Chereads / Rise of a Finance Minister / Chapter 197 - Moon Dance

Chapter 197 - Moon Dance

Tables were placed on the forest floor; long streamers were hung. Flowered crowns adored women's heads, and men wore fancy embroidered brown canvas vests over top of their tunics.

Will and Elizabeth stayed up late drinking Elven wine, while Elizabeth proudly showed off her pregnant belly to the other Elven women.

Will watched as the Elves danced in circle dances well into the evening.

"I wish we had more time here," Elizabeth sighed.

"Me too, I feel like we only just arrived," Will said.

"This is nice just the two of us. It was nice being alone with you. I miss the children, but it was nice just being alone with you. Sometimes, I feel like we've grown apart. You have your life, where you are always away, and I'm home with our children. I feel like we had a chance to reconnect.

You know the children miss you too. Edward and Camille are always vying for your attention when you are home. When we return, try to spend more time with them. Edward needs his father. It's hard for him to grow up in your shadow," Elizabeth said.

"It was nice to reconnect with you too. We should get away together more often...

Elizabeth, you know I want to stay home with the kids, but life has been hectic. Hopefully, life shall settle down when we return," Will said hugging and kissing Elizabeth.

"I know, I just wish life would slow down," Elizabeth said.

"Me too," Will said watching the elves dance.

"What do you plan to ask for?" Elizabeth asked knowing Will's avarice for gold.

"I don't know, weapons, artificial goods, crafts, I want them all. What do you think, I should ask for?" Will asked.

"A few more days together," Elizabeth laughed and cuddled into Will's arms.

"Ha-ha," Will laughed.

"Friends, the moon approaches its apex," Queen Sylvania of Yllamoira stood and walked to the center party

In the moonlight, the queen's beauty was accentuated. Will bewitched by her beauty. It was as if the queen cast a spell and drew everyone's presence to her.

Her silver gown twinkled in the moonlight, like the stars on a cloudless night. If her goddess-like beauty was not enough, she began to sing beautifully, and dance sensually. As she sang, a scent blossomed in the air. The queen was a moon goddess and her intoxicating song cast a spell that smelled like fragrant moonlight lilies.

Her dancing was hypnotic, Will watched as her hips rhythmically swayed in the wind entrapping his senses. As she sang and danced, she began to recite the story of creation.

"In the beginning, there was Chaos, the abyss. Out of it first emerged the first champion, Aether. He who fought against the Chaos in an eternal battle. After thousands of years, Aether won victoriously over Chaos. After the battle, the first Champion brought to light and order to the universe. But, before Chaos' defeat, he gave birth to a daughter, the goddess Nyx. When her father was defeated, she submitted to Aether, bidding her time, until she can overthrow him and reinstate Chaos.

From darkness and chaos, came order and light. From light and order came Gaia, the eternal mother. From her body, she gave birth to Terra, which became the foundation of all living things. The great mother brought life from her body. From her tears river, ponds, and oceans that's how the god Pontus. When she shall Terra covered in water, she tore her flesh to create land, hills, mountains that's how the Gaius was born.

When Aether and Gaia saw the earth, they were happy. But Arther wanted Terra to worship him. So, Gaia gave to him a present. She gave birth to nature: trees, plants, dragons, insects, fish, and animals blossomed into reality. They worshiped Aether, and in their worship, they turned to his radiance and grew. That's why plants always grew toward the sun. They taught their offspring to worship Gaia and Aether. They bathed in their light and warmth.

But none worshiped the gods more than the Yggdrasil. Yggdrasil was a treant. The first species Gaia ever created. And due to her devotion, Aether and Gaia bestowed on her two blessings. Aether gave Yggdrasil the gift to touch the Elysium. Soon Yggdrasil grew to become the tallest treant. Her size was so enormous that her branches began to uplift the heavens. And her roots hold Terra together.

Gaia gave Yggdrasil the gift of life. It was Yggdrasil who gave birth to the first elves. From her flowers, she gave birth to elves. The first elves were called high elves. They lived with Yggdrasil and worshiped the primordial gods.

Nyx grew jealous watching Aether and Gaia's children worship them. Since life was chosen to worship Aether and Gaia, Nyx chose death. And from darkness and death see bore three sons: death (Thanatos), sleep (Hypnos), and darkness (Erebus) in Tartarus. Nyx was cast into Tartarus by Aether and commanded to judge the sins of all mortals, providing either eternal rest or eternal damnation.

All natured followed order: life begets death, and night gives way to light. This is the order Aether created. And this order is called natural law, or heaven's will. This is the ouroboros, the eternal cycle. All life must follow natural law, only the gods exist outside natural law. All others must obey natural law.

For a time, Gaia and Aether marveled in their love and their creations. All worshiped them and devoted their prayers to the primordial gods. This was a golden age. And from this golden age, Aether and Gaia bore their children: sky (Uranus), fertility (Rhea), time (Cronus), love (Eros), law (Themis), luck (Tyche), and memory (Mnemosyne). From their children, came Aether and Gaia's grandchildren. None more famous than Cronus and Rhea's children: agriculture (Demeter), family (Hera), lightening, (Zeus), hearth (Hestia), and sin (Hades). From her grandchildren came even more great-grandchildren.

Off all Aether's offspring, he favored his grandchild was Zeus the most. Likewise, Gaia's favored Demeter the most. Both Zeus and Demeter's children were blessed. Zeus bore several children, but Demeter only has three: spring (Persephone), wealth (Plutus), and harvest (Philomelus).

Many gods and goddesses grew in Elysium, they began to fight over worshippers. Yet Aether forbade his followers to worship any god but him.

To appease her frustrated grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, Gaia created three new races: the dwarves, beastmen, and humans.

The god Ares chose the beastmen's race for himself. The god Hephaestus choose the dwarves. The other gods were wiser and chose among the races for worshipers. For example, the goddess Athena choose worshipers who sought knowledge.

However, Gaia would soon come to regret giving her grand and great-grandchildren worshipers. Because they began to question among themselves who had the greatest worshipers. From this competition erupted the great schism which ended the golden age.

Since Aether prohibited the gods from fighting in Elysium, it was decided their worshipers would fight on Terra.

On Terra, this became known as the Great War. As death and destruction reigned, Nyx filled her coffers with the soldiers of the fallen worshipers. Unsatisfied with worshipers, the gods descend to help their worshipers battle. When that failed, the gods fought amongst themselves.

As the war rages on for millennia, Nyx was finally able to break the chain of submission, Aether put upon her. With her freedom, she fought Aether and Elysium to free her father. With the gods weakened, Nyx ascended into Elysium for an epic battle against Aether. Order and chaos fought a second time. Yet, this time Gaia fought alongside Aether. And once again Aether was victorious. Nyx was chained again, this time more forcefully. And Gaia used Yggdrasil's roots to imprison Tartarus.

This is the creation story; the story of how the heavens and earth came to be. This is the story of how the elves were born and our purpose in life. Even now Yggdrasil, the World Tree, beckons us to fulfill our sacred duty, and devote ourselves to the eternal mother," she finished dancing.

"Gaia we are your creation's, creation. It was your love of life that was embedded in our souls. We believe in the natural order," the queen said.

"We believe in the natural law," the elves repeated.

"The primordial goddess has given me a vision. The lich was evident Nyx's restraints are waning. After two millennia, Nyx's powers are returning. The undead shall walk amongst again. The war once fought among the stars, then heavens shall now be fought on Terra. The war fought by the father, then daughter shall now be fought by the grandsons.

Yggdrasil warns us that war with the undead is approaching, how shall we respond?" The queen asked.

"Life begets death, and night gives way to light," the elves cheered.