Chapter 74 - Void

I look at Satan who is smiling like any other middle age old man you see on the neighbor, if not for his devilishly handsome look, any other girl will call him pervert that`s for sure.

"Me and Satan need to go somewhere, we will be back before the night party start." I said and stand and take a step then I appear in the middle of a forest and Satan also appear before me.

"What`s the update about the job I entrusted to you?" I asked and he scratch his nose, this is bad... the last time he did this was when he attack our allied force and destroy them to the very foundation. "If your gonna tell me that you blow our whole town clean, then your gonna get punished." I said seriously but he shook his head.

"Well... I make an entrance for the void." He said and that`s good. "But the bad news is, it`s too small." He said then show me the graphic. "And the pulling power is too strong, that place will tear anyone apart if we tried to accessed it, not to mention life, I`m sure not even the Will will survive." He said but I shook my head.

"You have no idea how resilience the void can be, not even my full power attack can put a dent on it, let me see." I said and we teleported at the town and he escorted me on the room and in the middle is a thing smaller than a dot, but the formation to stop it from sucking everything is no joke at all.

"It`s too powerful, I open a little dot to enter the void but it`s sucking power almost eat me away, luckily I pulled myself away." He said and show me his right arm and his hand is already gone, but because of his regeneration ability it`s coming back but too slow.

"All the magic power from this room and even my own is almost sucked in, that thing is dangerous." He said and I smile and activate the Authority of the Three Realms and grab the void, then soon it`s under my control and stop sucking. "It`s a great start, you could research more about this thing, but never ever take out the magic I put, or else everything will get sucked inside." I said and he nod and I give it to him.

When it comes to research like this, it`s better to let Satan handle it, after all his greatest ability is on how fast his mind works, his a natural born researcher, and a genius, luckily his not an enemy, or else...

"Anyway, I will let you have accessed with the Three Authority, use it wisely, don`t just make a gargantuan void space or else we`re all dead, this world will be sucked on the void and vanish forever." I said and he nod then three golden claw like scratch appear on his arm.

"With this power I have now more chances to survive, With the power with the Three Authority, I think I can make a bigger much stable void space." He said and I nod. "When your doing that, find a way if we can use void magic, I`m pretty interested on that kind of unknown magic." I said and he nod, after that we go to his little laboratory where his researching many things, I look at his book containing what he had found about the void, I look at all his logs and was shock on what I found.

"Hey, Satan if you found out that we can use void magic, don`t let anyone know before I do, this magic is too dangerous for anyone who possessed it." I said and he nod and wear his glasses, I understand that when he enter his zone no one could disturb him, I`m pretty much the only person received an answer when his having the time of his life. "Don`t forget to eat and take a bath, I don`t want to find out that your here rotting also... don`t blow our place up." I said and he only nod, and I put down the book and leave his place, but before I close the door I look back and smile wryly, there are many things that could change, but my General`s enthusiastic side never change.

"I`ll find a way to summon the twin so we have more helper at hand." I murmured and finally close the door let him be then teleported back, I saw them all laughing and some kids even dueling with Rafti on the garden, and she`s pretty much enjoying herself, and the kids love playing with her, but then suddenly Evil want to join but Rafti pulled Lilith up and Evil stopped attacking.

"Smart move." I said and Nefra chuckled and look at me shocked. "How come you just appear?" She said and I chuckled. "Don`t tell me you guys never heard of the Teleportation Magic." I said and jumped away.

"So what happen?" Lucia asked. "A little bit of a problematic event, although it`s been resolved already, there is a possibility that it can happen again." I said and Lucia just play with her wine.

"I wish Satan would not make a mistake, after all it`s not your ordinary fire Satan is playing right now." She said and I nod. "Until Satan finished what he was doing, I need at least two or more guarding Satan." I said and Lucia nod.

"Evil is always at the house and I can just be at home for now, since my creations already lay their foundations, I think I can relax for a few months or so, as long as nothing major happened, I could talk to Santarea and Micalagua that they can`t always play around." Lucia said and I nod.

I look around and when I saw my people having fun in this small garden.. an idea popped in my head. "Should we make a garden park in the town? I mean something like this?" I asked and Icy almost spit what she was drinking then glare at me.

"You know what your thinking is quite scary, all the flowers and plants in that paradise is all like treasures wherever you go! and your thinking of using the flowers and plants so valuable to make a simple little garden?! By any chance can I rob all the flower in that park? I would love to do so!" She said and I smirk and look at them.

"Few fruit threes and flowers is enough, I don`t mind you try robbing but when the fairies, pixies and the bees chase you out of the town we will not interfere." I said and she is now much more frustrated and Woody chuckled.

"My dear sister, those little creatures would gang up upon you, and even if you are a powerful dragon, I`m sure you can`t get away from them unharmed." She said and I nod, I`ve seen ones that there is a Devil Beast that escape and reach the town but when that beast stomp on one of the flower and the bees swarmed that beast is almost unrecognizable, because of it`s swallowing body, and the pixies even start poisoning the poor thing, then the fairies buried it and it become fertilizer, since that happen no one ever messed with the flowers and plants in any place, the wrath of those little creatures is not something anyone want to experience, even I shiver when I see the Beast, since then Micalagua`s and Santarea`s group start guarding the town tightly for that traumatize event never to happen ever again.

"Anyway, it`s hard to find sweet to trade with them! not to mention those bees like more flowers! I always offer many seeds for few flowers from them! they are too stingy! I mean it literally!" Icy said and everyone chuckled, their nest is near at the dungeon entrance also, and it`s almost as big as a three now.

After our little bit talking we see Rafael going on our direction, what would this stupid new Emperor want now?

"Should we prepare a banquet here? many kids from different noble family is getting envious with the other kids here." He said I just nod. "This is your coronation party, enjoy your day." I said and he nod and clap his hand, and when a little banquet appear many kids start running on the garden and start playing with the little elven kids, I saw few mothers and maids also follow them, since everyone here wear elegant cloths, and they all look divine, no one ever suspected that they are just towns people, and the other mom start talking with the elves and maid watch the kids.

"A truly peaceful time." I murmured and close my eyes and feel the breeze, I wish this kind of peaceful atmosphere will never change.