A pitch-black CLOUD rolled across the sky like stirred mud and was then carried away by the flood, so that the dark night became even blacker. As black as the atmosphere of the Siams Kingdom at that time, where there was a struggle for influence between the Guardians who supported the Siams kingdom and Riyantaka.
The conflict was so intense that it had to be resolved by bloodshed.
Riyantaka was eliminated. This was followed by the killing of Wu lin. Wu Lin left behind a son named Wu Yuan.
Wu Yuan would later become king, replacing King in Siams.Wu Yuan also moved the center of the kingdom from Domark to Portugi.
During this time, there was a young fellow from Wu Lin named Lin Yu. Because the situation was so compelling, Wu Yuan left his hometown, rice fields, fields, and the faces he loved. He wandered, to avoid things that are not desirable.
Lin Yu has been devoted to the State as a soldier for many years. But due to the problem of different teachings about beliefs, which had caused several victims, he was forced to resign, even though his loyalty to Syams did not diminish.
Only with the provision of self-belief and belief in God Almighty, Lin Yu is looking for a new area where there are no more problems for those who have different opinions regarding the implementation of worship to worship God Almighty.