Chereads / Rise of a Finance Minister / Chapter 16 - Intermediate Mage

Chapter 16 - Intermediate Mage

Will woke up refreshed but he stayed in bed staring at the ceiling.

'Master Thaddeus,' Will thought.

That was his master, it would take some time for me to get used to repeating that phrase comfortably out loud. Teacher or professor, he called his instructors in the past, but calling someone master would take some getting used to.

Yet, he had no choice to continue to act as a 13-year-old medieval boy, instead of as an elderly man from technical advanced era.

He sat up in bed, awaiting the joy and pain today would bring. Yesterday, saw the burgeoning of his economic empire. But he still had to meet his scholastic responsibilities.

As hung Will's feet over the bed and stretched. Getting up slowly, he thought about returning to the bed for another hour. But, he was hungry and wanted breakfast more than sleep. Will got dressed and went to the dining hall to eat.

Sitting at the table, we're his fellow Stag Cadets came set at the table with me. Mark, Anne, Chloe, Evan, Sarah, Grace, and the rest said down and congratulated him on finding a master. If only they knew what was instore for me.

"I can't believe a grandmaster, agreed to teach a second-class noble like you! The great spellsword, the only Knight and Mage graduate, will be your master. How, how, did you get so lucky. Grandmaster Thaddeus is only second to the Mage and Knight headmasters. What did you do to get noticed? The grandmaster has never taken an apprentice is over 300 years. Why did he choose you, you, over me?" Vincent said with venom.

Will had no idea his master had such accolades. He just thought he was a librarian. Besides being a grandmaster mage, he knew nothing else about him. For him a grandmaster mage and Master of Libraries was extraordinary enough. Vincent's listing Master Thaddeus biographical achievements put my mind at ease about the array. Yet, after Vincent's rant didn't even give Will cause to look up from my meal.

"Probably because our commander is a genius scholar!" said Sarah.

Will looked at her curiously and though, 'is that what people say about me behind my back. Oh great, people think I'm a giant nerd. I did not know how to respond.'

"Thank you, Sarah, but please don't feel the need to defend me, your support is enough" Will said thanking her.

Sarah blushed and immediately looked down. Seeing her face flush, made my body fell excitement. Oh no, puberty! Puberty was terrible enough on Earth, but to repeat it on Terra, thanks but no thanks. However, he was glad that my new body had the vitality that I lost in my old age.

Will finished breakfast and walked to the library to begin my work. Walking behind the library desk still felt awkward, but he diligently sat at my desk and started on my work. After about half an hour, Elder Li came out of her office and greeted me.

"Congratulations on gaining Elder Thaddeus as your master. The grandmaster is not here, however he told me he will meet you tonight. He is currently at the Mage's Academy talking to the headmaster. A lot of eyes are on you now, many people have reached out to both academies requesting information on you and why your master choose you as his disciple," Elder Li did her best to comfort me.

"Elder Li this news is regretful, my goal was not to stand out at the academy," Will replied truthfully,

Elder Li laughed at him and looked deeply into my eyes, and said, "That was exactly was you stood out."

Will could do nothing but hold his head in shame. His plan had backfired and now his family and him were gaining attention.

Will nodded at Elder Li acknowledging my mistake and returned to work. When doing tedious work repeatedly, two things tend to happen: one, time flies by as you zoon out; or two, time seems to drag on forever. Today, felt like option two. One hour felt like six. Watching the clock above Elder Thaddeus' office, each second felt like an hour. The last ten minutes of my shift, felt like an eternity. After my first shift ended, Elder Li came out of her office and handed me the book on arrays.

Will sat at my desk and opened the loaned book from the Mage's Academy. The book was entitled [A Beginners Manual to Arrays]. The book explained that an array was a magic circle with magic symbols inscribed within. Arrays varied in size, patterns, and formations, but all arrays were magic circles with inscribed magic symbols. According to the beginner manual some scholars prefer the term runes to symbols, but the characters never changed.

Arrays worked by taking in ambient or environment mana to manipulate the laws of nature. However, arrays needed an initial power source. Almost like a match ignites a fire. Chants could activate arrays, but for larger arrays chanting alone was not sufficient. There were only two options, first increase the number of mages to chant, or second use mana cores. Once a mana cores was cracked or crushed, ambient mana would be sucked in triggering the array below.

Arrays varied in function as well. Most arrays focused on either protection or defense. Mages could create a defense array to suppress an opponent's strength, magic power, or form a barrier of protection. Offensive arrays could kill opponents or increase our own strength.

To draw a beginner array two things were needed gold dust and beast cores. The standard array used gold dust, but silver dust could be used for weak temporary arrays. For stronger long lasting large arrays mithril or ademantite dust was preferable. Although in Terra ademantite was considered a legendary metal and very rarely grinded to dust. Although, according to academy history the protective barrier around the Knight's Academy was made using ademantite dust. If that was true, the cost would have been astonishing.

Once the outer circle is drawn, mages need to carefully make sure each symbol was perfect inscribed. A symbol drawn poorly or out of place may lead to disaster. The book provided beginner arrays for the reader to try. For example, it provided a temporary barrier spell for dorm room.

There were thousands upon thousands of different arrays and recommend caution when confronting or making magic circles. Most arrays were widely known, like a protection barrier used my merchant shops. But there were ways to counter or bypass well known arrays, but it took a mage to successfully pull them off. Yet, the most dangerous or secretive arrays required a grandmaster to pass them down. For example, only the King's mage new the symbols for the castle's protective barrier.

Finally, the book ended with a dire that arrays should be drawn in the present of an experienced teacher or rune master. Hundreds of mages have died for failing to heed that warning.

Will closed the book, there was still a little time before lunch. After reading the book, he felt more confident in tonight. Elder Thaddeus was a grandmaster, and according to Vincent a very famous mage knight. Will had nothing to worry about, yet a stomach still ached at the though of something going wrong. His only desire was to live this life to my enjoyment.

He did well in college, scoring well enough to join Phi Beta Kappa honor society. At Columbia University he majored in economics and minored finance. He also studied abroad at Peking University and traveled a crossed China.

Will did what he needed in college to succeed in a competitive global market. He knew instructors and they knew him, but he was never harmed in his pursuit academic success. But this was a new world, new customs, laws, and different economy. Academic success was measured in terms of strength not course completion. Only power could guarantee peace and safety. Will bit his lip, if this why required for his gain my autonomy, he would do it.

He sat up from my next, clenching his fist in determination and walked to the dining hall. Will's newfound purpose and resolve lead me fight more aggressively in sparing practice. His stern expression and fighting prowess led some classmates to ask if he was okay. He could see worry on Sarah's face. But, new in a few hours that my life on Terra would be forever changed. This was a major life decision, like a major elective surgery on Earth, and he knew this would either hinder or clear obstacles on my road to riches.

Back at the dining hall, Will didn't chat or laugh like he normally would after a hard day of classes and questing. He stayed in the dining hall as my classmates left to return to the dorm. Only Sarah remained at the table. She looked at me wide caring eyes and said,

"Will I don't know what's troubling you today, but if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. Listen were all, mostly all, friends and we support you and each other."

Stared at Sarah, thanked her and left the dining hall and walked slowly walked to my dorm room, grabbed the dust and mana cores. I took in the night; this month could be compared to September in New York city. Even those it was night; the sun could still be seen setting over the horizon. This was the time of night when nocturnal animals were beginning to walk, and diurnal animals began to sleep.

Will hurried ran to the park, hoping he would arrive early and wait for his master to arrive. When I arrived at the park Elder Thaddeus was waiting for me.

"Master, I'm sorry I'm late. I was hoping to arrive before you," Will said bowing.

"It's fine, this old man just arrived and I taking in nature," he replied. "Now hand over the diary, dust, cores and stand over there." He pointed toward the pergola. "Watch carefully," he said.

Elder Thaddeus began drawing the magic circle with gold dust, then he drawn the symbols, and another circle with more symbols inscribe within, and finally the inside both concentric circles was a four-point star (usually drawn with cardinal directions).

"What did you notice" he quizzed me.

"I noticed for the entire circle, you never once picked up the bag with gold dust. The circle, symbols, were all connect in one curved line. But, this technique was not mentioned in the manual I read today?" Will said surprised.

"Very good! The reason you did not see in the beginner book is because this technique should only be taught to intermediate mages," Elder Thaddeus responded sternly.

"Now stand in the middle of the inner star, after I finish my chant, break the first beast core. After you break the beast core, I'll chant again. When I finish the second chant, break the last beast core." Elder Thaddeus said with encouragement.

Will moved to the center of the magic circle, with the beast cores. He looked up, nervous hell, trying to pee my pants.

Elder Thaddeus looked at me and said, "You'll be fine."

For some reason, the way he said it assured Will, more than the words he said.

Elder Thaddeus began to chant, the weather began to change, the wind blew faster. He faster he chanted the more the weather changed, Will never been in a tornado or hurricane, but I've been in a storm and this felt stronger than a storm.

Elder Thaddeus finished his chant and shout, "quick break it."

Will broke the first beast core and the array lit up like a light switch. Then he began to chant again, and the sky formed into a funnel, it looked like a cyclone was forming in the clouds over my head. I could see the cyclone over my head slowly descending toward me. His whole body froze in dread. The last thing he remembered hearing, was himself breaking the last beast core in half.

Will opened his eyes and shouted, "I'm alive."

Then he looked around and saw he was lying on the ground, turning his head to face Elder Thaddeus he asked, "what happened?"

"After you broke the last beast core, the cyclone descended into your mana core. What I want to know is if the spell worked? I was always curious about this array," he said.

"What! You weren't sure if this array was actually going to work or not?" Will said incredulously.

"Well, everything looked alright, but no, I've never used this array before," but it seems you turned out no worse for your wares." But did the spell work? Do you have whirlpool in your mana pool?"

Will sat up on the grown and looked inward at my mana pool. Sure, enough there was a whirlpool. He could feel body sucking ambient manner faster than ever before. It felt like his mana pool while not large, felt like a roaring whirlpool consuming and colossal amount of mana every second.

"Yes, it worked!" Will responded excitedly.

"Try your rock armor spell," Elder Thaddeus instructed.

Will cast rock armor; the spell was cast instantaneously. Then he cast rock spike, and sharp spike jutted out of the grown.

Next, he cast earth wall and a meter long dirt wall rose from the ground. He could not believe it. All my spells were cast easily.

Then he cast fertile land on the nearest shrubs, but nothing happened, but Will could feel the mana leave my body. He jumped for joy, and yelled in excitement.

"Well done disciple, you cast apprentice level terramancer spells. I shall tell you that your progress was slower than first mages. Many terramancer are already on their intermediate spells.

It looked like you are finally on par. Also, from now on start with the easier spells, then begin right away with the most difficult. Start with meteor this time. Try imagining turning a rock spike into a rock ball and then shoot it in the sky," Elder Thaddeus explained.

Will thanked him bowing and began walking to the norm with a smile on my face.

"Wait, young cadet, there is more explain. As my disciple, and with the success of this array. You have been admitted into the Mage's Academy as well.

The good news is that you tested out of your first- and second-year history and magic theory classes as well. However, you shall still be considered a first-year wizard. Here is your Mage's Academy pin, recognizing you as a first-year mage.

From now on after breakfast you will join me at my house to practice magic. Here is my address, your new pin shall grant you access to the Mage's Academy.

From now you'll live with me for the next three month. If your progress is satisfactory, you'll spend another three month. This agreement will last until the end of the academic year.

You of course, may leave to complete your quest and guild work. I'll only allow you spend the two summer months unsupervised.

During those two summer months, I'll give you a quest and you must complete that quest to return to the academy as my disciple!

Please pack your belongings and arrive at my house last day of weekend to begin your discipleship," Elder Thaddeus commanded.

Will bowed again and ran home to sleep. All he could think about was how his father would be excited when he learned Will was enrolled in the Mage's Academy. As Will ran to his dorm, he opened my screen.

Name: William vont Ballard

Race: Human

Rank: 0

Class: Merchant

Sub Class:







Ranks Skills: Management (23), Diplomacy (23), Accounting (43)

Class Skills: Appraisal (1, 100)

Abilities: Apprentice Swordsmanship (12, 25), Apprentice Terramancer (10, 25)