Chereads / Rise of a Finance Minister / Chapter 201 - Silver Phoenix Train

Chapter 201 - Silver Phoenix Train

All last week Will watched, the train drive up and down the track. Will wasn't alone, several citizens crossed the river to see the train practice running from Korce to Guidon.

It was quite the sight to see, the train stopping by the valley fortress, next to the golem stone bright.

There were two engines attached to the front and back of the train. Sandwich between the engines were overnight passenger cars and freight cars.

The train ran on a single track from Gadreel to Korce. From Gadreel, there were three-stop: the military base outside Friendship Valley, Gadreel, and Korce.

Families picnicked and watched the train drive by or airships land. It was late summer, and families play in the water on the river's edge.

Will looked on at the families enjoying a lazy summer day.

Hearing the train whistle diverted his attention to the train arriving on time at Gadreel station.

Will watched the train pull into the station, and the conductor disembark.

"She hums like a bird Boss Will," the conductor said.

"No complications going outside the valley?" Will asked.

"No, sir," the train conductor said.

"Miles, is everything in place for the grand opening tomorrow?" Will asked turning to Miles.

"The passenger manifest has been confirmed, the client's cargo has already been stored in the warehouse behind the train tracks," Miles confirmed.

"Then tomorrow we travel to Korce," Will said looking forward to his first trip to Albania.

Tomorrow morning, a large crowd gathered at Gadreel Station to watch the train's grand opening schedule at the 10th bell.

By the 7th bell, the platform and bridge were already full of onlookers.

Will arrived at the station with his family at half-past 9th well. The road to the bridge was so packed with onlookers, that the city guard has to clear away for his family.

Will and Elizabeth shoved their way through the crowd to the podium.

Already on stage, we're several Trade Commissioners and Kurosawa. Below the stage, Bubba's soldiers formed a human barricade.

Will's family slowly made it onto the stage. Unlike Will, Nisha had no problem cutting through the crowded bridge, as people took one look at her and made way. Nisha hopped on stage and rested next to Will's seat. When the last speaker, Bishop vont Omar, arrived the grand opening ceremony started.

"Welcome everyone to the grand opening for the Silver Phoenix's newest creation, the Woodland Express. This train connects Korce to Guidon. What used to take a month of travel by wagon, now takes 10 days!" Will exclaimed.

After waiting for applause, Will began to speak again, "the Woodland Express was the joint effort to Dwarven crafting, Elven artificing, and human engineering. This train is the result of the best that Friendship Valley has to offer. Everyone, please applaud our Dwarven and Elvish friends for their help with this project!" Will shouted.

The humans in attendance cheered and clapped. Master Duncan and Nuvian on stag stood up and waved to the roaring crowd.

After they sat down, Will spoke for the last time, "my fellow citizens it is an honor to be your City Lord. My wife Elizabeth and I are fortunate to have your support and love. This train was built with that love and support in mind.

The cost of the train is 25 coppers per customer. It's cheaper to ride the train to Guidon, than fly. This train was built for the average person in mind. To tell your more about the train is my Senior Clerk, Miles," Will applauded as Miles rose to the lectern.

Miles discussed the train's features, speed, and amenities. It was Miles's job to wow the crowd with the train's specifications and accommodations. As he spoke, on cue the train whistle and hissing wheels sounded. Which scared Camille and Edward, and the other young children in attendance.

But to the crowd, the cacophony created triumphant shouts!

After Miles finished, the Trade Commissioners spoke about the impact the train would have on the city and jobs.

After the Trade Commissioners, Kurosawa about the new train administration policy. Now, the train and airship disembarked at the same location. The small fort across the river from Gadreel would see its registration duties increase. The fort was the second busiest administrative building in Gadreel.

When Kurosawa finished, Will returned to the podium to introduce a royal steward who flew in last night.

The steward began reading the decree, "I, King Roland Godwin, third of my name, henceforth proclaim Gadreel the City of Commerce. I also rescind Viscount vont Ballard's Lord of Games title, and hereby entitle him the Lord of Commerce forevermore."

Will saw his screen update the title change:

Race: Human

Rank: 2 (Viscount)

Title: Lord of Commerce/ Gaia's Champion

Class: Merchant

Sub Class: Spellsword Knight







Ranks Skills: Management (87), Diplomacy (74), Accounting (91)

Class Skills: Appraisal (100, 100), [Radar]

Abilities: Master Swordsmanship (5+1, 75), Master Terramancer (6+1, 75), Gaia's Blessing (multiplies your spell strength x2), Journeyman Blacksmith (37, 50).

Elizabeth was the first to congratulate Will. Hearing the news, the crowd roared their approval. Will thanked the steward and waved happily to the crowd.

Then to Will's shock, the steward read a second decree," I, King Roland Godwin, third of my name, declare the seizure of this train during wartime. During wartime, the train is obliged by law to shuttle soldiers and supplies to and from the military base and frontline. The operational cost of the train shall be reimbursed by the crown after the war. I henceforth entitle this train the Quartermaster Express during wartime."

Seizure. His new train could be seized during wartime. Worse yet he'd be reimbursed. During a war, he'd be on the hook to pay. In this medieval era, wars could last decades. Will was shocked by how fast the military moved, to claim ownership of his train.

The steward handed both decrees to Will, bowed, and returned to his seat.

Bishop vont Omar was the last to speak, he prayed over the train and passengers' safety.

The grand opening finished. When the platform guest embarked on the train.

The luxury passenger car had wide seats and comfortable chairs decorated with inexpensive fabric. Each luxury car had twenty seats. There were four seats in a row, and an aisle ran down the middle. Behind the two luxury cars, where the dining car, and luxury sleeper suites.

When Will boarded, Marshall vont Smith was seated and drinking a whiskey.

"Greetings Marshall vont Smith, I wasn't expecting you?" Will said.

"It was the king's decision. I am the official envoy, and the royal steward shall go with me," the marshal said handing Will the king's writ.

After reading the decree, Will bowed and said, Welcome onboard."

Will joined his family. Elizabeth and Will gave their children the window seats and they sat near the aisle.

Also in Will's car were Bishop vont Omar and the wealthiest Trade Commissioners and their wives.

With a loud whistle, the train began to drive forward, accelerating rather quickly. The guests were in awe as the great train barreled to Korce at full speed.

Will was excited to visit Albania. He missed the beach and hope to visit the ocean in the near future.

Between socializing, Will looked out the window. The train was blitzing through the valley.

Will felt a tap on his shoulder, he looked up and saw Marshall vont Smith.

"Major vont Ballard, follow me to the dining car," the marshal whispered in his ear.

Immediately Elizabeth could tell something was wrong. Yet, she said nothing as Will followed the marshal out to the luxury car.

As they sat down, Marshall vont Smith handed Will another writ.

'How many did the king sign?' Will thought.

"Will please keep this secret message between you and Jing. Thanks to your economic advice Fermion came out of the plague and famine much faster than Albania. They are about three years behind us in recovery. Moreover, they are experiencing a Peasant Rebellion as well. This is the perfect time to recover and replace our spies. You are hereby ordered to return to your military command post. It's your responsibility to make sure Jing returns home alive," the king wrote.

Will handed the letter back to Marshall vont Smith, who at once burned it.

"I almost forgot your first name was Jing," Will said.

The marshal laughed upon hearing that.

"What is required of me?" Will asked.

"Hopefully nothing Major vont Ballard," Marshall vont Smith replied.

"Then let's celebrate to nothing!" Will said raising his glass of whiskey.

"I'll raise my glass to that!" the marshal said.

With astounding speed, the train left the valley in four days. Will glanced out the window as Forest river valley, transitions to palm trees and prairies. Except for the palm trees, the land reminded him of his parent's barony. The bright sun shone over the expansive land. Will watched as his children's faces were glued to the window. Everyone, except the marshal, was interested to see Albania for the first time.

The next day, the train rolled into the Korce train station.

Several men were waiting on the platform with a band. When the train came to a stop, the musicians began playing an upbeat song.

Will and his family were the first to set foot on Albanian soil. Will and Elizabeth bowed to their host.

"I greet on behalf of our great Sultan, I welcome you honored guests, I am Ibrahim vont Dervish, City Lord of Korce!" said a middle-aged man with greasy blonde hair and brown years.

"Greetings City Lord vont Dervish, I am Viscount vont Ballard and this is my family," Will said introducing them.

"I've heard many good things about you, it's nice to meet you in person," he said.

"I feel the same," Will replied.

While the Trade Commissioners and their wives were greeting the City Lord. Marshall vont Smith disembarked. He walked over to the Albanian city lord and handed him yet another decree from the king.

After reading, the City Lord vont Dervish smiled, "I am happy your king wishes goodwill between our nations and lengthen the peace accord."

"It is my responsibility to function as his majesty King Roland Godwin Fermion III's envoy," Marshall vont Smith said not bowing.

"Welcome honorable envoy," City Lord vont Dervish said bowing to Marshall vont Smith.

"Please follow me to my home, we've prepared a sumptuous meal," City Lord vont Dervish said presenting ten lavish carriages.

As they rode through the city, Will could still see the damage the plague and famine had caused.

"It stinks Papa," Edward said.

"Forgive him, he still lacks manners," Elizabeth said.

"It's fine. Children his age, have a habit of telling the truth. Our city is still trying to rebuild from the pandemic. My city lost almost 60% of its population to emigration, disease, or starvation.

My city is a skeleton of what it used to be.

I heard your city has grown over 300% and less than 10% died of the plague. And if my sources are to be believed, the majority of those that died were Albanian citizens who died outside your city walls," City Lord vont Dervish said.

"Your sources are correct, most of the people who died of disease, died outside the city walls," Wills said.

"How did you save so many lives?" City Lord vont Dervish probed.

"I'm sure your sources already told you. I only allowed people into my city after 10 days of quarantine. However, I'm not the only city to employ that strategy," Will said.

"Yes, that was in the report. But I want to know if you had another idea? I read you city guards exterminated rates, before the 8-Day plague arrived. Is that coincidence?" City Lord vont Dervish asked.

"My spies do have the access as yours," Will joked.

"I bought the rat poison from the Alchemy Guild, because I want to quarantine the city. While citizens stayed at home, Kurosawa took advantage of the opportunity to do some overdue extermination," Will struggled his shoulders.

"There was a western Albanian village that also exterminated rates before the plague arrived. Everyone in the village died from the plague," City Lord vont Dervish explained.

"I'm sorry they followed my example, they would have been better of closing the city to migrants.

"Since you brought up migrants, mind returning our citizens?" City Lord vont Dervish jokingly asked.

"If my citizens listened to me, I would tell them too," Will laughed as well.

"Wonderful, I'll inform the Sultan you'll send Albania's citizens and those traitorous nobles back home," City Lord vont Dervish clapped happily.

The mood in the carriage had quickly turned sour.

"You understand I can't control where the Albanian emigrates travel?" Will said unsure City Lord vont Dervish understood him.

"Your Viscount vont Ballard, everyone listens to you even your king!" City Lord vont Dervish said passive aggressively.

"I suggest, if you want to discuss emigration policy, or what Fermion did to reduce plague deaths, I suggest you ask the envoy. I'm here solely on a goodwill trip!" Will said.

"Really goodwill? Everywhere you travel you try to settle on trade deals. I have a deal for you, after you leave Korce never come back again!

You can down here to see how poorly we're doing? I don't even have enough health people to serve as train porters. And yet you thumb your wealthy face at mine!" City Lord vont Dervish said frustratedly.

"When I asked you agreed to our visit," Will said curiously.

"The king agreed on my behalf to thank you for exporting food during the famine. I was not aware you were coming until two days ago!" City Lord vont Dervish exclaimed.

"Turn the carriage around, we'll go back to the train," Elizabeth said holding her children.

"Nothing going to happen to you. Just eat and leave," City Lord vont Dervish said unhappily.

The dinner was meal of roast chicken and vegetables, it was not a sumptuous meal, but a pauper nobles meals. Elizabeth could tell from the meal alone, they were unwanted guests.

"Viscount vont Ballard, where is your envoy?" City Lord vont Dervish asked.

"He said he was feeling unwell and went back to the train," Will said.

"Really?" My guards said they saw your porters loading cargo onto your train. What do you suspect that might be?" City Lord vont Dervish asked.

"It could be a number of things how should I know? Do you think I consort with riffraff?" Will said. Elizabeth knew that comment was out of character for Will. She figured he was covering for someone.

"Would you mind if my guards checked?" City Lord vont Dervish inquired, trying to decide if there was some nefarious plot.

"If your guards wish to sort through ladies undergarments and dresses, who am I to stop you?" Will said nonchalantly.

"Forgive me, it must be nothing," apologized City Lord vont Dervish.