In front of us is this person the so called Duke Bellard, his full of bruises his face is quite swollen, well I`m sure the Royal Knight get rough on him, since he tried to assassinate the Royal Princess.
"You guys are too rough, what if you killed the Duke?" I said but of course my world is full of sarcasm and I move in front of the Duke. "Are you alright Duke Bellard? This Knight is too harsh right?" I said and offer my hand and he smile and touch my hand.
"Wrong move." Lucia said and giggled then soon his body suddenly on fire literally that shocked many people until he turned to dust and I snap my finger and his body started to rebuild, then he appeared again naked and panting. "How does it feel? Dying I mean." I said smiling and he look with me with a shock covering his face but all his bruise is gone now.
"That`s only your first death, you have a very long list of death because you offended me." I said then he moved back. "I don`t even know you!" He said and I nod.
"Of course you don`t know me! But you targeted my god child! your so dead to me!" I said and he look at the royal family and saw the baby being carried by her mother. "What don`t tell me you don`t recognize the person you ordered to kill?" I said and he gulped and look at me.
"I demand an explanation! who targeted who?! I never do such a thing!" He said and I chuckle, his face is full of fear yet his trying to lie to me! "Shut it! You don`t need a damn explanation but since you like it, let me show you and let me helped you feel every single pain that assassin received." I said and pointed my finger, all that assassin`s feeling and experience at that time enter in this useless duke and I can see a tear finally fall in his hand.
"That`s what the assassin experience, your will be worse! I save that little girl although on a whim, but you know what I hate the most?" I asked and I smirk. "Someone touching what I protect and saved, I really hate it!" I said and his face turned paler by the second.
"Here have some of this, you will need it." I said and give him a piece of candy also I already the curse I made for him. "Nether Worms?" Santarea said and I nod, that`s right I made Nether Worms inside of his body, this creature never stop to nibble flesh until nothing remain since I enhance his body`s sensitivity and put a regeneration magic inside of him this thing will continue to eat him until the regeneration magic stopped.
"What if this bastard died from pain?" Micalagua asked and we all look to this Duke. "Died with pain? That`s impossible! his body and mind will not breakdown no matter what! The Regeneration Magic I put in his body will never stop until the die he reach his natural death." I said and the girls laugh and I look at the Knight.
"Throw the mother fcker in the dungeon, locked it completely! Don`t send food, this person will never die after all!" I said and the two knight look at me with reverence and picked the duke.
"Take everything that Former Duke Bellard owned! Kill all those who will try to stop your mission, let the men on their family worked in the mine! and for those woman? Send them all to the Slave market faraway from here!" The Crown Prince said and when Duke Bellard heard that he tried to struggle!
"No! no! No! They have nothing to do on this! it`s all on me!" He said but the crown prince look him in the eyes... rather the crown prince is glaring to him. "First you make my daughter suffer! now this! I had enough of this! sooner or later you will tell whose your accomplice to this, and I`ll root them all, they will follow the same faith as you!" He said and the Duke laugh hysterically.
"For a half blood prince right you dare to sit on the throne! no noble will accept this! My Nolan Empire will never accept a half blood prince like you become the Emperor! His Highness is far more better than you!" He said laughing while being dragged by the knight away from the Throne Room, and before the door close I heard his scream the worms probably start to nimble his flesh.
"What does he mean by that?" I asked but the Crown Prince smile sadly. "I am not a pure human, my mother is an angel, that`s why they are calling me half blood prince." He said but this is puzzling.
"Isn`t angels the god`s messenger?" I asked and he nod. "But the noble never believed in angels, well not all of them, many of them believed that wealth is power." He said and I nod, naturally wealth is power, but there is the one called absolute power.
"Then who`s this his highness his talking about?" I asked and He smile sadly. "His my older half brother, his suppose to be the crown prince but he initiated a coup, my father exiled him when he failed because of treason, but many nobles in the Nolan Empire still like him, because of his iron fist! in his time as the crown prince, money in the Nolan Empire plummet, but the army become bigger, those noble liked it very much because he bought many of their weapons to start wars against many empire, it is our darkest time, if he don`t stopped at that time, the whole Human Continent will be our enemy! many of our businesses at that time started to shut down because of him." He said and I nod, well that`s not different than I know, money will flow faster when there is war, and those noble see it as a great thing because all the golds are falling in their arms, they probably waiting for the Empire to weaken and then they will swoop in like vultures and hyenas.
"But his a great ruler..." He murmured and suddenly a smile appear on his lips. "I have that option do I?" He said to himself and I facepalmed, I think I know what is running on his mind right now.
"Your not thinking of finding your brother and make him the new Emperor do you?" I said but the chances of this his thinking is beyond 100%. "Well I mean I am happy that I am the crown prince, as long as I don`t give my dear big brother enough fund to start another war it`s alright right?" He said, knew it! the Emperor probably don`t hear what his talking about, because his still immersed on the baby girl, I shook my head on this event, the old Emperor doesn`t have a clue that his Empire will soon be in fire because of this two brothers, one want only a peaceful life with lots of money while the other want war with lots of power!
"I mean his pure human, not like me! his a perfect candidate!" He said and laugh with full of malice! "I`ll make a perfect puppet Emperor with that muscle brain brother of mine!" He murmured, and it`s probably what his supposed to be thinking but come out from his mouth.
"Luckily I don`t have a brother." I said weakly and shook my head, soon the Emperor walked to the two of us smiling holding his grand daughter. "Lord Guardian, thank you for aiding us this fast." He said and I nod and he look at his son.
"Tomorrow will be your coronation! clean all this mess when you become Emperor..." He said and his eyes suddenly was filled with heart. "Your mother will come home after all!" He said and his son look him shocked! What so shocking about a mother coming home when you will become Emperor?
"I thought she can`t come down from the heaven? after all she only leave her clone here to tend to all the businesses on the Empire and our company." He said and the Emperor laugh. "I don`t know how she can get home, although the heaven forbid her going down in person because of the rules, she probably make some loopholes! you know you mom is great at finding loopholes!" He said laughing, oh great! just great! an angel will come down! and my people is here! they hate anyone connected to the heaven after all, this will be a mess!
"Anyway, we have finish our job here, deal with the problem and weed out those who are not needed, I don`t want something to happen to my little Heroic Baby till she grow up." I said.
"Wait! Lord Guardian we have a party tonight." Crown Prince said but I shook my head. "Dealing with you from the royal family is a big pain in the a*s already, those other noble I don`t want too." I said and yawn but then again there almost all the people from the Town is here. "But send food on the courtyard, those people surely want to taste the human foods." I said and he nod.
"And don`t even think that we will stand tomorrow on the podium where you will crowned, we will be part of the crowd tomorrow, and watch from afar." I said and tap his shoulder. "I wish you to be a great Emperor, until you reach my standard you can`t quit as an Emperor." I said before leaving, I don`t want to see that this idiot suddenly passed the throne to that brother of him that I don`t know who! we after all get many things from this Empire and by the sound of his brother, it`s a drag dealing with his older brother.