Do Christians.....cry?
Jesus says when we are born again we will have a new body, but for now, since we are still in a physical decaying body; we'll still experience tribulations of the body.
Nobody is born the same nor are they cloned, so when Abby leaves home in an attempt to find and show love like the famed Adalyn everybody always seems to talk about, she soon realizes that she herself is the one who needs it most.
No matter how strong she is on the outside, she still gets scared and hesitant the farther she is from home.
We've covered what a Christian is and that the path to becoming one is hard. You'll have to stand by what you say because attacks will come from all sides if you for one second are uncertain that the thing you just did was the right thing, or else the devil will tear your weakness apart if he finds you doubting yourself. Book 1 showed us that.
So, if we not to judge our enemies, what do we do? We love them; as seen in Book 2. Realizing we too love others as our own and not judge; Jesus says they are our brothers and sisters.....which means...they are our family. As seen in books 3 and 4. We saw how a family shouldn't act, and if you be Nightmaster, you believe that it's been too long that you can't start over and have a second chance, but in book 4, we not only saw how a family should act using love and everything, but that everyone indeed can have a second chance. But what if you're on the other end? I can't speak for how non-Christians should act, but what I can say is if one shows love and kindness to you when you're alone and scared, shouldn't you return the favor to them like Abby is right now...or should you strike fast because they are now vulnerable and you may never get another opportunity to do so?
Love works both has to. It's not one-sided like Adalyn strives for. I'm sure she wants others to love her as she loves them....that's not the case as you can see since they are all easily persuaded and manipulated to think otherwise.....but what if you're on the opposite side of the spectrum, and not being manipulated?
Lastly, if love works both ways.....then does trust also?