father had given her before leaving also her phone book bag and some other stuff and headed downstairs everything there was the same as usual her mother was standing there staring at her with a weird look on her face while her twin sister was making out with her ex-boyfriend although Harriet was a little uncomfortable in looking at her ex and sister exchange saliva, she had to admit they were perfect for each other both of them were selfish, arrogant, and completely spoiled rotten. The whole family was seated at the dinner table Harriet on the last chair on the left side.



Oh God I think I left my purse up

(She kisses Cameron's cheek and stand's up to go get it)


(Beating around the bush)

Hey, nice weather we're having


"Get to the point please"


"Still have that straight forward nature, I see"


"Still have that annoying mouth and stupid eyes I see."


"If I remember correctly you seemed to find my eyes quite captivating"


"Well, I made some horrible mistake in the past to ever think of someone like you as intriguing, diverting, or captivating."


"You know that harsh mouth of yours will never get you anywhere."

*Harriet gets up and walks away*


"You aren't gonna join us"


"I've lost my appetite, also a piece of advice try to worry more about your current girlfriend than her sister or your ex whichever one you prefer"





"Oh where's Harriet"


"She left"


(Overhearing the conversation and Coming in)

"Cameron I'm sorry about Harriet you know she's still recovering from her break up but you and Hannah are a match made in heaven and you know Harriet can't help but be a little jealous and concerned about her sister, twins"

( forced laughter)


(slightly confused)

"….yes Mrs. Smith but please do not proclaim her behavior as jealousy come let's go Hannah"

Deep down Cameron was regretting leaving Harriet for her twin sister, Harriet was nice, kind, intelligent and always stood up against injustice and while Hannah also had her fair share of talents she could never take Harriet's place in Cameron's heart and Hannah was aware of that the last thing she wanted for her younger sister was to feel like Hannah was take her place, if it wasn't for Cameron's mother he would've never left Harriet for Hannah but nonetheless things change and that change is not always good. While the drama was stirring up back at Harriet's house she was at school looking for her friends, she was in the student council room it was their not-so-secret hanging-out place that's when she heard chatting and eventually knew her friends were inside.


(coming inside)

"Hey guys"


( excitedly)

"Hey, Harry!"

*Clustered greetings followed behind*



"Soo anything juicy"


(taking Harriet's book bag)

"Nah, do you have those chips you brought yesterday"



"Xaden stop going through her stuff she might have personal stuff in there"


( returning Harriet's bag after finding what he was looking for)

"you're one to talk"



"so what clans are you guys planning to take"


(rolling her eyes)

"seriously out of all the uninteresting things you came up with the one I hate the most


( Jokingly )

"Geez!! Sor—ry but unlike you some of us know which clan to choose"


(worn out)

"it's not that I don't know what clan to choose it's different for me ya know I mean my brother had chosen owls and I can't see him anymore so if I don't choose royal I might not be able to take my throne( a metaphor meaning not being able to see my family) no pun intended."


(with a croaked smile)

"I mean you can still see me "



" ALEC!!"

*She runs to hug her older brother*



"But how,"


(kinda sad)

"well you know I thought I'd give you a visit before you turn into an adult 18, huh"

*Alec smiled at her little sister the little girl that was once messy and childish had grown up into a mature and beautiful young woman,*



" Well now for the actual reason I'm here"



"seriously I knew you wouldn't come without a reason, what do you want bro"



"Ok first of all rude second I'm not here for you but my sister here"

He hands Harriet an envelope


(Walking towards the window)

"now my dear I have to go bye-bye"

*he waves goodbye and jumped through the window and just like a flash of lighting boom! Disappeared, gone*



"what is it"



"I don't know it looks like a letter, a really old letter"


" Well let's see what's inside"

*Harriet nods a few times and then rips the envelope open*

To my beautiful daughter,

Hello, my dear, this is your father my dear skylie first of all I'd like to apologize for not being able to attend your choosing ceremony I know you will make amazing decisions and construct your path instead of following someone else's

*when Harriet read this she felt so ashamed of herself here her father who was thinking in every way that her precious daughter had something that made her different from everyone, something that made her stand out, she despised having to disappoint her mother but her father was a whole different conversation her father was from a rich and powerful family and most of all her father actually thought something of her and she wanted to move his legacy forward but she just wasn't that strong or capable, then shoved these thoughts to the dark corner of her mind where all of the memories of her and her father were preserved and continue onwards-*

I wanted to let you know I miss you sweet pea so does everyone here I haven't seen you in so long, hon sometimes I wonder if I did the right thing leaving you all on your own in that household, but I know you strong, you're stronger than your Dad ever was and I know you're gonna do amazing. Hon I have something to tell you I've waited the longest time to–



"What are all of doing in the council room at this hour don't you have classes"



"oh shoot Griselda scattered"



"What- Mr. Lee"



"I'll be seeing you in my office "


(Under her breath)

"children nowadays"



"Ms. Rin please would you come with me"

*Harriet nod's her head historically and follows her to miss Daisy's office aka the principal's office as Harriet comes in Griselda closes the door behind her and goes to her class*



"Harriet, my girl take a seat



Um… Yes thanks


"well, I suppose you know about..ah…. your father now"



"How did you–"



"Now, now this conversation isn't about me, it's about yourself"

*She looks down at Harriet's hand as she clenches onto the charm bracelet her father had given her, she could tell Harriet was a bit uncomfortable but she finally got to her senses and spoke*



Actually I wasn't able to read the whole thing, if it's ok with you can I–


"Yes! Yes by all means my girl"


"Thank you ma'am"

A kind smile appears on the headmistress face

*I've wait the longest time to tell you this honey I know you know I'm from a big family but I doubt you know which, I'm a part of the Rin family. Your mother and I we got married because of our own parents. Love I know you must hate your father now but I really do want you to be with me. So I've send someone to bring you here, your auntie Daisy will look everything over.

Bye, my love.*



"He's right about one thing, I hate him he left me to rot in that hellhole and if he thinks I'm gonna forgive him that easy he's got another thing coming for him."


"You say it like that, and yet you're wearing the charm bracelet he gave you, Harriet dear you, yourself know deep down in your heart you want to see everybody, darling you're father he thought about you everyday ever since he left, he asked me to keep an eye on you, to keep you safe. Dear you may not want to believe it but your father loves you dearly."


" but this is a one time thing"


"But I do miss him"




"I guess you were right I wear my feelings on my sleeve hey can you hold on to the letter it's precious I don't want to lose it"


"sure my love"

*Harriet hands the letter to her aunt and goes to class"


(A little possessively)

"Hey Harry I saved you a seat "



"Oh! Yeah thank you"

*Harriet walks over to the seat*


(with her eyes gleaming and shining brighter than diamonds)

"Guys you'll never guess what happened to me in Daisy's office"


(Joking but still serious)

"That she's your aunt"


(She questions while her eyes were still gleaming but this time there wasn't happiness in her tone there was ambition, desire, and curiosity)

"How did you know?"


"She just announced it on the school speaker that whoever dare say anything about Harriet Rin her niece and only daughter of the Rin family can say goodbye to their layout future"



"she did how sweet"

*Just as astrology Harriet's favorite class is about to begin two boys step inside the classroom and start to observe their surroundings suddenly Harriet realized one of the boys is staring at her with affection in his eyes just as she's about to look away the boy starts coming towards her she puts her gaze down and starts to scribble something onto her notebook*

*The boy slams his hand on Harriet's desk she slowly looked up with a rather angry look on her face*



"what's your deal! MAN!!"

*The boy gives his friend a knowing look and drags her out of class"

Outside the classroom:


"Let me go!!"

*She pushes him with her utmost force*


"Whoa easy there"



"We aren't gonna hurt you we're here to help you"



What the hell! Do you mean by that


"Harriet Skyler Rin, I will not tolerate you using such language at your cousins"



"Cousin what...….. what. Do you mean…..I don't have a cousin or any"



"Well yes from your mom's side but your father's side well let's just say you'll meet a lot of people who will call you that, guys specifically."


"You're both saying you're my cousins"

*she goes quiet for a second then a smile spreads on her face from ear to ear*



"That's freaking awesome





"Oh yeah sorry, So what are your names, how old are you, wait if you are my cousins you should know Alec right and-"


Whoa ok slow down (a small chuckle) I'm silver he's Leon we're both 18½ so I guess one and a half years older than you and yeah I guess we know him he's been living with us ever since after his choosing ceremony-



"Wait wait wait he wasn't living with us he was leaching off us"


(Trying to be serious)

"Hey don't say that about my brother"


"Well I'm sorry it's true but I wouldn't mind if you lived with us"

*He says with a mischievous smirk Leon starts to move towards Harriet until he has her cornered*



"w… what are you doing Harriet"



"Oh you know just"

*Leon brings his face just as close so that their faces were inches away*



"Leon stop it"

*When Harriet saw silver's face she saw specs of jealousy but she quickly threw that idea out of her mind they were cousins there was no way*


(rustling her hair)

"What's up with you"


"Oh nothing big just I should get back to class"


"Ok then we'll wait for you on the basketball court"


"OH, you don't have to"


(Walking away)

"That's fine, not like we have anything better to do See ya"


(Under her breath)


*After school*


"Hey Haze wanna go to the mall with us"


"I'm sorry guys I'm busy"


"Busy with, what"


*After telling the boys*



"Well have fun bye"

*Harriet goes to the basketball court to meet her cousins*




"Hey, now that you're here let's go"



"Go where?"


"To the mansion, of course, you have to meet everyone"


"Yeah they're looking forward to meeting you, Madame Harriet Skyler Rin"



" I have to meet them I mean what if they don't like me what if I don't meet their expectations w..hat if-"



"Hey it's going to be fine, they're gonna love you, we promise, now come."

*He puts his hand forward*


(Laying her hand down on Leon's)

"I hope so Sir Sliver and Sir Leon"

*They go to the Rin mansion*

In the Rin Mansion


"Guys, she's here"

*A tall man and a beautiful woman comes in the room*

Unknown woman


"Oh my you look like an exact copy of Isaac"

*Harriet moves back a little*

Unknown Man

"Yes, she looks like Isaac my love but it looks to me her personality is much better aquatinted with Diana"

*Harriet's head suddenly starts aching*


(Kindly asking)

"I'm sorry, who are you?"

Unknown woman

( Surprised)

"Well of course you don't know us we are your aunt and uncle of course"

Unknown Man

"My name is Orian, you of course can call me uncle Orion and this is my wife, Iris"



"Well now that you know who we are let's meet someone special"



"S…spe....cial special"


"Yes Hun but dear oh dear you can't meet them in those clothes can you"



"What's wrong with my clothes?"


"Well, you see…. How do I say this your clothes they aren't (looking up and down at Harriet's muddy clothes)



"Oh right the mud sorry we did push-ups in PE on the field so I'm sorry I–"

Aunt Iris

"My dear no need to apologize we're going to get you into a bit more ladylike anyway, Lucas"

*Iris claps her hand's and a slender man show's up*



*Harriet awkwardly smiles at the so-called Man*



"You surely remember Harriet, Lucas."


"I do m'lady"

*Lucas bows gracefully,*

*Harriet smiles awkwardly*


"Well now we don't have all day do we"



"Lady Harriet right this way"


"Um…yeah thanks"

*Lucas bows politely*

*They walk inside a gigantic room fit for a princess*



"Wow this"


"Thank you m'lady but tonight the only reason people should say wow is when they look at you"



"What a cliché thing to say"



"I don't suppose that would be very cliché after you look at yourself in the mirror"


*Rolling her eyes*

"I like you"


*Trying to attempt a British accent*

"Well that was a bloody good first impression"


*Hitting his hand playfully*

"Oh shut up"


"Well we should get you ready"


*Sitting down on the first chair*

"Show me what you got champ"

*A vision of a girl in a blue satin cocktail dress, her hair elegantly tied up in a side bun, wearing heavy jewelry*


"Honestly you look amazing"


"Let's see *long pause* wow you outdid yourself."


"Well, m'lady (exaggerate) I AM. (Normal) trained in this."


"Wow, you must have a lot of time to be working a part-time job like this". (chuckle)


"M'lady this isn't my part-time job I work here."



"Wait what!! I thought we were the same age I'm sorry sir Should I call you sir or do you-"



"M'lady that's not how it works, I'm just two years older than you"


"But that…that's preposterous no citizen of legacy is allowed to work permanently until they have completed their education and I don't think they allow dropouts to have such Fancy jobs (sudden realization to what she said) I'm sorry for my rudeness."



"It's a bit of an issue but for your concerns, I'm not a dropout, dropouts indeed don't have such well paying and honorable jobs but I don't think you know how the Rin family works me and my family have been serving The Rin's for almost our whole lives, it's my duty to serve you and your family and well I've been doing it my whole life, but do not worry your family allows me to study."

*A small knock on the door*


(Coming in)

"Is she ready Luc- OH WOW…You look stunning if you weren't related to me I'd have already scoop you up and take you away. Come on let's show the others"


(Blushing as red as a tomato)

Thank you, but even if we weren't related I'd still not date you, you aren't my type."


(Winking at Harriet)

"Feisty, I like that."


(Massaging her temple's)

"Is he always like this"



"Oh yeah Master Leon has always been kind of a flirt"



"I'm still here you know."



"Yes, Yes young master. Come on now everyone is waiting."



"Guys she's ready."

*Harriet comes out, shyly*


"Um….hi again"


(Looking at Harriet up and down)

"My oh My, look at you, so beautiful."


"Thank you"


(Coming inside)

"Honey! The cars ready"


(Walking towards her husband and giving him a peck on the lips)

"Yes my love, come on everyone"

*In the car Harriet saw breath taking sceneries all over the place it was like a set out of a movie, she had snuck out with her friends countless times and she had seen lovely places with them but those were nothing compared to this she didn't want to let her train of thought wander around but she just couldn't help herself from doing so, she thought how wonderful it would be to come here with her family like a normal full family, a happy family, she never talked to anyone about this but Harriet had always admired the idea of having a happy family she knew it sounded a cliché and childish but that didn't stop her from dreaming, but she knew that some dreams could never be fulfilled and well that really wasn't a very optimistic thought and as her train of thought created more and more unachievable scenarios she began to find her daydreaming about her family, her friends, her sister what would it be like if Hannah and she didn't have any bad blood between them, would they be like normal twins completing each other's sentences, standing up for each other, sharing secrets, talking about boys. Ha! Boys that sounded like quite an ominous thought. Boys were the reason they fell apart, yes she admitted they never talked to each other much before but they didn't fight much either and then a guy came along, he was the reason wasn't he?*



"Hey what are zoning out for."



[Maybe that dream will come true someday, just maybe.]

"Nothing really, just the view it's lovely."



"Yeah, it helps you get your mind calm and your body at peace doesn't it?"


(With soft eye's)

"Mhm! Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to go out to someplace like this with the person I love. I'm sure before the whole divorce thing my parents went to places like this, Ha! Silly, isn't it."



"No, No really it's quite normal for a girl your age, I'm quite jealous honestly you can talk about that so easily and then there are people like me who can't even get a word out about love."


(Softly smiling)

"You know you remind me of my favorite characters from a book."



"Really, who?"


"William Andrew Solace from Percy Jackson you're a ball of sunshine on the outside but the inside, you prefer to stay with the people you love and you have a shy and insecure side which you don't bring out often"


"Percy Jackson eh you're a girl who likes Greek mythology."



"Likes! Do not defy me you mortal, I'm quite obsessed with it, sometimes when I look at the sky I "accidentally" say "Bob says hello" and then people think I'm a weirdo"


(Putting his hands in the air jokingly)

"I admire your confidence, Oh chosen one"



"That's harry potter"


"O-oh sorry I don't read much"

Harriet nods while maintaining an optimistic smile.


(Looking back)

"You two seem to be getting along well"



"Oh! Um…yeah I suppose so"



"Oh! Harriet your reactions are so precious, makes me wonder what my daughter would be like"



"Well Harriet's just like our own daughter isn't she, aren't you dear"



"I mean if you're ok with it, then I guess."



"I'm very much happy to be considered your father"


"Yes I'm also happy to be your Mom, oh now I've got myself a daughter we can go shopping together"



"I'd like that"



"We're here"

*In front of the characters was a humongous house with almost fifty windows visible to the naked eye and that was only the front of the house, it could probably fill seventy of her mother's house and still have room Harriet was aroused by the idea of living in a place like this, but she was also extremely anxious to meet the special guest everyone was exaggerating so much about.*





"Just a little"



"Don't worry you'll love them, and them you."


(Under her breath)

"I hope, I really hope so"


"Mademoiselle Iris"

*Iris smiles at the pale brunette haired boy and pulls Harriet inside*