I ran until I collapsed on the wet forest floor. rain pouring down around me, the rain had started as soon as I crossed into the new forest. I was thankful for the rain knowing it was washing away my presence in the forest. I lay on the ground listening to the earth and trees... it was unmarked. I was in the no man land. I let out the breath I was holding. I was safe for now.
I laid my head down on the forest floor connecting with the earth as a drifted to sleep, dreaming of my time with my mother....
'a woman stood in front of me her arms open wide her silver hair blowing in the wind and her crystal blue eyes shining with love "Celeste, my little pup."
I ran into her arms feeling the love she had for me, I looked into her eyes "Mommy, when I grow up will I be as pretty as you?"
"oh my little pup you will be even prettier then me, with your silver blonde hair and strawberry pink eyes I won't even compare to you." she rubbed her nose against mine. I never liked how different my eyes where to my mommy's... she told me my eyes showed my lineage and held great power. "Do you think I will have a wolf like you mommy?"
"you will have the most breathe taking wolf of all, my sweet Celeste"
I look down "James told me wolves are dirty and a curse."
my mother pulls me in close to her " he is just jealous... Wolves are a blessing from the Goddess Selene her self and is a great gift. Our wolves make us strong and help us protect our selves. They say even the Goddess herself loved a wolf and their pups where the most beautiful of all. They had silver hair and crystal eyes and their wolf within was whiter then the moon."
My eyes widen and I look up at my mother " mommy you have silver hair and crystal eye are you there pup!?"
my mother laughed softly "no my little pup I'm not their pup they walked this earth long ago."
I scrunch my nose, confused "then why do you have silver hair and crystal eyes....?"
my mother looks straight ahead " we are descendants of those pups.... we must not let anyone know it's our secret, you understand my little one?"
"yes mommy"
"good..." there was a sound in the distance, my mother eyes filled with worry and fear...." Celeste RUN!" she pushes me the opposite direction of the noise. I start to run as fast as my small legs would take me looking back for my mom. When I turn I see a large wolf, it fur was whiter then the moon and upon its forehead was a sliver crescent moon... the mark of the Goddess. suddenly the wolf was thrown threw the air. "MOMMY!!" I screamed running to the wolf.
"no Celeste RUN! Im fine but you need to run escape. do don't let them find you." my mother's voice rang in my head. I shock my head tears staining my face "No mommy I can't leave you!" I screamed threw my tears. "You must now GO!" I turned and ran, my tears making it hard to see. I look back at where my mother was fighting for her life and see a silver blade slice threw her chest.."NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" '
I woke with a jolt... it's been 10 years since my mother's death. Everytime I sleep I dream of that awful day.. I was only 8 then and had no wolf. I was back in my human form, wet and naked. Suddenly I heard a noise, I closed my eyes and quickly changed my outer appearance. I've been practicing this skill since I discovered it when I turned 16. I gave my self dull dark brown hair and made my eyes mud brown. I also had the ability to change my sent. I hide the smell of my wolf and made my self smell human. The noise got closer, I had no where to go still weak from running.
A short women with raven black hair came out from behind a bush. She looked me up and down, "you realize you are butt naked in the middle of a forest right?"
I look down not sure what to say or do... 'what if shes a wolf or worse one of "Them"' I thought
"you look lost and your covered in mud.... my cabin not far from here I can take you there so you can clean up and find your way." she looked at me with sad eyes.
"I'm not sure where I am going or where I am..." I stand up and look at the woman her long black hair was laying flat against her.
"you are in Moon haven forest... miles away from any town or city. The forest is not owned by anyone and it's rare anyone travels threw here. Why don't you come to my cabin you can shower and give you something to eat you look like you haven't eaten in months!" she turned around waving her hand for me to follow. I stand up on my weak legs and follow her. I was greatful for her kindness. Moon Haven forest was far from where I came and I relaxed a bit nowing they never look here for me.
"I'm Raven, by the way," the woman said as we walk to her cabin.
"I'm ce... err... um.... Lily" I stumbled out.
I used my wolf's name for a new start....