I reincarnated and then I died again, so now I’m a skeleton, I guess.

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So, i'm kinda having problems continuing this story right now, i have ideas but after writing for a bit i end up not liking that i introduced a game-like system in to this novel and feel i would write it better without it, i just get so hung up on being specifically consistent and accurate with stats and skills that it gets me stuck in a rut.

Honestly i've got three choices.

1 - Try to keep going.

2 - Go through and rewrite it without the system, i'm not too many chapters in so this isn't impossible.

3 - Drop it, write another story, since this is a story i ad-libbed off a simple idea i have others i want to write, but i'm lost really.

Does anyone actually want to see the continuation of this story? or would you rather see something else?

Thanks to those that actually read this.