Chereads / Rise of a Finance Minister / Chapter 111 - War 1: The Drums of War

Chapter 111 - War 1: The Drums of War

Will could not sleep at all last night. Will had never been a soldier. But, he had been to war zones plenty of times before. Will never sold arms, but he did buy precious metals.

Anytime a mine with yttrium, terbium, and dysprosium change hands, he'd try to be first to negotiate a deal with the warlord, President, prime minister, or whoever.

During those deals, he saw the angry, scared faces of youth, and now it was his turn. The only comfort Will has was he'd at least be an officer, behind the line.

Will got dressed at 4th bell and put on his brown army uniform. The brown five button coat, and four pockets two on the chest and two by his waist.

Across his waist, he wore a dark brown belt over his jacket, which held his scabbard. Across his waist, he wore a leather strap indicating he was a noble. On Terra, the warring kingdom tried their best not to kill nobles, but instead capture and ransoms them after the war.

The pants were a lighter brown than the jacket and had two side pockets. The uniform came with tall dark drown boots that also came to his knees, a light brown shirt that matched the pants, and a brown tie that matched the jacket. His hat and jacket lapel had his second lieutenant pins and above his left breast pocket, Will wore his academy pins and medal of valor.

Will walked downstairs, quietly not wanting to wake Elder Thaddeus, only to be surprised. Elizabeth and Elder Thaddeus were downstairs talking. Elizabeth's swollen red eyes revealed her fragile state.

"Good morning master, Elizabeth, I did not expect you up this early," Will said.

"How could you think I would not see you off?" Elizabeth said angrily putting a plate of bacon on the kitchenette table.

"Elizabeth, I'll be fine. I'll be behind the fighting as Deputy Quartermaster, you'll have nothing to worry about," Will said encouragingly.

"No one comes back from war fine?" Elizabeth said coldly.

"I'll be fine," Will said unknowingly.

"Let's eat," Elder Thaddeus said trying to diffuse the situation.

The small table was overcrowded with fruits, ham, sausage, bacon, toast, muffins, freshly squeezed juice, and tea. Will wanted to ask if she was a nervous baker.

"The food is delicious did you make it?" Will asked Elizabeth.

"No, your restaurant made it this morning, and I had it brought over," Elizabeth said embarrassed.

"How did you accomplish that?" Will asked impressed.

"Vanessa," Elizabeth responded truthfully.

"How nice," Will said secretly wondering who else Vanessa listen to.

"Please don't reprimand her!" Elizabeth said nervously.

'Vanessa must have been hesitant,' thought.

"It's fine, this once. Elizabeth, please give both these letters to Vanessa for me," Will said.

The letters were instructions for Vanessa and Mei. Will directed both to purchase trade routes to the Dwarven kingdom, improve the general store, invest in Marquis vont Hanover's bank, how to sell the bicycles, and new games.

Will finish breakfast and stood up grasping his sword and army-issued pack.

"Will, here's a new spell for you. It gives you a ranged attack, it's called [arrowhead]. The spell conjures a metal arrowhead you can fire at your opponents from a distance.

"Thank you, master," Will said bowing respectfully.

"Learn it well! Practice your spells and array, find a sparring partner, when you to the officer's lodge cast the earth gathering formation,". Elder Thaddeus explained.

Will thanked him again and walk outdoor into the darkness. The sun had not risen above the horizon. Will and Elizabeth walked in silence, holding hands.

"What did your parents say about the ring," Will asked trying to start the conversation.

"They love it, especially, my mother, who like how the sapphires were the same colors as my eyes. My father could not even guess the price, and could easily join the jewelry in the castle vault. I get stopped all the time now, other girls ask to see my ring. It's quite popular," Elizabeth said holding her ring.

"I'm glad," Will said

"I'd give it up free if you chose to stay, and not go. I can ask my father or uncle to send another in your stead. Please Will, don't go. There will be master knights and wizards. I won't be able to live if something happens to you!" Elizabeth said hyperventilating.

"Come down, Elizabeth!" Will said grabbing her hand.

Outside the Mage Academy, a stable boy held Will's horse.

"Please Will!" Elizabeth cried.

"Elizabeth, write to me every day. I've yet to tell you about my new familiar Nisha, who Archimedes promptly accepted as his disciple and whisked away from me," Will smiled.

"Yes, I write to you every day!" Elizabeth said.

"As Will I," Will said as his horse trotted to the military barracks outside Guidon's southern gates.

Outside the barracks was a train of wagons. Soldiers, rations, weapons, and armor were all being inspected.

"Are you the Deputy Quartermaster coming down with us?" asked a sergeant.

Will nodded and gave the sergeant his travel paper.

"Welcome sir!" the sergeant saluted putting his right hand over his heart.

"Thank you, sergeant," Will said politely.

"Sir, you may not know me, but your leadership has helped us immensely. You improved our logistics by a large margin," the sergeant said.

"You're welcome sergeant," Will said.

"Sir, the officers ride in the front," the sergeant said.

Will rode his horse to the front. The officers were animatedly discussing the war. Will recognized the officers they were fourth-year cadets. Will listened as they discussed their future heroic achievements.

"I'm going to slay the Albanian Gerald, and send it to the king," one said

"Yeah, and then send the money to the brothel," another laughed.

Back and forth they joked on the way down.

The never nervous energy draped the like a fog. The closer they got to Death Valley the less frequent the jokes came.

Finally, after a week of travel, they came to the dirt road leading to Death Valley. The road was crowded with wagons filled to the brim with supplies. Crates full of weapons, food, folder, and other various supplies.

The dust kicked up by a caravan floated on the wind. Will nodded and greeted each caravan driver. Will knew their names because he hired them, set their route schedule, and new items and quantities of each wagon by heart.

The dirt road snaked its way between the hills of the grassy fields before it began a gradual turn towards the southwest where the valley was located.

The sun high above impacted the land with its bright rays, the heat abated by the constant winds and the chill that seemed to still linger from the morning. The clouds that drifted off from the mountains drew ever closer with thunder and promises of cold nights.

With the morning light, Will saw from barrack atop the hill. The caravan moved closer to the destination. As the barracks, two large companies, stop and asked for everyone's identification. Even the wagons were checked at the barricades before they gained entry.

Once they stopped, began offloading the supply wagons. Other workers loaded empty wagons with used items for departure. The whole area was part of a long supply route that lead from Guidon to the troops fighting in Death Valley.

Palisades and x shaped wooden things protected the camp were built along the hillside to thwart and pillboxes were dug into the ground further out to push back land attacks. A long watch tower monitored the valley.

Will dismount his horse and followed the 4-year cadets to an information desk. Two men that were seat stood and saluted the recruits.

"Welcome Men! I'm General vont Brash and this is my base," said a well-built, muscular, bald man, with a thick brown mustache and frown.

The man stood on a small wooden box, straightening his towering 1.8-meter figure, he saluted with his right fist over his heart.

The cadets returned the salute with stoic faces.

Gen vont Brash said, taking sight of the caravan and expansive valley terrain beyond, "cadets, turn your gaze to the valley. Your job is to help us win the war! Get used to the smell of blood these next few months you'll peak into the darkness of humanity. All I ask is that you fight for your brothers and sisters on the battlefield!

Now, make a line and receive your second lieutenant pin," he said.

As Will step in line, he wondered where he'd work or what he'd do. Will's eyes set on where the soldiers who unloaded the caravan placed the goods. It was a large new warehouse, but what confused Will was the name on the warehouse, just above the door, it read 'Phoenix Platoon' with a badly draw phoenix painted silver.

"Name?" the lance corporal asked.

"Huh," Will said still examining the warehouse.

"What's your name second lieutenant?" the lance corporal asked.

"Oh, William vont Ballard," Will said.

"Let's see Baronet William vont Ballard, report to Major vont Valdez, in Central Command," the soldier said pointing to the large barrack.

As Will walked into the Command Center, he heard shouting

"I don't have the numbers to spare on such a risky plan. As it is, what's the point of it all? It won't break the line," a female captain yelled.

"I must agree you are right, it undoubtedly will not break the line. But it'll put more hurt on the Albanians," another male replied.

"We have to do something, otherwise when the Albanians repair the damage and we're back right where we started," Jason said.

"Let's reach out to Major vont Wilson in Engineering and see if he has any recommendations," the colonel said.

"Yes, Colonel vont Smith," four captains saluted.

"Will!" shouted Jason as he walked over and hugged him.

"Hi! What was that?" Will asked.

"That was the captain's briefing with the colonel. You met General vont Brash, I'm sure. He welcomes all the new officers. Colonel vont Smith runs the Infantry Command, Major vont Wilson oversees Engineering Command, Lieutenant Colonel vont Thomas manages Signal Command, and I think you're looking for Major vont Valdez the Field Quartermaster'l Jason said.

"I am, but who's the Intelligence Commander?" Will asked.

"Only the general knows. That's because the Intelligence Company also spies on us. So you never know if you're talking to someone in intelligence or not. The colonel said Intelligence Officers embed themselves in other commands too," Jason said as if it was the coolest thing.

"Interesting," Will said not as interested as Jason.

"Be careful what you say and to whom," Jason warned. "Major vont Valdez's office is in the basement," Jason said pointing the way.

Will followed Jason's directions.

The basement was dark and damp. The office represented the status of the Quartermaster. The symbolism of having a major's office below a captain's office was insulting. There was a reason CEOs sat on the top floor of an office building. Or why corner offices with large windows were more attractive workspace than cubicles.

"Second lieutenant vont Ballard reporting for duty" Will saluted.

"Good glad you're here! You're be managing our supply routes to Guidon and warehouse. You'll govern a platoon, they are very excited to meet. Come on, I'll introduce you to the" Major vont Valdez said politely.

Major vont Valdez and Will walked out of the Command Center and to the warehouse, where 40 men and women greeted him.

Will was tasked with managing four squads of 10 soldiers. The soldiers consisted of farmhands or construction looking for better steady work. After Will met the soldiers, he toured the warehouse, which looked worse on inspection. Even worse he was given an inventory ledger, used by an illiterate.

The warehouse was a mess. There was zero organization, boxes were mislabeled, badly damaged, and some food has spoiled.