I go out and look at the person I ones killed, he has this calm demeanor that looks like can`t be tainted, but to all people I fought, even the old Demon Lord of Greed is nothing to this person`s greediness, a person I ones fought side by side and at the end betray me and framed me up.
"It`s been a while since I saw a face that I knew." He said and I flew up to stand in front of him and smile. "Yup, it`s been ages Human Emperor, how`s my old friend?" I asked this kind of fake talk? He should know that I want to smash his face and I am sure he is also want to smash my face.
"I am good my friend, it`s really been ages, I see that you have been killed? So who win the War?" He asked and I shook again. "If your asking who is the last person standing that probably me, all races perished in that war, not even a single speck of intelligent life survived in that grand war." I said and from his hand a spear appear, I know that spear real well the Human`s Salvation, a spear used to destroy anyone in his way, I helped gathering some of the material of that spear.
"I see, I guess in the end you did not win." He said and pointed the spear in my face. "If you consider standing at the top of corpses the winner then I win, I stand at the top of the war you yourself started." I said and in my chest three glowing scars look like appear the middle one is bigger though, and I can see shock in his eyes.
"I don`t know why you came in this land Human Emperor, but I will warn you never stand on my way again, or even thinking of ruling this world for your old self greed. Because I will make sure you will not show any mercy this time, You will wish that you should not be reborn when you die in the Three Worlds." I said then I grab the spear and break it into pieces and I look him again in the eyes but this time with my infinite killing intent.
"I am not the naive Hero you ones knew, not like you I have my people to protect now, threaten my little happiness and you will know the power of the Three Worlds combined into one." I said and in a blink of an eye I am few inches away from him. "Go back to where you came from, and never appear again." and clench my fist.
"And also... clench your teeth, it is painful to smash in the spatial walls after all!" I said and make sure my punch connected in his face and I saw how his body and soul separated and his soul break the spatial wall, I heard many bangs before it suddenly stop and the spatial walls fic itself in seconds, then I grab his body in the neck and go down, I look around and saw all the people was shocked.
"You can break a spatial walls just like that?" The Emperor asked and the three golden scars look like vanish in my chest. "Yup, I send the mother fucker back to where he came from! if his planning on returning then I am here waiting! that person don`t know how to control his greed! let me see what use is his great in the end of freaking Multi Universe!" I said and Lucia and Santarea giggled.
"Who is that anyway?" The Crown Prince asked and I look him in the eyes. "That person is the cost of three worlds going to war on each other, that is the only thing you should know, and never trust those summoned hero, if I am not mistaken, some of them is his people." I said and walked inside and everyone give me way.
"I know that many new heroes are strong and unruly, but I don`t think some of them could be trusted." The Emperor said and I chuckled and the other two laugh. "Some of those creatures maybe former demon lords, gods or heroic emperors, and some of them will hide their true motive to one day bare their fang to sip your blood dry, but I guess it`s your decision also to trust them or not, I already warn you." I said and I smirk.
"If you by any chance lead your empire to destruction don`t you dare get my help, and if problem you can`t solve arise because of them, by any means I will take the little girl and let your bloodline continue, other than that we can sign a trading agreement, of course we need mutual agreement, I still need many things for my town after all." I said and throw him a stone.
"That is a communication stone, if you want to sell something you could asked me first, I will listed what we need to bought." I said and the Emperor nod and I snap my finger and me and my people float again.
"I enjoy the party though, invite us in her next birthday, for now we need to leave, right now we need to prepare in something that can rain down from the unknown." I said and using my own energy to travel I teleported back to the city and look to my generals, of course they gather fast and even the leaders of different race that live here, of course I still have the Human Emperor`s body, I am planning to consume it for myself.
"We have a slight change of plans, I want you guys to amass war weapons, a problem may arise in the future and we need to have power to defend our town at all cost." I said and they look on each other.
"The Human Emperor appear when we are in the Nolan Empire." Lucia said and the other three Generals become serious. "We will make preparations now." They all said in unison and vanish.
"Who is Human Emperor?" Marina asked and I take a deep breath. "The Human Emperor is the one who rule the whole Human Race in different world, his the embodiment of human fate, wit and strength, you could say in all human beings his standing at the top, and a very dangerous person who only know is greed for almost everything, his the kind of person that could kill his own parents just to gain power." I said and they all nod and leave one by one, then Satan suddenly appear ones more.
"Should we hunt them down? Those people?" Satan asked but I shook my head. "Not yet, only him appear this time, if he came back and seek something then we are ready like we did... We will again kill without mercy, but if he don`t came back and leave us alone, then that`s better, remember not like in the Three Worlds, this world is almost at peace, we will not seek another world shattering war, let`s become neutral for now, I still like the peace that this world offer." I said and Satan nod.
"As you wish your majesty." Satan said, I wish that idiot will not come back, I did not shatter his soul because of our fast friendship, but if he do something then I don`t mind shattering it and devouring his soul.
I look at the body and ingulf it in blinding light until in become as big as a finger then swallow it whole, I feel the rushing power from his body to mine, I can feel how the Three Powers started shattering it inside and turn it into my own power when I open my eyes newly found power came from the Human Emperor rush to me.