Chereads / Rise of a Finance Minister / Chapter 260 - Gunsmith

Chapter 260 - Gunsmith

From there he ransacked every noble estate until he reached Yorkshire. After reaching Yorkshire he was allowed to meet the king.

It felt surreal to walk into the feudal throne room. The king sat on the throne. Standing next to the king on one side he guessed was William vont Ballard and on the other side was a man he didn't know.

'What is this feeling, why am I so nervous? I've been dropped in a remote enemy-infested territory with fewer nerves, is this magic?' Tyler wondered to himself.

"Welcome Tyler, leader of the Peasant Rebellion. I commend you on your efforts. No doubt you've heard by now, I decreed your demand just. Peasants' wages shall be determined by their employer, and serfdom has been outlawed," King Roland said releasing his Journeyman aura.

When Tyler felt the king's aura, it made him fearful.

"Y-y-your m-m-majesty t-thank y-you!" Tyler managed to say before King Roland removed his aura.

"Are you satisfied? Do you have anything you'd like to say?" King Roland asked.

"No, your majesty. It's an honor to lay my eyes upon the king. Being in your presence is treasure enough.

I speak on behalf of the kingdom's peasants when I say thank you for supporting us," Tyler kowtowed again.

"Very well, if there's nothing left to say. You are dismissed. And I want the rebels outside the castle diapered in two days," King Roland commanded.

"This humble peasant shall comply, but…" Tyler said.

"Oh, you have something to say. You may speak freely," the king said encouragingly.

"May I say something to Viscount vont Ballard?" Tyler asked nervously.

"Are you a fan of his?" King Roland teased Will. He knew the peasantry admired him.

"Yes, he is an idol to every peasant," Tyler said.

"Tyler how may I help you?" Will asked.

"I want to apply to Valley A&M Academy, Agriculture College. I and others want to know if our involvement in the rebellion shall prohibit us from applying," Tyler asked.

"Tyler, that's a good question. But only his majesty can decide your fate," Will replied truthfully.

"Send for the Royal Stewart," the King commanded to another steward.

"Tyler, if the rebels disperse in 48-hours, I'll allow it. I expect the next months to be peaceful. Starting today, any peasant in violation shall receive just punishment. Bryson, did you hear what I said?" King Roland asked.

Once the king, Viscount vont Ballard, and the other man left the courthouse Tyler's nerves settled.

After the king decreed the end of the peasantry, commoners, were free to move around and seek compensation, Tyler was heralded as a hero.

With their victory achieved, Tyler quickly led the peasants back to Guidon before leaving for Gadreel.

After all, as a commoner, only Gadreel provided him the only opportunity to rise in this world.

The gulf between nobles and commoners was an almost insurmountable canyon, especially for non-magic commoners.

Thanks to donations from happy compatriots, Tyler had enough money to travel and stay at inns.

It didn't take Tyler long to arrive in Gadreel, and he easily passed the entrance exam and enrolled in VAMA's Warrior's College.

With his previous guerrilla military experience, it did not take long before Tyler was heralded as a genius.

His first year in the academy was the same as the war with Albania. Yet, Tyler's life changed, after Tirana was sacked. The night Tirana fell, Kurosawa lit up the night sky with fireworks. The fireworks didn't stop until New Year's Day.

Looking at the fireworks, Tyler wondered how fireworks worked and whether they could be used to fire other things than sparklers.

Yet, when he asked where the fireworks were kept people looked at him curiously.

In a world where over 40% could use magic, guns would be of use to only non-magi.

Tyler wondered if Earl vont Ballard had tried using the fireworks for anything else besides fireworks.

Regardless, Tyler wanted to experiment for his satisfaction. He also wanted to try his has at being a weaponsmith.

His plan was simple. First, he took a quest to work as a porter for the Gadreel Alchemist Guild. From there he was able to steal grams of gunpowder at a time. Honestly, he was surprised by the lack of security guarding the gunpowder. After all, it was considered a city secret.

After he had about five kilograms, came the hard part of experimenting. Only the dwarves or elves could artificially build a metal tubing used to hold the ingredients. Since dwarves made the metal canisters for the fireworks, Tyler at no choice but to ask the elves.

The 'fire stick' as an elf called it would cost 35 silvers which were three thousand more coppers than he had.

That was another thing that bother Tyler, his poverty. If he added up all the coins he earned up to this point, it would probably equal 360 coppers or 3 silvers and 60 coppers. Living as a commoner was too difficult.

The economic inequality in this world was too extreme. Wealthy merchants and nobles rode in expensive lavish wagons, while most people were too poor to buy a horse. Moreover, commoners could see, but not enter the noble neighborhood.

Noble manors were large ostentatious dwellings. Where every family member had their room. On the other hand, the large majority of commoners lived in cramped two-story houses. This did not apply to moderate and wealthy commoners, which made up a small percentage of commoners.

Even though Tyler could not use magic, he didn't believe that should disqualify him from living a better life.

After graduation, in 18 months, what awaited him was a biweekly 60 copper city guard job. That would be living until he did, guarding a city. That was roughly 14 silvers a year. Earning a gold coin seemed to be fantastical. How could life be so uneven?

Tyler had the Elvish artificer build him a musket with a bayonet. The musket, albeit a primitive firearm, was historically used by feudal armies on Earth.

Tyler knew once guns were invented, kingdoms and empires would start an arms race that would never slow down. Guns would end the era of sword and sorcery.

Who'd care if over 60% of humanity could use magic when 100% used guns? Muskets would mow down enemy infantry and archers.

Tyler imagined himself leading a militia of musketeers. Each person carried a musket and bayonet. He imagined his troops cutting down pikemen and swordsmen. And in front of him, thirty 12-pound cannons pointed right at his enemies.

It took Tyler nearly a year to scrape enough money from quests and loans to build the musket and bullies. But he had done! All that was left was to patent it, and sit back as the money rolled in.

After practicing with the weapon to make sure it worked, Tyler walked into Gadreel's administration building to patent his new weapon. Tyler knew he would soon be moving up in the world.


Edward looked at his father uneasily smoking on his pipe. In the past, his father dismissed the idea of him joining his meetings. His father would often say he was too young, or he lacked the temperament. Edward wonder what was so serious that his father would invite him to a meeting.

When everyone arrived, Will looked worriedly at Kurosawa first.

"Did you bring it?" Will asked.

Kurosawa slowly lifted the musket out from his Dwarven inventory ring and handed the Elvish blueprints to Will.

"Headmaster Cheng, what can you tell me about Tyler?" Will asked.

"He's a military genius! If he had magic, he'd be a top Knight Academy cadet. He is an experienced fighter. He's fought in many battles. When you watch him fight, you get a sense that he feels more comfortable in battle.

I suspect after he finishes his mandatory military service, several nobles shall approach him with job offers," said Headmaster Cheng,

"Have you seen this?" Will asked handing him the unloaded musket.

"No what is this?" Headmaster Cheng looked it over, curious about the contraption he was holding.

"Tyler designed it and paid an Elvish artificer to build it. This is a weapon. And in the hand of the masses, a deadly weapon," Will said retaking the gun, loading it, and shooting it outside his window.

"Is it magic?" Bubba asked.

"No, it's science and engineering. This weapon shall change the face of war!" explained Will.

"Does he plan to sell it?" Miles asked.

"I would, to the highest bidder. But we cannot let these weapons end up in the hands of our enemies. These muskets could easily kill our city guards and soldiers," warned Bubba.

"Then what should we do?" Miles asked.

"Headmaster vont Cheng, could you reach out to Tyler and ask him for what purpose he made this weapon and his plans going forward?" asked Will.

"Indeed, I shall," promised Headmaster vont Cheng.

"Bubba, have your guards spy on Tyler. Kurosawa put this gun back in your inventory. You and Edward shall follow me to Tirana at once," Will explained.

With the meeting over, Will opened a spatial gate to the palace and stepped through Kurosawa and Edward following closely behind.

When they stepped into the palace, Will led Kurosawa and Edward to the throne room.

As they walked, Edward saw the palace servants running to alert the king and duke.

After walking into the throne room, Will gave everyone their orders. Edward's order was to be quiet and watch. For which, he was thankful.

Several minutes later King Roland and Duke Francis walked in with festive looks on their faces. Edward could tell his uncle and grandfather had enjoyed their dinner, especially the libations.

"Can this wait until tomorrow?" King Roland asked.

"Your majesty something unexpected has come up," explained Will.

Edward watched his happy, festive uncle sober up at once.

"Explain it quickly," said an alert King Roland.

Kurosawa walked up to the Chamberlin and handed over the weapon, blueprint, and patent paperwork.

"What is this?" Duke Francis asked.

"A ranged weapon. This weapon shall forever change warfare as we know it?" Will explained.

Both the King and Duke knew Will was not prone to exaggeration. They could be sure if Will said it, it was true.

"Change warfare as we know it?" King Roland repeated.

"Is it that dangerous?" Duke Francis asked looking at the puny rifle.

"Your Grace, unlike bows and arrows that require skill, all this weapon requires is a man to pull a trigger. A bullet from this weapon could easily pierce through most infantry armor," cautioned Will.

"What do you suggest?" King Roland asked suspiciously.

"Your majesty, you should buy the patent. This is not a patent an individual should own. The kingdom should keep these blueprints a secret," suggested Will.

"And for the inventor Tyler—is not this the same man that led the Peasant Rebellion?" asked the king.

"Yes, and with this weapon, that rebellion would have been more difficult to stop. With 1,200 guns and 2,000 bullets, they could have taken over the entire kingdom," Will guessed.

"Taken over the kingdom?" the king repeated for a second time that evening.

"Yes! This weapon in the hands of the commoners could lead to disaster," Will exaggerated. Hyperbole worked best when used sparingly.

"Bryson, send for Headmaster vont Cheng and Tyler at once. I want them here within a week! I shall not allow something to threaten my rule!" King Roland said assertively.

"A wise decision," Duke Francis agreed.

"You did well to bring this to my attention, I shall see you tomorrow. Also, I'm glad to see you, Edward. Your father is wise to train you so young. Listen well and ask questions, you have much to learn," King Roland told Edward before leaving the throne room.

"Earl vont Ballard, please give this summons to Headmaster vont Cheng and the commoner," said Bryson, handing Kurosawa a notice.

"I shall," replied Kurosawa

"Let's go," said Will opening a spatial gate back to his estate.