(Back to Okami's Perspective.)
Just a slight recap. Okami went inside the throne and met Red. Red killed La Finta, and now the rangers are coming to get him. This is where I will start. Enjoy~
"You killed... King Arthur…" Those were the last few words thrown by the old lady to Red. She was fiendish, but a kind, grumpy and ancient woman. La Finta was that kind of girl.
I can still remember La Finta and her rangers tried capturing me from before after snatching the fountain of life from them. I won the casino game, so I had to take what they offered. The elves wanted it back, but I refused, and the story went on. But that was not my concern right now.
The elf's body fell to my side. La Finta's body was heavy, like a rock that had cracked from above. I caught her motionless vessel with my readied hands. She tried talking to me for the last time.