Will noticed the tension in Rijilir was getting worse by the day. In the past week, the price of rice increased quickly. Five months ago the cost of rice in Rijir was one lead credit for half a kilogram, at the start of the week the cost was four credits for half a kilogram. The average Rijilir citizen earned two leads a day. The crept of inflation was evident not only in rice but all goods.
Will stayed in the manor meditation, practicing his spellsword class, and reviewing expenses reports. Lawrence and Holo supervised the construction, which had also increased expenditure. Will also received a visit from the land clerk informing him, the sixth property he wanted, the owner agreed to sell. In fact, the seller took the money and immediately left Rijilir. In fact, there were a lot of wealthy people who began to flee Rijilir.
Will continued to speak with grandfather wolf, who informed Will the rice subsidies also acted as an incentive for farmers to stay on their tribal lands to produce rice both as subsistence crops and as cash crops; instead of abandoning their farms for jobs in the capital.
Lawrence and Holo would report the growing number of bakers and restaurants going out of business due to the increasing cost of ingredients and lack of customers. Additionally, they mentioned a large number of houses and business were boarding up their windows. Bearman platoons patrolled the streets; squads of patrollers would branch off and instruct citizens to remind citizens of the new 20th bell obligatory curfew put in place.
The gate entrances for the circles became more stringent, and eventually, the constructions were no longer allowed into the inner circle. Only people who lived in the inner circle could travel out, but the City Lord discouraged people. The Tribunal Council met daily, to receive updates and legislate. However, the deadlock remained. The animosity between competing tribes increased, and fighting almost broke out on more than one occasion.
The Tipping point came with the price of rice doubled at the end of the week to eight lead credits for a half kilogram. Beast people were outraged at the price, the race was a stable diet, rice was an ancestral tradition. Their ire was drawn to the inept impotent Tribunal Council, merchants, and the rich.
Ultimately, a tribe in Snake Clan rose and began rioting. Protestors burnt vacated villages and pillaged the property. This wave soon turned into a tidal wave, and from a tidal wave to a tsunami. The small revolt in an obscure village in the Snake Clan territory turned into a revolution. The Snake, Orca, Tiger Clans revolted against their elders and clan lord. The Wolf Clan has inoculated due to the Clan's recent injection of money. Wolfmen elders were able to pay the inflated price of rice, but for how long?
Protesters from the Snake, Orca, and Tiger Clans after burning and pillaging; were met by soldiers from their own tribes. The violence was unparallel. Beastmen were known for their strength and savage fighting skills, the infighting split families with brothers fighting on different sides.
The Tiger Clan redirected their clansman anger at the Snake Tribe. With the drought, the Clan Elder argued they needed greater access to the river to sustain their rice paddy fields. The first week of the riots, the Tiger Clan launch a pre-emptive war against the Snake Clan, they even allied with the Eagle Clan, vassals of the Snake Tribe. The Snake Tribe was beset on three sides, they had to deal with the rioting, Tiger tribe invasion, and the Eagle Clans insurrection. The Orca Tribe, sworn ally to the Snakes, decided to focus on internal affairs, before sending aid.
In Rijilir the situation turned dire. Over 5,000 people the second week of the month, peacefully demonstrated against the price increase of rice. The protestors planned to peaceful walk to the Tribal Council, protest, and then leave and head back to their houses. The protestors were peaceful at first, but when the military was called out to break up the protestors, that's when the riot began. Shops were burned and looted. The barracks by the front gate where Will, Lawrence, and Holo were jailed were burned to ashes.
Over 5,000 protesters stormed the gate to the middle circle of Rijilir. The Bear Clan Army at first attempted to pacify the crowd, but after the first protestor was killed, rioters became belligerent. Soldiers were pelted with rocks, brushes, pots, and pans. Anything that could be picked up and thrown was tossed at the Military protecting the rich legislatures, while they suffered.
The number of rioters swelled to under 10,000 as other protestors joined en route to the military barricade. The military closed the portcullis to the middle circle. Archers threatening shot-down arrows to dissuade the protestors from approaching the gate. A company of soldiers defended the portcullis. Behind the portcullis, the military was barricading the door.
The first week of protest, in about 12 hours the outer circle had turned into chaos. Rioters took over commanding the outer circle's portcullis and allowed open entry into the city. In 12 hours, stores, warehouses, houses were damaged.
From his study window, Will could see black smoke rising into the sky. While it may have been chaotic in the outer circle, in the center circle it was peaceful. When the rioting started the Clan elders left Rijilir to deal with the rioters. Will sip tea, as the household staff busied themselves. In one week, the household staff had cleaned the mansion to pristine condition. The guards outside remained vigilant. If not for the riots, a person would think this was another beautiful Rijilir afternoon.