Chereads / Rise of a Finance Minister / Chapter 280 - Imperial Senate

Chapter 280 - Imperial Senate

Emperor Jacques-Louis de Caernarvon's ship disembarked at the Great Eastern Empire's largest port city. He was still tired from his visit to the Qhosnir Empire.

As a non-sovereign emperor, he had a duty to rebuild his empire and warn the other kingdoms of the demonic invasion.

But his stay in Qhosnir had not been smooth. He was routinely mocked for his ineptitude in losing his empire. His imperial army was lambasted as weak. And he was forced to dine with those bastards as they insulted his men. If only they knew how strong those demons were.

Yet, he never threatened them or called for a duel to defend his empire's honor. Why not? Because he needed their aid. If Jacques swore to himself, that he would endure all the humiliation if could restore his empire.

Disembarking from his imperial full-rigged frigate, he secretly hoped the Great Eastern Empire would treat him better than Qhosnir Empire. Although, he expected to receive more of the same humiliation.

Yet, to his surprise, Emperor Kaiser von Wilhelm II's imperial carriage was waiting for him, along with a regal honor guard.

Emperor Jacques-Louis was moved by Emperor Kaiser's display of support. He truly felt he had found a friend.

Emperor Kaiser von Wilhelm II was a tall and burly man sitting on his throne. He truly hated the welcome party for Emperor Jacques-Louis. The landless emperor was a fool to him. The only reason for the welcome party was to spite the new Imperial Senate, which voted against sending a welcome party to humiliate the emperor.

During the discussion, a few senators made anti-imperial comments. The anti-royalist fraction sought to humiliate Emperor Jacques-Louis de Caernarvon, as a proxy for Emperor Kaiser von Wilhelm II.

Emperor Kaiser vetoed their resolution against sending a welcome party to thwart the opposition fraction.

The newly established Imperial Senate was politically popular, and the senators were highly respected. Emperor Kaiser was right to listen to William vont Ballard's recommendation. After Emperor Kaiser approved the legislature, at once the political pressure on him was removed.

At the same time, various senate fractions arose. The two largest fractions were the royalist, who supported the emperor, and anti-royalists, who supported an imperial republic. Smaller fractions included the bourgeois, which supported frugality and trade, and the labor, which supported workers and labor rights.

As far as Emperor Kaiser von Wilhelm II was concerned, Emperor Jacques-Louis de Caernarvon's visit could not have come at a worse time. Whether Emperor Jacques-Louis de Caernarvon knew it or not he was now embedded in the Great Eastern Empire's political game. As things stood now, he was not sure if this young emperor would be a boon for him or a weight to drag him down.

That evening, Emperor Jacques-Louis was announced at court. Emperor Kaiser von Wilhelm II sat on this throne with his wife. The crown prince and his youngest, and only unmarried daughter stood next to him. Emperor Kaiser sat there with his family and silently watched the court nobles and senators jockeying for greater positions.

Emperor Jacques was unsure of the formality and walked 22 steps toward the Great Eastern Emperor. He stood there with his hands behind his back, and light from the magic lanterns on side of the throne room shone upon him, making him look even more majestic.

To the princess, Jacques' long hair looked like a wild waterfall, and his facial features were handsome and looked mysterious, especially with shining light from his behind. She admired his body-strengthening aura, which was dominant and noble.

"I greet Emperor Kaiser von Wilhelm II," Emperor Jacques-Louis said not bowing and staring resolutely into Emperor Kaiser's eyes.

Even though Emperor Jacques-Louis didn't have an empire anymore, he was still an emperor, and emperors bowed before no one.

"I bid you welcome to the Great Eastern Empire, Emperor Jacques-Louis de Caernarvon," Emperor Kaiser said facetiously.

Emperor Kaiser furrowed his thick eyebrows. He looked at the young man before him. He could tell the young emperor had seen battle. Men who had gone to war had hardened eyes. War was not the joy young noble boys thought it was. War was messy, painful, and sorrowful.

"Tell me Emperor de Caernarvon for what reason have come?" Emperor Kaiser asked.

"The demon invasion started in my Rhaziesian Empire. My men and I fought to the last soul to defend our homeland. But alas we overrun. I came to Qhosnir and Eastern Empires to give advanced warning. We must counter-attack," explained Emperor Jacques-Louis passionately.

"Do you have any evidence?" Emperor Kaiser asked curiously.

"I do," Emperor Jacques-Louis said and pointed to a covered cell.

A Rhaziesian sailor uncovered the cell. And to the court's amazement, an anemic demon sat slouched against the cell walls.

Loud gasps were heard as the nobles and senator gawked at the demon. The red-skin, muscular demon was unlike anything they had ever seen.

Emperor Jacques-Louis was used to this sight. He saw this when he first wheeled the demon into Mistwood Keep, and again in the Qhosnir Empire.

"Confirm this is what he said it is," Emperor Kaiser said skeptically.

Mages, alchemists, and scholars looked at the demon for more than half an hour, before confirming the thing indeed was not a disguised human.

"I assure you it's real your Imperial Majesty von Wilhelm II," Emperor Jacques-Louis said confidently.

"How did you catch it," Emperor Kaiser asked curiously.

Jacques recounted the story of how he caught the demon and outwitted the demon horde that chased after him.

"Impressive," said Emperor Kaiser after hearing the story.

The imperial princess was impressed by the young emperor's bravery and moved by his loss.

Emperor Jacques-Louis looked at Emperor Kaiser, the Tyrant. He was known for his calculative and dictatorial nature. Emperor Kaiser was a famous warrior and warmonger. His expansionist military rapidly expanded his empire, but now his empire was stretched to the seams. Yet, Emperor Jacques-Louis could see Emperor Kaiser was excited to meet such a strong adversary.

"You said it took three men to kill one demon?" Emperor Kaiser asked for clarification.

"Yes, they are twice as strong as humans, and they are entire race body strengtheners. Only knights and marines are their matches. Most armies are made of non-magic soldiers, with magic support either as knights, marines, or mages," Emperor Jacques-Louis explained.

"Enough talk of demons. I shall take your testimony under advisement. Let us dine together, and then you can head to your quarters," Emperor Kaiser said getting up from his throne.

The feast was luxurious and sumptuous. Emperor Jacques-Louis knew how highly structured and complicated. As crown prince, he studied the decorum and culture of the empires in Terra. Even by imperial standards, the Great Eastern Empire had the most structured and complicated dining standards.

After an hour of pleasantries, Emperor Kaiser finally got around to asking about the Qhosnir Empire. Unlike the Rhaziesian Empire that fell on the far west of the continent, the Qhosnir and Great Eastern Empires were neighbors, separated by only a channel.

The two empires had been enemies for centuries. One particularly devastating war lasted for more than two centuries. The empires were thousands of years old, and the animosity ran deep.

"I my spies tell me you went to the Empire of Qhosnir first. How were you received?" Emperor Kaiser asked.

Emperor Jacques-Louis expected this question. If he was to praise the Qhosnir Empire, he might sour relationships with the Great Eastern Empire. At the same time, if he disparaged the Qhosnir Empire, the spies would report the disgrace to the Qhosnir Emperor. When in doubt, he thought, it was always best, to tell the truth.

"I'm afraid I arrived in the Qhosnir Empire unannounced. When I spoke to the emperor was regretful, he did not receive me with the highest honor, but he treated me," replied Emperor Jacques-Louis.

"I'm surprised that little mouse of man was treated you," Emperor Kaiser said mocking the Qhosnir Emperor's short stature and whiskery mustache.

"Emperor Jacques-Louis, I found your story early very daring. I moved by your soldiers fighting to the last man against those horrible abominations," Princes Melody said demurely.

"Yes, you are a heroic man. You should be praised for eating with your soldiers, too many officers think it is beneath them. But in my experience, it builds camaraderie with your soldiers," Crown Prince Lukas.

"Thank you, your imperial highnesses," thanked Emperor Jacques-Louis.

"After the war, are you worried that the other kingdoms shall carve up your empire for themselves?" Crown Prince Lukas asked.

"Yes, how do you plan on rebuilding once this war is finished? Surely, you wish to rebuild your empire?" Princess Melody asked.

"I must admit, my first thoughts concern driving out the invaders and securing our race its victory. Tales and epics of the first and second schism detail a great war. But yes, after the war, if I'm alive, I shall subdue all the kingdoms that wish to divide up my empire," said Emperor Jacques-Louis confidently.

"If you seriously wish to rebuild your empire someday, I suggest you visit a noble residing in the Fermion Kingdom to our west," Emperor Kaiser said nonchalantly.

The next morning Emperor Kaiser sent 12 envoys to foreign kingdoms allied with the Great Eastern Empire. He had received word the Emperor of Qhosnir had done the same weeks earlier.

The envoys were sent to spread the news, the demon invasion had begun. Each kingdom was to abide by the decisions they discussed at the World Economic Forum.

With Empire Kaiser declaring war, the Imperial Senate's power was curtailed drastically. While they could still vote on resolutions, all matters about war fell under the jurisdiction of the emperor.

With the Imperial Senate focusing on domestic matters, Emperor Kaiser felt more monarchial power than he had in a long time.

Within half a month, the world would learn the Third Great Schism was underway.