Damn, what am I supposed to do about this situation?
The demon lord and the beast are both excellent people? Dear Mother and Sister dearest, are to be wary of?
What an insane day this is.
Still, I trust in Father's words. If all of this is true, I shall stay true to it.
Though, it's going to be hard to talk to Hravati now.
She's awful at hiding her intentions. It's obvious she's hiding something from me.
Without her, I won't be able to act alone. I'm far too weak at my current level, that much I'm sure.
She and her companions' strength alone uphold my statement.
I want to know the truth, but it's best I don't confront her. Who knows what she'd do if I kept pressing her for information? She's a serious person, so I will respect her decision to withhold information. Whatever the reason may be, it won't be good for me.
Now then, it's time to put this book back before they get back. Knowing Hra, I'm sure she'll be right outside as I speak.
As I return the book to the drawer, I begin to feel heavy and realize my mistake. I spoke of the forbidden name, Tanirava! I don't want to die.
As I say that, a loud screech resounds in my ears. It sounds like a dying bird! What the hell? Where is it coming from?
I check around the house to see what's causing the noise, but I am unsuccessful. Could it be outside then?
Alright, time to take care of that bird.
I head towards the door as it suddenly bursts and knocks me to the far end of the house, back to the kitchen. I peek ahead and see a dark, large, burning bird. It's damn ugly too!
" So you're the perpetrator, huh!? "
" Lucky you, you'll be able to witness my special move! "
I stand and get into a fool's guard. However, I am without a blade.
The creature then scoffs as if it's pitying me.
This bird is unfortunate, for I have trained this move since I was only 4.
I look at the disgusting thing and raise my middle finger.
The monster let out that ear-splitting screech again! It's mad this time!
My head can't take this up close; my hands are forced to occupy my ears!
I don't know how I provoked it, but I'm sure I've done it now!!!
It rushes towards me with great speed. Its steps reverberate through the ground and shake the very innards of the house.
Now, before you say this is cliché, a more familiar line would be:
' It's as if the Earth is letting out its immeasurable anger. '
I'm kidding.
It's good that it faced me instead of Hravati, or else I'm pretty confident it would have wished it was living in hell instead.
It's getting closer. It's now or never!
I jump and launch my fist into its head! I defeated it in one punch!
Of course, that didn't happen.
I slipped under the monster, and it crashed right into the wall. Which, in turn, broke the house walls and smashed through other establishments ahead of it.
Yikes, I wouldn't want to be held responsible for the cleanup bills.
Never mind, right now, I'm in far worse trouble than some bills will ever give me!
The beast is on my trail, and it does not look happy. What did I do to attract its attention anyways?
Is this what they meant that you don't live to tell the tale when you speak of Tanirava? Shit, this isn't what I expected. I thought it'd be something like instantaneous death. It's a total joke but still scary!
I run through the crowds and make my way through the alleyways.
Due to its size, I doubt it'd be able to make it through the alley. Although, I do feel bad for the citizens within its presence. They might be getting eaten alive over there.
I have to think of something quick to quell this demon before it hurts more people.
" What's going on, Ars? "
" There's this demon going around rampaging on the streets. It's my fault it got there, so I'm thinking of a way to kill it. Wait, who are you!?! "
Beside me was a familiar, humongous man with a dark coat. I don't remember his name, but wasn't this the officer who apprehended me in the past?
" I'm Marcus. I was sleeping here until you arrived and woke me up abruptly. "
" First of all, how did I wake you up? Second, why in the world is a cop sleeping in the alley?! Did you get drunk and forget to go home? "
" How did you know? You must be a psychic! "
" Gah, this isn't the time for comedy. Help me defeat the bird! "
Marcus doesn't reply and stands up. He walked right over to the burning beast and stood firm, even before this mighty winged beast.
I follow him behind him, but I'm not getting close to that thing.
I'm surprised, though. Marcus and the beast are looking eye to eye. Not a common sight you'd see between man and beast, but certainly an interesting one, more so because both seem to be equal in height.
It's been 30 minutes, and they're still staring at each other.
Guess I'll take a nap-
The beast opened its burning jaw and sank its teeth into the officer's right shoulder.
He's bleeding and burning! Though, he doesn't seem to care whatsoever.
Why is he still standing as if nothing happened?!
" Marcus! Get a move on; react to it! You're being eaten, man! "
" Eaten? This guy's just playing. Are you sure this thing was rampaging? "
" You're a fool! You're bleeding already, so take care of it! "
He nods and grabs the bird's neck. I don't know what's going on through his mind for him to grab something that's burning. He's insane!
Suddenly, Marcus started growing and became even larger before, his eyes turned red, and his muscles tore his top.
He then lifted the bird into the sky and began to slam it back to the ground endlessly.
It's a bloody mess.
Buildings and people alike, covered with the former beast's innards and blood. Everyone smells like bird feces, and the surrounding area is damaged and wrecked.
" Back to what I was saying. This thing was playing around. It wasn't frenzied. If Miss Hravati were to run amok, I'm not even sure I could last. Don't mistake anger for playfulness, alright? "
" Got it... "