"The majority of the City States are ruled by the Covens, can you guess which ones"?
Heelas question comes from behind the shower archway, I stare at the map of Zefria she placed on the desk.
The sound if her bathing tempts me to use fast thinking, instead I appreciate the moment for what it is, and let it go.
I bathe my soul in the river sin while looking at the large map, taking up the whole of the five foot wide desk.
"Zence, as it is on the western side of little mountain, near the flat lands and forests, along with rivers and streams that flow from the Shalamanda currents".
"I am sure the traders bring with them rich resources".
I point to seven other southern city states, they either have port access or they are built along rich natural deposits, like mountains and forests.
The Kingdoms are in between like large trade hubs.
Following that logic I mentally identify other Covens not on the map, the hidden ones.