Chereads / Rise of a Finance Minister / Chapter 122 - Award Ceremony

Chapter 122 - Award Ceremony

On a freezing morning, in a drafty castles hundred of nobles gathered at the Award Ceremony.

Yet most of the nobles were not interested in the soldiers' promotions, but the king's speech.

It was rumored the king would make an important decree. After announcing the second prince as the new Crown Prince and heir, what could be more important?

Some wondered if the king changed his mind.

Everyone knew the princes' factions were in open hostilities.

Even now, the Award Ceremony was partitioned by factions. The king's anemic faction is in the center. The Crown Prince's faction stood on the right and the first prince's faction stood on the left.

After the proxy war between retainers, several lords flipped to Crown Prince Roland's fraction.

The factions were split geographically. The West and Southern regions supported the second prince. West and South had a greater military population.

The Eastern region supported the first prince. Many of the first prince's friends from the Royal Academy came from the eastern region. The Eastern region also held Fermion's third wealthiest city.

The Northern lords supported the king. The vont Whitby dukedom was located in the north. No vassal would go against the Duke's decision. And the Duke decided to remain impartial. This the northern lords remained in the king's faction.

The buzz in the court was filled with anticipation and hostility. Both sides openly mocked the other.

Just as the volume and vulgarity increased in the court, it fell deathly silent when a royal steward entered the court.

"Announcing the arrival of His Royal Majesty King Remus Albus Fermion IX, Queen Ashley Maria, and Crown Prince Roland Godwin," a royal steward announced.

As the Royal Family walked in everyone held the bow or curtsied until the royal family sat.

"You may rise," said the King.

"Today we award those, who through much effort earn a great deal of merit during the war," the king said.

"Retired General Brash step forward," said a steward.

General Brash knelt before the king.

"For your leadership and command, as General, you are awarded 5,000 grand gold coins. You are also awarded the city of Thebes. Congratulations Retired General Brash," the steward said.

The court was appalled.

"Colonel vont Smith steps forward," the steward said.

"For your leadership and command, as Infantry Commander, you are awarded 1,000 grand gold coins. You are also promoted to Marshall and command a division of 15,000 soldiers," the steward read.

After Marshall vont Smith's promotion followed the rest of the Infantry Command officers. Will was happy that Jason was promoted to Major, in his absence.

After the Infantry, the Signal Commander and his officers were awarded.

After Signal, came the Engineering Commander and his officers.

All the post commanders were awarded 1,000 grand gold coins.

Finally, it was Will's turn.

"Captain vont Ballard, step forward," the steward requested.

"For your leadership and command, as Quartermaster, you are awarded 1,000 grand gold coins. You are also promoted to Major and given command of 1,000 soldiers only during times of war.

In addition, for your bravery and act of heroism in reestablishing the supply line, the king bestows upon you the rank of Baron," the steward said, as surprised gripped the audience clapped.

Will's status updated:

Race: Human

Rank: 1 (Baron)/ Lord of Games/ Gaia's Champion

Class: Merchant

Sub Class: Spellsword







Ranks Skills: Management (53), Diplomacy (35), Accounting (52)

Class Skills: Appraisal (15, 100), [Radar]

Abilities: Journeyman Swordsmanship (6, 50), Journeyman Terramancer (7, 50), Gaia's Blessing (multiplies your spell strength x2), Apprentice Blacksmith (20, 25).

Will wanted to look over status but, the king's next sentence overtook his attention.

"Baron vont Ballard, you may now choose a territory as your fief," the king said.

"Your majesty, I select Death Valley as my fiefdom!" Will said resolutely.

The king raised his eyebrow, in surprise after hearing Will's answer.

"Your Majesty that valley is as big as a dukedom!" the Royal Stewart exclaimed.

"Isn't that too large for a barony?" a civil adviser questioned.

"No one had Baron vont Ballard's money either," said an economic adviser.

"How many people have tried to settle the valley but to no avail? None yet in our history! Baron vont Ballard, I King Remus Albus Fermion IX decrees Death Valley as your fiefdom and ensures it's an inheritance to your family line," the king declared.

The surprised audience was now in disbelief.

"Can you imagine the wealth a fiefdom that size would bring?" said a noble.

"If he can live long enough," another noble joked.

"Do you have a name for your new fiefdom, yet?" the king asked pointing to the scribe.

"Yes, your majesty. I've chosen the name Friendship Valley and I name my city Gadreel.

"Gadreel?" said the king rolling the name on his tongue.

"Friendship Valley, it's that a bit too optimistic," said a noble.

"Who does he think will be his friends?" said another noble.

"Your majesty, if I may elaborate!" Cardinal Silva vont Gaius spoke out loud.

The king nodded in agreement.

"Your majesty may know Gaius was Gaia's son and strongest fighter. In the history books, he's known as Gaia's spear. Gaius has a twin brother that received much less attention, his name was Gadreel. Gadreel was known as Gaia's shield. Gadreel translates into 'Wall of God.'

"The Wall of God! Oh, what a lovely name for a city, Baron," said the queen excitedly.

"Then your fiefdom shall protect our southern border?" the king smiled.

"Yes, your majesty!" Will said assertively.

"Very good. I admire your devotion to this kingdom," the king said smiling.

"This concludes the Award Ceremony," a royal steward said.

"Now that the awards have been settled, I will announce the treaty," said the steward.

"Once again, the Albanian emissary and our kingdom agreed to 20 years of peace. The kingdom retains the right to a garrison in the valley, which now falls under the baron's control. Finally, we negotiated a trade route between our two countries," the steward stopped to wait for the astonishment to end.

"However, only merchants with Baron vont Ballard's seal may trade without the restrictions of the embargo on the kingdom of Albania," the steward finished.

The court went silent like some had touched the mute button.

Immediately the other nobles realized the advantage Will gained had.

To control trade between the two most powerful countries, and own Death Valley.

It meant Will could charge for his seal and tax the trade route. Ingenious. This was a coup no one saw coming.

Even the king and Prince Roland were surprised by his cunningness.

Even the Merchant Guild would have to walk on eggshells around the Baron if they wanted to trade with Albania.

"Your majesty why does Baron vont Ballard alone own the right?" a noble merchant asked.

"Fool! Who are you to question the wisdom of our king? It's in the treaty and cannot be renegotiated for another twenty years," the Royal Stewart reprimanded.

Baron vont Ballard gained a large fiefdom and was the guarantor of international trade between Albania and Fermion.

People gained equal enmity and adoration for the fifteen-year-old Baron William vont Ballard.

Will was certainly one of the craftiest nobles they had seen in a while. Immediately the court filled with gossip.

"SILENCE!" the Royal Stewart yelled over the whispers.

The king stood and the room because silent once again. This was the speech they all came to hear.

"As you know, two weeks ago, I proclaimed my second son Crown Prince. Now, I will make another proclamation. I proclaim The Crown Prince Roland Godwin vont Whitby, my regent. I plan to spend my last years in meditation," the king declared.

This news was even more shocking than, Baron vont Ballard's awards.

Now the Crown Prince was king, except in name only. The audience was momentarily stunned. In two weeks the crown princes switched, the first prince escaped, and now the second prince was regent.

"Thank you father, I hereby announce my temporary advisers Marshall vont Smith, Major Baron vont Ballard, and Trevor vont Lawrence," the Regent Prince Roland said gracefully

All the men kneeled in front of the Regent. Do you swear to protect the king and kingdom? Always advise me to the best of your ability?" Regent Roland Godwin asked.

"We swear your majesty," Will, Jing, and Trevor said simultaneously.

"The rise, and serve Fermion well!" The Regent declared.

"Now, I announce my first edict as Regent.

Fermions roads, bridges, and walls are falling into disrepair. I shall launch a kingdom-wide infrastructure initiative.

Starting next week, the Guilds and Marshall vont Smith army will begin repairing the country. This massive expenditure shall help our economy recover.

I will also build a memorial to honor the lives of soldiers who died fighting against Albania," Prince Roland finished.

"Your Royal Highness, the kingdom's treasury cannot support such an expenditure, how much will you raise taxes?" a nobleman asked. The prince had told him to ask him this question.

"I will not increase taxes. The Silver Phoenix Bank and Trust have agreed to loan the government money at a small interest rate.

Each nobleman is expected to provide laborers in your regions. Your laborers will receive a wage. That wage will increase your taxes and the government's taxes. This should end the country's food shortage," the Regent declared.

After declaring court over, the noble filed out to spread the news.

Overnight, the news of Baron vont Ballard, and Regent Prince Roland spread like wildfire. Many nobles were happy to see a peaceful transition of power. With Prince Roland's position secure, the first prince case to overthrow the Regent became more difficult.