Chereads / Rise of a Finance Minister / Chapter 109 - From Trash to Treasure

Chapter 109 - From Trash to Treasure

The first month of the spring semester began like a lamb and ended as a lion. Students, instructors returned to the academies, and class resumed. Spring classes started as usual.

The second mage students were excited, the date of conjuring their familiar slowly approach. In the first two weeks of Conjuring, Professor vont Arguelles had the students learn the familiar conjuring spell.

A familiar is a spirit that takes the corporeal form of an animal. Familiars frequently act as companions to mages. As a companion, the animal can offer support, protection, guidance, and more. Familiars are life partners. If a mage dies, their familiar dies. Worse yet, if their familiar dies mages cannot conjure another.

During the second week, Will walked into Professor Argualles' classroom. The desks were pushed against the wall. The room was black lit by a single candle suspended in the air above an encircled hexagon that had the six elemental: fire, water, wind, earth, light, and dark written on each vertex.

Professor Arguelles had each student a parchment. On the parchment was a summoning circle that was similar to the one on the floor.

"Good morning students, the spell on the floor is a summoning amplification spell, I conjured this before class. Each of you should have a parchment with the summoning circle. When I call your name, use this dagger to make a small laceration on your index finger and smear your blood around the circle. Finally, use the candle to burn the parchment, while you say the spell I thought you last week," the Professor said.

One by one the students took turns, spreading their blood on the parchment and casting. Frogs, birds, cats, insects, and rodents crossed over from an ephemeral to a corporeal form.

When it was Will's turn, he went to the circle, cut his finger, and chanted the spell. A large fog came into existence, then a deafening roar came. A vicious black shadow leopard's body slowly walked out from the fog!

"Hello William, I've been waiting for waiting for you!" the black panther telepathically said in a beautiful purring feminine voice, resembling Eartha Kitt. Eartha Kitt was a famous singer and actress from Will's time on Earth.

"How do you know my name?" Will telepathically asked confused.

"I can read your stat screen. Your attributes are disappointing, but your blessing from Gaia is impressive. You are young, but worthy of being my life bond. Hurry give me a name, to finalize this ritual," the shadow panther said telepathically.

"I name you Nisha, it means night. Your black coat and golden eyes make me think about a beautiful starry night sky. The name comes from an old archaic language," Will respond telepathically.

"Very well, I shall be called, Nisha. I will hunt your foes, devour your enemies, and scout your path! Together, nothing shall hinder our way!" Nisha gave another loud roar.

Will and Nisha stepped out of the amplification circle.

"Oh my god, he got a black leopard!" said one student.

You lucky bastard," said another.

"Congratulations, Will," said Rupert.

"She so beautiful," said another student.

"Baronet vont Ballard, you are certainly fortunate to have a ferocious blank leopard as your familiar," Professor Arguelles said.

When the last person had gone, Professor Arguelles dismissed class saying, "spend some time getting to know your familiar."

"Nisha, come on I want you to meet someone important," Will said telepathically.

"Oh, another shadow panther, a black Jaguar, how interesting," Nisha responded.

"Wait, how do you know?" Will telepathically asked, running to the cottage.

"Our minds are linked. Besides speaking to each other with our minds, we can also see each other's thoughts," Nisha said.

"Oh, is there no way to shield our thoughts?" Will asked.

"None, but your secrets are my secrets. More importantly, the idle thoughts of small humans are inconsequential to me!" she laughed at Will.

"Master, I'm home. Archimedes, are you here?" Will asked.

Archimedes strolled into the room and grew five times larger into his full jaguar size. Will had only see Archimedes like this once, on the way back from Guidon. Archimedes looked dangerous, murderous even, but Will knew everything was fine. He was merely showing off to Nisha.

"Will, this cat is strong and wise. He speaks favorably of you. I am very impressed by your master's deeds," Nisha said.

"Thank your Archimedes for your kind words," Will bowed to Archimedes.

Archimedes dipped his head in return.

"Will, Archimedes has offered to become my master. As his disciple, there is much he is willing to teach. What are your thoughts?" Nisha asked.

"I would agree, Archimedes is impressive and friendly. Although we've never spoken, Archimedes has always looked after me well. I'm sure he would do the same to you," Will said to Nisha.

"Yes, he is impressive. Archimedes could destroy this half the city in a single breath," Nisha said.

"Archimedes could you really destroy this city by yourself?" Will asked him in disbelief.

"Will, he wants to know why that is surprising to you when your master could destroy this whole country and Albania before lunch?" Nisha said.

"I've never seen my master's full power; I don't know his past or his power. But, surely there's no mortal that powerful," Will said astonished by Archimedes' claim.

Nisha lowered herself to the floor in submission.

"I have accepted Archimedes as my master. Archimedes request I follow him to train. I know we just met, but I have to leave. Know this life bond, no matter the distance, we can always talk!" Nisha said running out the door behind Archimedes.

"Where are you going?" Will asked as she and Archimedes were already out of sight.

"To a place, humans call Death Valley, and then to other wilds. Reach out if you need me, and I will return to you!" Nisha said breaking off the connection.

Anticlamatically, Will had conjured and lost his familiar in less than an hour. Will walked back to class sans familiar.

"Where's your familiar, Baronet? Did it already run away?" Ryan asked in Transfiguration.

Will ignored Ryan and focused on turning a slug into a snail. This spring, Magister Wright advanced the class to transfigure small invertebrate creatures, like a caterpillar into a butterfly.

After class, Will had Formations. Thanks to Rupert, Will was able to pass his formations test, and successfully created the Earth Mana Gathering Formation. Those that successfully completed the mana gather formations, could now move on to protective formations.

Elder Thaddeus recommended that Will learn the [Mantel Array], it was an intermediate formation. Although anyone could learn the formation, terramancers had the easiest time. Conceptionally, the [Mantel Array] seemed similar to the spell [Earthen Dome].

Will found this was why Elder Thaddeus thought him the spell. Whereas [Earthen Dome] could be conjured and dispelled. It was impossible to dispel an array. Only an advance [Suppression Array] or Formation Master, could disperse the array.

After grasping the formation, Will his last class Arcan Blacksmithing. This spring, Master Duncan showed Will the initial forging techniques of Harden Dwarven Steel.

In general, Master Duncan described human blacksmiths, "as pathetic."

As Will learned, the difference between steel forged in Fermion and Harden Dwarven Steel, was Dwarfs tempered and double quenched the steel in oil, whereas in Fermion they only quenched the steel once in water.

Will listened closely as Master Duncan describe the initial steps. Thanks to Master Duncan's teachings, after months of practice, Will was able to cast [modeling] without the need for a forge.

As Will forge successfully forged something once, he could recreate it using the spell [modeling]. He could create iron weapons, full sets of iron armor, and even repair dented armor.

Will's [Iron Armor] now looked exquisite like it was designed by a worthy apprentice blacksmith. Even better, Will's stats had also gone up after the midyear battles and duels.

Race: Human

Rank: 1 (Baronet)/ Lord of Games/ Gaia's Champion

Class: Merchant

Sub Class: Spellsword



Strength—50 (+2)

Dexterity—46 (+1)



Ranks Skills: Management (50), Diplomacy (35), Accounting (52)

Class Skills: Appraisal (15, 100), [Radar]

Abilities: Journeyman Swordsmanship (3, 50), Journeyman Terramancer (3, 50), Gaia's Blessing (multiplies your spell strength x2), Apprentice Blacksmith (20, 25).

As Will and Master Duncan finished their lessons, a knock sounded on the forge's door.

"Aye, whose there?" Master Duncan called in his thick Scottish accent.

"An Emissary, of his Majesty Druker Flameworn," the person outside said.

"All right, here I come," Master Duncan said opening the door.

"Doric 'Stormforged' Duncan, you are hereby summoned by his majesty to return to the Dwarven Kingdom in a fortnight," the emissary said. He was very short, with long brown hair, a braided brown beard that came to bellow his belly.

"Alright, Trorduthag don't get your knickers in a twist. I'll come home," Master Duncan said.

"Och, I never thought you'd lower yourself to teach a human our techniques, these primitive top dwellers are only good for one thing, breeding," Trorduthag spit.

"When I return in a fortnight, I'll let his majesty know you insulted Grandmaster Thaddeus' disciple," Master Duncan smiled.

"Lier! That old demon has never taken a disciple!" Trorduthag said.

"He did last year. He wrote to the king over the summer to have someone mentor his disciple in forging. That's why the king sent me down here on this peacekeeping mission. Har-har, and you may have just ruined it," Master Duncan grab his belly laughing hysterically.

"Please apprentice, I beg forgiveness. I meant no disrespect towards you or your master, Thaddeus Hellsflame, the incarnate of God Regehl" Trorduthag said.

Will did his best to hide his surprise at hearing Elder Thaddeus called an old demon, and a god incarnate.

"The very same, I'm sure it's fine. But, if I were you I'd compensate ol' Thaddeus Ming's disciple for your insult. Otherwise, he may end your family lineage?" Master Duncan winked at Will to play along.

"I have been impugned, how can compensation resolve the disgrace? I will set off at once to inform my master," Will said dramatically and turned to walk away after bowing.

"Stop disciple, as long as your master does not find out, I swear on Goddes Gaia, the compensation will be substantial," Trorduthag winced painfully. Dwarfs were greedy and loved gold, like Will. The idea of losing gold was distressing.

"Surely, you must know we dwarves are rich, great crafters, and excellent builders. How may I compensate you?" Trorduthag gritted his teeth and pleaded.

"My demands are thus, I want the trading rights between the Dwarf Kingdom and Fermion, an excellent plot of land in your capital's merchant district, with a business permit to operate, finally, I want my store built at half price," Will said secretly thanking Master Duncan.

"Surely you know there's nothing you top dwellers have that interests us, dwarves? All our products are superior to yours. Even our discarded weapons are still better than yours. Your food, games, weak liquor are inconsequential to us?" Trorduthag said.

"I plan to build a general store, where I sell and buy Dwarven goods?" Will said confidently.

"No Dwarf would sell you their wares, except their trash, their failures!" Trorduthag laughed.

"That's precisely what I plan to buy, with Dwarven coin. Didn't you say your trash was still better than our human weapons? I'll buy your trash for coppers and sell it to the human kingdoms for gold. I know of your Dwarven avarice. Would they pass up coin, for something they see as worthless?" Will asked.

"Well done lad! When Thaddeus told me you have a Dwarf's love for gold, I didn't believe him until after your auction. Your gold chest may one day rival my own," Master Duncan laughed after Trorduthag left the forge dejected agreeing to Will's demands.

"Thank you master! When Trorduthag called Elder Thaddeus…Hellsflame and a demon, what did he mean?" Will asked in confusion."

"Lad, we all have past, but Thaddeus' story is his to tell, not mine," Master Duncan said.

"Yes, I understand," Will said.

"That harden Dwarven steel sword is finished," take it with you and practice your spell [modeling] when you get home," Master Duncan said. Throwing the blunt sword to Will.

Leaving the forge, Will ran to the Guardian Guild to work. Since the New Year, his work as Deputy Quartermaster increased threefold. He worked every day, trying to accommodate the numerous request.

When Will walked to the top floor of the pagoda, he noticed a range of emotions from anxious to excited amount the guild members.

"What's going on? Did something happen?" Will asked.

"War. The War has started," Marshall Rolf said, handing Will a letter.

"What's this, more request?" Will asked.

"No, you've been ordered to the front lines," Marshall Rolf said stoically with soft eyes.