Chereads / Rise of a Finance Minister / Chapter 25 - Midyear Battle 4

Chapter 25 - Midyear Battle 4

In the morning, Will went downstairs to practice Tai Chi after waking. As Will practiced his routine, he found peace thinking about his master plan. However, his plans had yet to go the way he wanted. He planned to just join the Merchant Guild but was coerced joined the Knight and Mage Academies. At least he shorten his time here to two years instead of four. He planned to fly under the radar, but somehow became famous as Grandmaster Thaddeus' disciple. He did not plan to join a guild, yet he joined the same as his older brother. Instead of everything going to plan, life continued to throw him twist and turns. He was an old man, and knew life never went as planned, but he didn't think he'd be this off course. Now, all he could do was wait. Wait, for his finances to continue building as he trained and waited for summer break.

After the end of term exam, the cadets would spend two weeks on campus waiting for their exam results and preparing to head to home or on extended quest. This was a time of either great joy or sadness as cadets learned the number of points they earned and their official class rank. Cadets who earned the fewest points could be heard crying.

During the summer, when Will traveled to Guidon, he planned to visit the Guidon Land Office and inquire about storefront prices. Will hope he could own a small storefront and then begin selling products from his previous life. Will noticed this medieval era lacked games, bicycles, spices, soap and etc. He planned for his store to sell boutique goods marketed to the nobility. Using his guild contracts, he could buy low and sell high, depending on the good the markups could be 120% or more. The amount of coin he could earn kept him focus on his goal. His goal was to become a mogul once again. Yet it was fall, and the winter season was approaching, Will had yet to realize his goal. Will knew when classes were out, he had to grasp that opportunity and visit the Land Office.

As Will and Elder Thaddeus finished their last stance, they moved into the kitchen to have breakfast. Moved from the gazebo to the kitchen they could smell the tea. Only one person was allowed in Elder Thaddeus home without his knowledge and that was Elder Li. The duo walked through the patio doors Elder Li was sitting at the kitchen table with Archimedes in her lap. A tea kettle, a melon-like fruit and yogurt awaited them on the table.

"Will, I'm sorry I missed the first round of matches, I had my duties to fulfill," Elder Li said patting Archimedes.

"Please Elder Li think nothing of it," Will said sitting down eat.

"Yes, Will performed admirably," replied Elder Thaddeus.

"I expect the matches today to be significantly different, given what happened yesterday between the Golden Knights and Guardians guild members," she said.

"Yes, regretfully Vincent's malicious contempt against commoners has increased the class division in an already tense environment" Elder Thaddeus said remorsefully.

"Yes, it sad. Even worse Chole and Will are non-voluntary participant," she said.

"Excuse me," Will interjected. "May I please know what is going on," he asked.

"My disciple, in Guidon there exist a strong divide between the nobles and commoners. The Golden Knights attempts inhibit the wanton abuse of commoners by nobles, has brought the kingdom to a precipice. There is an increasing pressure on the crown from nobles who wish the Golden Knights disbanded. Many nobles fear the Golden Knights have gained too much power. Vincent's defeat by Mark and the commoners' cheers has only heighten the call to at minimum disband the Knight Academy Guild to show face to the nobles," he said.

Will had never paid much attention to Fermion's politics. Will's father was more concerned on guarding his barony, especially the river boundary, then kingdom politics. In the barony, Will noticed that there was little divide between his family and the people living in the barony. Now, in the city Will began to understand how politics was interwoven into almost every action and interaction. Will felt fortunate to find out learn this dispute now, rather than later and cause damage to his reputation.

"Will defeat of Asher, and being Jason's younger brother, has given hope to some nobility to quench Mark's spotlight and remind people of noble's superiority," Elder Thaddeus said.

Will frowned, missed the days of orientation when he skated by under the limelight.

"That is why I intend to talk to Will about his strategy dealing with Mark?" Elder Thaddeus said to Elder Li then to Will.

"Master, I was not aware of any of this, and my aim is to stay out of politics, " Will said. Will was not kidding. He held a deep mistrust for politics. In Will's past life he had bribed officials to create or sustain tax breaks or tax cuts. Governments were always trying to take money away from rich and redistribute those funds either to the government projects or welfare. In Will's past life, he was not a trust fund baby. His dad was firefighter, and his mom was a nurse. When his father died on the job, Will started working as soon as he could to help his mother. He worked hard and put himself through college, Will earned his fame and fortune. But politicians were elected crooks who stole from the rich to line their own pockets. The last thing Will wanted to do, was be entangle in politics at 13 years old.

"Yes, I know. But this is an inevitability, and thus we must discuss how to handle this situation," lamented Elder Thaddeus.

The trio discuss options and alternatives, never settling on firm choice. During this strategy meeting, Will rarely spoke. Elder Li and Elder Thaddeus discussed battle strategy, but also rhetoric. It was clear Guild Master Raymond was under intense pressure, yet neither was sure how he would instruct Mark to perform during the semi-finals. Their discussion lasted the entire morning, and before they knew it, it was time to begin the semi-final rounds.

The trio left the Mage Academy and walked across the street to the Knight Academy. Outside the academy was a festive mode. Street vendors sold meat, bookies took bets, and barbs sang about the victories and defeats of cadets. As trio walked across the street, people parted like Moses did the red sea, and some in the crowd clapped or yelled Will's name. As the trio entered the academy, they were stopped by a group of well-dressed men.

"Excuse us Grandmaster Thaddeus and cadet William vont Ballard, we were hoping for a moment of your time. Beast woman please leave us alone," a smug looking fat man said.

Nodding her head, Elder Li left us to walk further into the academy.

A tall, skinny man spoke first. He was the best dressed and seemed slightly kinder. "Young William, let us introduce ourselves. I am Timothy vont Alms the Guidon City Lord, and these two by side Dwight von Wright, Vincent's father, and Earnest vont Washington," he said overly proud of his title.

Vincent's father was the rude man who sent off Elder Li like a pet. Vincent's father was a baron whose barony was in close proximity to the village. Will learned a long time ago that not all barons were equals. The closer a barony was to a city, the greater the status one had. The vont Wright's proximity to Guidon made gave them higher status than Will's parents. Regardless of what they were about to say, Will already disliked this people. Yet, he did his best to keep a stern face. Will had learn how to keep an expressionless face, because it served well to confuse opponents.

The City Lord, seeing Will not getting excite about his visit confused him. Once people saw him on the streets either they would cower or attempt to befriend him. Yet, this 13-year-old boy was not giving him any face. He could not tell what Will was thinking, and that shocked him the most.

"Listen Will when you fight Mark, we'd like for you win overwhelmingly and…if able permanently injure Mark. Please know you'll be well compensated, we're prepared to offer you 50 gold for your victory and another 50 if you damage or kill Mark," the City Lord finished.


Will was stunned. However deceitful were these people. Before Will could reply, Elder Thaddeus spoke

"Gentlemen we thank you for supporting Will. Will accepts patrons, but your request demeans me as his master. I have taught Will to fight hard regardless of opponent; moreover, Will's knightly morals inhibit him from accepting coin for payment," he lied.

"My how virtuous, I'd did not think anyone aspired to those antiquated ideals anymore," wheezed out Dwight von Wright. "How admirable," he said dejectedly

Thanks to Elder Thaddeus' lie, they were able to avoid the vile nobles and enter the waiting room. Will was the last enter and saw the five other sitting on chairs speaking with Master Rolf.

"Great now that the last one of you runts is here, let's begin. For the first round Mark and Evan will fight; followed by Chole and Samuel; and then Vincent and Will. In the second round, Mark will battle Samuel; Chole will battle Will; and Evan and Vincent will battle. In the third round the matches are Vincent versus Chole; Samuel versus Evan; and Mark versus Will. Do your best to win and try your best no to kill each other out there," Marshall Rolf said. He directed that last sentence at Will looking him in the eyes.

Mark and Evan walked out the tunnel to the battle stage, while the other four students waiting. It was obvious to everyone that Mark's first two battles were against commoners. Will thought this was an ingenious to lessen the animosity between the two classes. While they were sitting, they could hear the crowd cheering and shouting outside.

Vincent looked at Will, purposely not acknowledging Grace and Evan, and spoke, "Will I do not like you, but as the only nobles present it is our duty to win at all costs. Do not be afraid to injure these people, it is ultimately their goal to serve us as their betters."

Immediately the room tense, and Will could cut the tension with a knife. Once again, Will was unexpectantly thrust into a conversation, that he had no intention of being in. Trying his best to figure away out, he decided to mimic Elder Thaddeus lie.

"Vincent as nobles we are called to be moralist and, on the battlefield, we are equal until the winner is announced victorious," the lie burned his lips as he spoke them.

"Oh, you belief in the ancient laws of nobility, how curious and here I thought you were a modern man," Vincent looked at me strangely.

Looking at Grace and Evan, I could tell the tension was gone. But they still looked at Vincent with killing intent. When Vincent saw me looking at them and turned his head to stare at them both Grace and Evan faces turned nonchalant.

After an hour, Mark and Evan returned to through the tunnel. Mark had won, but Evan had done well to showcase his sword skill and enhancements. As they sat down Chole and Samuel were called to the stage.

The four young men sat quietly, not a word was spoken. Often occasion Mark would look at Will and want to speak, but Vincent would raise his head to listen, and Mark would decide it best to keep quiet.

After a short 20 minutes, Chole and Samuel returned. Samuel's shadow assassin technique caught Grace unexpectantly and the match ended abruptly. Seeing them returning, Will and Vincent rose and headed out the tunnel to the battle stage.

As Will walked out the tunnel, he saw coliseum was more crowded than yesterday. Fans and vendors sat in rows of benches waving guild flags and shouting chants. This reminded Will of a World Cup game The volume in the coliseum was maddening. Will and Vincent walked to the stage, bowed to the crowd, each other and the referee.

At the sound of the bell, Vincent flew at Will, he wanted to attack Will before he cast [rock armor], but Vincent did not realize how fast Will's casting time improved. Will [rock armor] had covered him, before Vincent was across floor, Will also cast [earthquake]. As Vincent was running forward, he fell into the open earth. Will pressed his advantage and thrust his sword at Vincent's neck. Using his dexterity, Vincent wiggled and jump out of the medium size gap in the earth. If practice Will's [earthquake] was longer and deeper, but it was still not deep enough to swallow a man whole. Instead, his [earthquake] could only burry someone waist deep.

As Vincent shot out of the hole like a rocket, Will cast [earth spike] where Vincent was expected to land. Unlike his spells, Will had gotten proficient with this spell and meter tall sharp fangs awaited Vincent as he fell to the ground. As Vincent struggled to change his direction, Will waited strike the match ending blow. As Vincent flopped in midair trying to blow himself just a centimeter away from field of eight sharp spikes. He landed just millimeters away from a spike, but gravity forced him land hard and a spike scratched his back, a vertical line of blood from his lower back to the top of his neck was visible. Flitching from the pain, Vincent wasn't aware Will was directly in from of him. Vincent raised his head, only to see Will shove a sword through his left lung clear to his back.

Vincent stared at Will, not once was Vincent able to press his advantage or control the battle. After Vincent's burst of speed, he was on defense. Vincent never expected that Will had improved to his much, to this degree in three months. Vincent realized at that moment, that he had lost to both Mark and Will twice and his air of superiority cut his psyche like a knife through butter. He fell to the ground, shaking, both from the loss of blood and shock. In total the match was brief lasting less than 20 minutes. After Vincent took the recovery drug, they left the stage to head to the tunnel.

Since this was the semi-finals everyone's trumps cards that they saved, unlashed on full display. However, Will was sure that Mark and Chole still had other cards they have yet to display.