Chereads / Rise of a Finance Minister / Chapter 193 - Elven Dinner Guests

Chapter 193 - Elven Dinner Guests

Instead of using a spatial door, Will led the elves to his manor on foot. Will described his city and businesses. But the only thing Vaal seemed to be interested in was the Forestry Department and academy program.

"You have people dedicated to helping the forest?" Vaal asked.

"Yes, of course, we depend on the trees. If we do not protect the forest, my people shall suffer," Will said.

Not managing a renewable natural resource was economically bad business. A lumber company that doesn't plant trees may one day run out of business in the distant future. A lumber mill, which does not clear the forest of brush and overgrowth may find itself in the middle of a forest fire.

"You are wise for a human to care about the nature around you. Your houses and building are made from white stone, I've never seen this type of rock before," Vaal said curiously.

"Some of these houses I built, others were built with concrete," Will said.

"Concrete?" Vaal asked.

"Yes, it's made from limestone and clay along the riverbank," Will informed.

"Are all human kingdoms built like this?" Vaal asked.

"No, we're the only city in the Fermion Kingdom to have such houses," Will said.

"You must come from a prestigious house?" Vaal asked.

"No, I am the first of my line," Will said to Vaal's amazement. Will was glad his parents were around. But it was the truth the vont Ballard lineage was not prestigious by any stretch of the imagination.

"Beyond this last gate is my manor. I bid you welcome to my home," Will said.

"You live alone in nature, are surrounded by trees. Your house is pressed up against a waterfall, and you have a large garden. Why do you live like this, when your citizens don't?" Vaal said.

"I enjoy nature, I'm a terramancer. How does your race live?" Will asked.

"Our kingdom lies among the trees as well. We make our home inside Elven Oaks," Vaal said.

"I can sense two spirit animals, one is your Shadow Leopard, who does the other Shadow Panther belong to?" Vaal asked standing outside Will's house.

"Belongs to my master. My master's house is there," Will said pointing to Elder Thaddeus' cottage.

"The Dwarf?" Vaal asked in surprise.

"No, my master is Grandmaster Thaddeus vont Ming. Master Duncan only taught me arcane blacksmithing," Will said.

"Shadow Panthers are intelligent spirit animals that bond with strong mages who have greatly sinned against the gods. They are the ferocious beast, whose skin is as dark as their master's heart.

What is your great sin?" Vaal asked stopping outside Will's house.

The question momentarily stunned Will. He was not sure what his great sin was. He was greedy and covetous, was that it. Was hoarding your riches wrong? What's wrong with a small savings account?

"I don't know," Will said before introducing Vaal to his wife and children.

Elizabeth, their children, came outside to welcome Vaal and his troops. The servants made a column to welcome the guests into the manor.

"Greetings esteemed guest, I am Elizabeth vont Ballard, Will's wife. These are my children Camille and Edward," she said curtseying deeply. Camille clumsily curtsied, and Edward half bowed.

"What is your husband's greatest sin?" Vaal asked Elizabeth.

"Money, what all men covet. But, in fairness, he also gives money to the less fortunate," Elizabeth replied honestly.

"I am Vaalyun Yllamoira. It's a pleasure to meet a light mage," Vaal said.

"It's a pleasure to meet Lord Yllamoira. Please follow me to the grand hall. We've prepared a feast," Elizabeth said.

Vaal and 20 of his soldiers followed Elizabeth to the dining table. Bowls of fresh lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, onions, corn, both leaven, and unleavened bread were served alongside freshly-squeezed juice and wine.

Will looked at the platters of vegetables and hoped the elves would find the meal acceptable. Thankfully, the soldiers seemed to enjoy the meal. Only Vaal did not at once eat.

"Forgive us we're not sure of Elven dining customs," Elizabeth said.

"Our custom is to allow the guest to eat first. As my men have eaten first, consider our custom fulfilled," Vaal said building a salad on his plate.

The servants also served Will and Elizabeth salad. The children were sent away after greeting the elves.

"Is the food to your liking? You must share your recipes with me," Elizabeth said sociably.

"You expect me to visit again?" Vaal asked amused by Elizabeth's request.

"I do. My husband is well known for making lifetime friendships, thus the name of our valley, Friendship Valley," Elizabeth said proudly.

"The queen shall decide on the relationship between humans and elves," Vaal said.

"Queen? Your kingdom does not have a king?" Elizabeth asked interested.

"No, we have a king. But in our culture, the queen is sovereign. Our queen is also Gaia's high priestess. She oversees the forest, our people, and our Council of Elders," Vaal said.

"How interesting a queendom ran by a queen. I would very much like to meet her," Elizabeth said.

"You may yet. The queen has invited your husband, his spirit animals, and one other.

In our culture light mages hold great significance, if you come, you'll be highly regarded," Vaal said.

"Oh Will, may I come?" Elizabeth asked.

"We shall discuss it in private," Will said.

"Vaal how is the food?" Elizabeth asked.

"It is very fresh, and the music is soothing. But it lacks seasoning," Vaal said.

"What seasonings do you care for?" Elizabeth asked.

"A sauce made from herbs, celery, salt, vinegar, and oil," Vaal said.

Will was happy to watch the bond between Elizabeth and Vaal develop. He could use their budding friendship for leverage.

"Lord Vaal, can you tell us more about the Elven Kingdom?" Will asked.

"I cannot," Vaal said.

"Why can't you?" Will asked.

"I've already told you that decision is up to the queen. Questions have wings and travel far. Now, when answer me when do we leave for Yllamoira Forest?" Vaal asked.

"Are you a prince by chance?" Will asked.

"Yes, I am Prince Vaalyun Yllamoira. My mother tasked me to bring you home," Vaal said.

"Your highness," Will kneeled on the floor, causing Elizabeth, and the servants to do the same.

"There is no need to kneel please resume your meal," Vaal said.

"Your highness, my wife and I shall discuss your proposition tonight. However, I shall not go someplace unknown, without prior knowledge. Unless you provide me with some detail, I'm afraid I won't risk my safety or my wife's," Will said.

"Very well, I'll tell you a scant little about our race, as long as we can leave for my homeland soon," Vaal was not happy, but complied.

"Agreed. If the information is satisfactory, we shall leave in three days. Michael, Vaal shall sleep in the same room as King Roland Godwin when he was prince," Will said.

After hearing Will's three-day remark, Vaal sent his soldiers a command. They quickly finished their food, bowed, and then walked out of the house.

"Very well, tell me what you want to know?" Vaal

"Tell me about your race?" Will asked.

"I come from a forest nation of Wood Elves. There are three kingdoms of Wood Elves. There exist two other elvish races: the high elves and drow.

We Wood Elves are superior to other races with our keen senses and intuition. In a forest, we are unmatched in terms of speed and stealth. We are fleet of feet and arrows are deadly shot from over a kilometer away.

As you know, we are reclusive and distrust non-elves. But detested Dwarfs most.

Wood elves have copperish-colored skin, blonde hair, and green or brown eyes.

High elves also live on trees, but they are taller, fair-skinned, with blonde hair, and blue or green eyes. Regardless of what nonsense they spout, we Wood Elves are equally matched when it comes to affinity with elemental spirits.

Drows are shorter than Wood Elves, but still taller than humans, have brown skin, hair, and eyes. They live underground in tunnels and are unmatched in strength and speed.

In general, elves can live as long as 2000 years, much longer than your grandmasters.

Thus, we have a much broader perspective than you shorter-lived humans.

We are slow to make friends and enemies, and even slower to forget them. To make a friend or enemy of an Elf may have consequences for human generations.

Unlike you humans, we rarely form longer-term marital relationships. Instead, our relationship is usually temporary for child-rearing only.

All Elves are skilled mages and martial warriors. To humans your Spellsword is unique. But among, Elves you are not special. Your skills are quite unrefined and in need of polish. Moreover, you and your spirit animal have poor coordination. Where you two never trained how to fight together?

Lastly, our race is talented artisans and crafters. Since we are so long-lived, we enjoy centuries of exploration and discovery. Your race used to call us artificers long ago, before the Great War," Vaal explained.

"Did you say, artificers?" Will's eyes grew greedy. Elizabeth could read Will's mind.

"Yes. Are you satisfied? Can we leave in three days?" Vaal asked.

"No, we'll leave tomorrow!" Will said imagining the coin he'd earned!