Today is a special day.
It isn't what I am doing, it is what I am not.
Pookie beat the living shit out of us.
He whooped us like cream and butter and didn't stop until we all frothed up at the mouth.
No one was safe, not even the slippery Rane.
It took him not even fifteen minutes to make every recruit regret coming to the Rangers fold.
The only good thing that came out of it is a few days off.
We are told the next hard time would be the following sunset.
Se we have a whole two nights and days to ourselves.
Just like all the others I had my sword taken away.
It is the morning after and I am as sore as everyone else.
The only difference is that I am at the firepits alone.
The sun rises on a new day as I strum my Rata.
My humming greets the sun, gratefulness washes over me as the warmth of the yellow light kisses my bruised and broken skin gently.
"I had a vision plain and true".