From author: There isn't much content in this chapter about the story but I really wanted to interact with all of you.
My innerself suggested to have interaction with you all and bless me with all your presence and vice versa. So if you have any idea which you might think related or non-related to this story add it in comments.I'm I the only one who is curious about reader and what's going on in you life because, I felt like at some point and at some time we went throught a lot but thanks for all of you reading my story and there are some time i joke so hope you don't take seriously and even if you did I can't do anything as you have no sense of humor,but for them I'll mention before that it's a joke as your feeling might get hurt. If I'M wrong please correct me as we all are not friend but some one who listens to our story with out interupting and not asking questions.
AT morning 4 A.M :
The house or some who might call it mansion is surrounded with greenery.It's defenitely located on out skirts of the city. Just image the moment you wake up you open the window sun glares at you because he is jealous of your beauty and life style but we all can ignore that, you don't need to see or your selfish boss who is after your work from morning to night but to afford this type of life style you definitely need to work hard but we all that society will not let us. So just look at lead life style beavuse ours couldn't be like that.
Qin got to do his morning schedule which involves wake up, get ready, hit gym, drink macha and hot lemon water and check stick market from time to time.
(I'M I the only one who thought listening to the word wake up as lyrics goes like this
wakeup,make up, play dumb, pretend I need a boy. I know I'm funny guy don't laugh as it's not a joke but if you did laugh I just want to suddenly think about your crush.If you don't have one then welcome to singles club when your rotten as society sees you)
At finally 7 hassini woke up as her husband is actually trying her to wake up from 6:30 as It's time to got to collage, and she is pursuing her MBA in woxsen university located in hyderabad. It's important to live in campus but she got I mean her husband got her permission yesterday that she will return tomorrow so it's good. Their house and university is like 30 kilometers away so her collage starts at 9.
Female lead pov:
I woke up surrounded by my cute hubby,who is hugging from behind in bed giving cute pecks at my neck and shoulders.
Qin: It's good that your ready, now we need to go to collage also beside I'm pretty sure your dean will not allow you to take leave from campus again.
Hasssini: Wow.. I woke thinking I can take off but you want me to go there. In other novels male leads buy the whole damn collage, you can't do that as I was expecting an overbearing sentence in novels.
Qin: Firstly your getting late,
should I actually do it?
I'm not coimg to collage today.
Hassini: why?
You promised you will be with together even in difficult times and now your have abandon me.
KARMA is really some thing.
(Just to clarify all of you that they both are now studing in same collage and same course)
NOTE :The place Hassini and Su qin are living in is surrounded by wast greenerly,some might call it a mansion due to its size but we don't do fat or any kind of body shaming here, If you were here for any kind of handsome male lead with no weakness , his first and last love is female lead or any kind of over bearing ceo and coldness attitude I (the author) have to dissappoint you and second male and third male leads have their own love life, they are not like ones we see or read where they fall for female lead and remain single for rest of the life.